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Cullantes, Kyle Sonja D.

International Law
AB – Political Science III

In his book Problems and Prospects in International Law, Merlin

Magallona devotes Chapter 15 to the discussion of the connection
between international law and the use of force. The author begins by
providing a summary of the concept of force in the context of
international law. The term "the use of force" is defined by Magallona as
the use of military or other forms of coercion in order to achieve
political or military objectives. The use of force is an important problem
in international law due to the fact that it endangers both human safety
and the stability of the international system.
The Charter of the United Nations establishes the parameters for
the use of force on a global scale by stipulating that it is never
acceptable, with the exception of instances of self-defense or when
authorized by the Security Council, in the context of international
affairs. The author makes the argument that ever since the United
Nations was founded, the ban on the use of force has been a cornerstone
of international law and has made a significant contribution to the
maintenance of international peace and stability. In spite of this
prohibition, the use of force continues to be a debatable issue in the
context of international affairs. The author makes the point that there are
a number of obstacles to the effective regulation of the use of force in
international law. Some of these obstacles include the lack of clarity
surrounding the concept of self-defense, the complexity of determining
the legitimacy of the use of force, and the politicized nature of the
Security Council’s authorization of the use of force. The interaction
between international law and the use of force or the threat of force is
the topic of the last chapter of "Problems and Prospects in International
Law," which provides an analytical analysis of this relationship.
The author emphasizes the significance of international efforts to
govern the use of force via the United Nations Charter, as well as the
efforts that have been undertaken in this general direction. Nevertheless,
the author acknowledges that challenges and limitations are associated
Cullantes, Kyle Sonja D. International Law
AB – Political Science III

with attempting to regulate the use of force in accordance with

international law. Furthermore, the author acknowledges that there must
be ongoing efforts to improve the application and enforcement of
international legal standards in this field.

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