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Posted by Don under accessory design | Tags: accessories, fashion, patternless

design, sewing |
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You buy organic, ride public transit and recycle. It’s time to achieve the truly ultimate greenlifestyle. Create your

own reusable canvas shopping tote bag to replace your plastic and paper bags.

Eco-friendly and reusable, you can design a wide-range of fashionable organic totebags — numerous styles, sizes,

and colours. These sustainable alternatives to your traditional shopping bags are often made

using hemp, bamboo or, most popular of all, organic cotton.

What you will need:

Self fabric – 1/2 yd. of 54″ width natural fibers

Contrast fabric – 3/4 yd. of 54″ width natural fibers

Matching thread

Card or Bristol board – 6″ x 18″

If you want to launder the tote, serge or zigzag the edges of the fabric, preshrink it in the washer and dryer, then

cut the bag pieces to size. (note: allow extra yardage if preshrinking)

You should have a new sewing machine needle for this project and match the size to the weight of fabric being

All seam allowances are ½” unless stated otherwise. RST = right sides together.


Step 1: No pattern is needed. From self fabric [A], cut two 25″ x 14″ panels.

From contrast fabric [B], cut one 25″ x 15″ rectangle for bottom section, two 19″ x 7″ rectangles for the base, and

a strip 54″ x 5″ for the handles.

Step 2: Fold fabric B in half lengthwise. Cut out a 2.5″ square at the lower corners of each folded end.
Step 3: For bag straps, fold strip in half lengthwise with WST and press. Open strip and fold raw edges to

centerfold. Refold strip on pressed fold. Edge-stitchalong open edge, then edge-stitchalong fold. Press. Cut in half

for handles.

Step 4: Press under top edge of each panel section (fabric A) 1-1/4″ turn. Divide top edge into thirds and mark

with a pin. Open folded edge of front panel and place face up. Align strap ends to each pin location and stitch

ends in place along edge. Repeat on back panel.

Step 5: Stitch each panel section to bottom section along its width, with RST. Press seams to one side.

Step 6: Fold body of bag in half with RST, aligning side seam at seam of contrasting fabric and at top edge

foldline. Stitch fabric pieces together on the sides and press open.

Step 7: Matching the side and bottom seams of the fabric at point X, stitch across corners.

Step 8: Turn under ¼” along bag top and turn under foldline to create a 1″ facing at the top opening. Drop

straps inside bag. Stitch facing at top edge catching the handles on the front and the back.

Step 9: Then, flip strap handles up, out of bag. Stitch 1/4″ topstitching at top edge catching handles once more to


Step 10: On each base piece, press under seam allowance on one short end. With RST, match both pieces and

stitch around edges leaving folded edge open. Grade corners. Turn right side out and slip in cardboard. Stitch

open edge closed. Drop lined base into bottom of bag to reinforce

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