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“Unexpected Fate”


narrator 1- there’s a wealthy man in the city of Italy And he has a daughter name
Celine and one day he told Celine to go return the book on the library
narrator 2-when Celine is almost on the library she bump on to someone
Vinz- IM GOING TO BE LATE!!! (running)
Celine- I need to return this book back already
Vinz- you okay?
Celine- im fine Mr.
(Narrator 2-Vinz help Celine picking-up her book’s)
Narrator 1- vinz run’s straight to his shop, then there’s a man waiting for him,
He’s shylock, he’s always the one that Vinz owes for his shop
Vinz-Shylock sir!! I will repay the debt tomorrow I promise!
Shylock-Deal is a deal, you promised to pay the money by today, and if you fail
to do so, your shop will be the payment.
Vinz- I only borrowed 50 euro’s, my shop cost more than triple!
Shylock-you should have thought of that before pledging your shop to me. Now
get out the way!!
Narrator 2- crowd’s were looking at them
Leonel- how much exactly is your debt to this man.
Narrator 1- A man approached him and helped him up from kneeling
( Narrator 2-shylock answers.)
Shylock- about 50 euro, why would you care about it in the first place.
Leo- I want to pay in his behalf.
Shylock- do as you may, as long as it gets paid
Vinz- my utmost gratitude monsieur
Leonel-my pleasure as the son of the king of Florence.
Narrator 1- Leo is the son of the king, he’s handsome as a good heart for his
Leo- Celine!! HEYY
Eleanor- Excuse me didn’t you notice me too?
Celine- Leo I heard that you help someone
Leo- Come on small things just I could impressed you *winked*
Eleanor- Excuse me the engagement is not official yet?
Narrator 1- When Leo and Celine were young, they were entrusted to marry
each other when they reached the right age for their families.
Vinz- Sir please take this as thank you gift
Leo- Thanks but let me just give this to my fiance
Narrator 2- When Leo handing the basket full of fruits on Celine Vinz spoke
Vinz- Hey aren’t you the one I bump to this morning?
Celine- Smiles on him*
Eleanor- Celine let’s go I see your cousin over there
Narrator 1- Vinz was shocked on Celine’s beauty, the beauty that he will never
Vinz-I owe you everything, how can I repay you?
Leo- Always give a flower to my girl Celine the girl you bump to this morning,
drop of the flowers every day on there doors step
Vinz- That’s all sir?
Leo- Yes that’s all and say that it’s from me his soon to be husband
Vinz- Yes sir I will start tomorrow morning
Narrator 2- Celine and Eleanor run over where Eleanor see Celine’s cousin
Kathlea that she will have a temporarily vacation here in our town in Italy
(Narrator 1-kathlea run toward celine)
Kathlea- celine its been a long time since we last met how are you?
(Narrator 2-they both hug each other)
Celine- what brings you here?
Kathlea- I miss my dearest cousin
Celine- I would like you to meet my best friend Eleanor
Eleanor- Welcome to our town Kathlea
Kathlea- Thank you, nice to meet you Eleanor
Narrator 1- The two handshakes
Kathlea- hey cel do you mind if you tour me around the town?
Celine- sorry I need to visit auntie Carmela
Kathlea- Can we come, I miss her
Celine- Of course, she would love too, aren’t you coming with us eli?
Eleanor- sorry celine I gotta go now, I need to pick up my sister at her school
Celine- see ya around then, and tell Emily I said Hi!
(Narrator 2- Celine and Kathlea Go to there aunt’s house, and told her aunt
about the kind boy he met
Carmela- I think it’s a fate dear, you guys have a 2 interaction in just one day
Kathlea- I guess Celine of Genoa have a little crush now
Celine- Hey no I don’t, I just find him kind
Carmela- Our Celine is now a big girl
Kathlea- But what about your arrange marriage to your childhood friend
Carmela- speaking of leo those the plan of his father and your father change for
you two?
Celine- I’m still not in to that plan auntie I don’t want that plan
Kathlea- Your Father would use all the money and power you would get if you
two got married
Carmela- I agree my dear he will only use all the money and power to destroy
other people and become a coward
Celine- The king is also Coward, he has many promises to his people but even
one did nothing and it happened that all his people were hungry
Kathlea- There’s no man we can trust now days
Narrator 2- After a few hours, celine and kathlea said goodbye to go home to
their house because it was getting dark.
Carmela- Yes it’s getting dark outside
Kathlea- Celine before we go home can we go to the town I just really want to
