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Reading : cup of tea

The key point of this extract is to highlight the intricate and interconnected nature of
economies. It illustrates how everyday actions, like using an electric kettle, involve a
complex web of processes, from resource extraction and manufacturing to marketing and
distribution. Many people are unaware of these complexities, emphasizing the hidden
mechanisms that underpin even simple daily activities.
Comprehension :

1. Robyn saw an example from the economy sector.

• Robyn looks from great heights is the factory and the store.
Office, bus and train.
It all refers to the tertiary sector.

2. - Advertising products = the tertiary sector

-Calculating price = the secondary sector
-distributing added value = the tertiary sector
-marketing products = the secondary sector
- smelting iron = the secondary sector
- assembling = the secondry sector
- cutting metal = the secondary sector
-Laying cables = the secondary sector
-Milling metal = the secondary sector
-Pressing metal = the secondary sector
-Transportation = the tertiary sector
-Building = the secondary sector
-digging iron are = the secondary sector
-Maintenance = the tertiary sector
-Minning coal = the secondary sector
-Pumping oil = the secondary sector
-Welding metal = the secondary sector
3.-Selling food
-sewing clothes
-creating mask
Discussion :
1. If asked to choose a sector for me to work I intend to choose a slider to work in one of
the restaurants. Why did I pick a restaurant? Since I thought that working there would
be in my own right. I can certainly serve well and kindly to newcomers who visit us to
eat here and also meet new or different people each seemed interesting enough
if I worked at the restaurant later on.
2. No one from the tertiary sector spoken to me today. And so do people from the
primary and secondary sectors.
3. Agriculture: 27.7%
Industry: 22.6%
Services: 49.6%
(2020 est.)
Because Indonesia is an agricultural country, I hope that in the future agricultural
technology in Indonesia will become more advanced and have a greater impact on
Reading : manufacturing
1. Support of manufacturing are number 3 and number 7
Support of services are number 2 and number 4
2. The most convincing statement for me is statement 7. It highlights the importance of
high-quality manufacturing that relies on specialized skills, which cannot be easily
outsourced or moved to cheaper locations. This perspective acknowledges the value
of maintaining a strong manufacturing base in advanced countries.
Vocabulary :
1. Exporting goods
2. Real estate
3. Labour
4. Delocalized
5. Outsource

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