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G/6 Crochet Hook (4.25mm)
Green Yarn
Light Blue Yarn
Dark Greek Yarn
Yarn Needle

ch: chain
sc: single crochet
inc: increase (two single crochet per stitch)
dec: decrease (sc across two stitches)
blo: back-loop only
mr: magic ring (ex: mr 4, 4sc inside of a magic ring)
sl st: slip stitch
f/o: fasten of

Pattern Style
Examples: Explanations:
2sc: 2 single crochets
(sc, dec) around: sc followed by a dec is repeated. (sc, dec, sc, dec, sc, dec...)
(sc, inc)x3: sc and an inc is repeated 3 times. (sc, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc)
sc to beginning: You will finish of the round with single crochets.
(2sc, 2dec)x2: Will look like-- sc, sc, dec, dec, sc, sc, dec, dec

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© 2016 Nichole's Nerdy Knots
Green Top
Round 1: mr 6 (6)
Round 2: inc around (12)
Round 3: blo around (12)
Round 4: sc around (12)
Round 5: inc around (24)
Round 6-7 sc around (2 rounds) (24)
Round 8: sc, (2sc, inc) around, end on 2sc (31)
Round 9-10 sc around (2 rounds) (31)
Round 11: (dec, sc) around, end on sc (21)
Round 12: (sc, dec) around (14)
Switch to blue.
Round 13: inc around (28)
Round 14: (sc, inc) around, end on sc (42)
Round 15: (sc, dec) around (28)
Round 16: dec around (14)
Round 17: dec around (7)
Round 18: sc around (7)

Top Detail
Insert hook into a blo loop from round 3 and slip stitch. Ch 1, slip stitch same stitch.
Slip stitch next 2, in next blo loop repeat (sl st, ch 1, sl st). Sl stitch next 2 and continue
around in this manner.
Sl st f/o you can leave a really long tail to make the leaves in the next section.

To create the leaves you are going to use a darning/yarn needle to pull yarn through the
green top across 4 sections and pulling it tight. Draw your needle through the bottom and
out of the top and back down to the bottom on one side. Pull tight. Repeat 3 more times.
Round 1: mr 6 (6)
Round 2: inc around (12)
Round 3: (sc, inc) around (18)
Round 4: (sc, inc) around (27)
Round 5: sc around (27)
Round 6: sc, in the same stitch: (sc, ch 2, sc), 4sc, in the same stitch: (sc, ch2,
sc), sc to beginning
Round 7: sc, sc behind ear, 4sc, sc behind ear, sc to beginning (27)
Note: “behind the ear” means to grab what you can below the point of the ear and single
crochet. The ear should stick up and the single crochet should be behind the ear. You will
ignore all of the ear stitches “in the same stitch” from row 5 when working row 6.
Round 8: (sc, dec) around (18)
f/o leave a long tail for sewing.

Make 4
Round 1: mr 6 (6)
Round 2: (sc, inc) around (9)
Round 3-6: sc around (4 rounds) (9)
f/o leave a long tail for sewing onto body.

1. Attach the head with the bottom of the head going slightly under the belly. You want
the head to be covering the blue portion.
2. Attach each leg at the edges of the body so they look like they are one piece.
3. Embroider the small spots on his body.
4. Embroider his face!

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