Carmela- You girls can but be careful it’s getting late now
Narrator 2- When the two is walking around celine saw a familiar man from
Celine- Hi Lucas, good to see you here
Narrator 1- Lucas is the younger brother of Leonel, and he was the duke of
Lucas- Good evening, and who is she?
Narrator 2- Lucas asked Celine who’s beside her and that’s Kathlea her cousin
Celine- She’s my cousin from father side Lucas
Lucas- Does she already knows?
Celine- Yes she knows that I have an arrange marriage to your horrible brother
Lucas- Im lucas nice to meet you, im soon to be celine brother in law
Kathlea- Not interested to know you
Celine- Can we excuse our selves now, We want to tour the place before going
Narrator 1- Celine and Kathlea leave and continue to walk around the town at
Kathlea- I guess you really have no choice but to marry that man
Celine- There’s no way I will!!
Kathlea- but how you will escape this? Next week is the engagement?!
Celine- I’m telling you Kathlea, there’s no way I will marry him
Narrator 2- After Celine say that sentence, a man bump on her again and it’s the
same man this morning
Vinz- Im really sorry if I was really in rush I need to restock our supplies in my
Celine- IT’S YOU
Vinz- ME?
Vinz- Oh Yah, You’re the woman I bump to this morning I’m really sorry Ms
always in rush
Celine- Your name is Vinz right?
Vinz- Yes and yours Is Celine such a heavenly name
Kathlea- Cut
Narrator 2- Kathlea Cut the two from having a conversation
Kathlea- Sorry Mr were also on a hurry
Celine- Yes, so you around then?
Vinz- yah see ya
Narrator 2- Celine and Kathlea are now going home, when they at celine’s
house and they have a visitor
ANTONIO- Celine you finally here, I would like you to meet this person I will
trust to hold your wedding
Celine- Good evening father and im with Kathlea
Antonio- Hi Kathlea it’s been a long time, what brings you here?
Kathlea- Just to have a short vacation this summer
Antonio- really? so you can attend your cousin wedding
Celine- Father, It’s not officially yet!
Antonio- We already talk about this!
Celine- Fine let’s talk tomorrow
Antonio- Sure but tomorrow leo and his father will be here
Celine- Whatever
Narrator 1- The Next morning
Celine- Hi vinz what brings you here?
Vinz- Here Flowers for you
Celine- thank you, how did you know I love roses
Frankli- Good morning Celine
Celine- Good morning
Frankli- Who is he?
Celine- A friend
Antonio- Celine, Come inside now the visitor is on there way
Celine- I need to go now, see you later
Vinz- Have a nice day celine
Narrator 1- The visitor has arrived
Lino- Good Morning EVERYONE
Leo- good morning celine
Narrator 2- They all talk about the marriage of Leonel and Celine that could
possibly happened a week after next
Vinz- I’ve heard that you’re getting married?
Celine- Im against that marriage
Vinz- All of them have no clue that we’ve been together all along
Celine- I’m planning not to go on the wedding day
Narrator 1- Celine and Vinz seeing each other secretly on everyone’s back
Emily- Hey I saw your sister
Frankli- yah I know she’s with leo
Emily- What do you mean? That’s not leo
Frankli- What?!?
Narrator 2- Frankli sight her sister with another boy
Frankli- Leo should know about this!
Leo- How could you?!?!
Narrator 1- Leonel is beating up vinz about the because a story reached him that
he was secretly seeing celine on his back
Vinz- But we can’t do anything she loves me
Leo- But im going to marry her??
Leo- This should be your lesson! I don’t you seeing with her
Frankli- tomorrow is your wedding
Celine- Im not coming
Frankli- We know what that family could do
Celine- all of them care about power, money and that’s all
Antonio – Is that true
Celine- what?
Antonio- So it’s really true, Celine your wedding is tomorrow!!
Antonio- You’re such a disgrace in this family
Celine- and you called you’re self then
Antonio- frank get out, you stay! You’re grounded
Lino- we should kill the boy
Leo- Im in
Antonio- I thought you already scared the boy
Leo- it’s not enough
Lino- We should finish by tonight tomorrow is a big day
Narrator – Vinz was about to closed his shop then leo, Lino and Antonio
Narrator 1- Leonel stabbed vinz mercilessly

Eleanor- I saw how your dad, king and his son killed vinz
Celine- What?
Eleanor- Im sorry
Celine- your just telling me this an hour before I marry the man who killed my
Antonio- Celine to your room now!
Celine- I despise you father
Antonio- What?
Narrator 2- Celine stole the sword from his father as she bid farewell from the

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