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G/6 Crochet Hook (4.25mm)
Dark Orange Yarn
Golden Yarn
Red Yarn
Black Yarn
Yarn Needle

ch: chain
sc: single crochet
inc: increase (two single crochet per stitch)
dec: decrease (sc across two stitches)
blo: back-loop only
mr: magic ring (ex: mr 4, 4sc inside of a magic ring)
sl st: slip stitch
f/o: fasten of

Pattern Style
Examples: Explanations:
2sc: 2 single crochets
(sc, dec) around: sc followed by a dec is repeated. (sc, dec, sc, dec, sc, dec...)
(sc, inc)x3: sc and an inc is repeated 3 times. (sc, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc)
sc to beginning: You will finish of the round with single crochets.
(2sc, 2dec)x2: Will look like-- sc, sc, dec, dec, sc, sc, dec, dec

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© 2016 Nichole's Nerdy Knots
Round 1: mr 6 (6)
Round 2: inc around (12)
Round 3: (sc, inc) around (18)
Round 4-5: sc around (2 rounds) (18)
Round 6: 6inc, sc to beg (24)
Round 7: 2sc, (inc, sc)x4, sc to beg (28)
Round 8: sc around (28)
Round 9: sc, dec x5, sc to beg (23)
Round 10: (sc, dec) around ending with 2 sc (16)
Round 11: (sc, dec) around ending on sc (11)
Round 12: sc around (11)
Round 13: (sc, inc) around, ending on sc (16)
Round 14: (sc, inc) around (24)
Round 15-21: sc around (7 rounds) (24)
Round 22: (2sc, dec) around (18)
Round 23: (sc, dec) around (12)
Round 24: dec around (6)
f/o leave a tail for sewing closed.

Make 4
Round 1: mr 6 (6)
Round 2: (sc, inc) (9)
Round 3: blo sc around (9)
Round 4-5: sc around (2 rounds) (9)
f/o leave a tail for sewing onto body.

Round 1: mr 4 (4)
Round 2: sc around (4)
Round 3: (sc, inc) around (6)
Round 4-8: sc around (5 rounds) (6)
Round 9: (2sc, inc) around (8)
Round 10-11: sc around (2 rounds) (8)
f/o leave a tail for sewing onto body.
Row 1: ch 8
Row 2: 2nd ch from hook sc 7
Continue for approximately 8 rows. Until reaches under arms.
Row 3: dec, 3, dec
Row 4: dec, 1, dec
f/o leave a very long tail for sewing onto body.

On the chain side of the chest (row 1) attach yarn in the middle and sc two. Ch 1, turn after
each row and continue with 2 sc rows until the tail portion goes between his legs and
reaches the tip of his tail.

1. Attach arms and legs. Line the legs up with the edge of the body so they look like one
2. Attach the tail.
3. Attach the chest piece starting at the top and working your way down and around. If
you did the optional tail portion, put it between his legs and attach onto the
underside of his tail.
4. Embroider face.
5. Attach flames by tying strands of yellow and red yarn to the tip of the tail. Then take
a brush (pet brushes are best but using a regular hair brush will work too) and brush
out the yarn to make it fuzzy. Trim to desired look.

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