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Send us a review of a book or film that focuses on somebody who

has made an important contribution to society.

Did you learn anything new about the person’s life from the book or
film? Did the book or film help you understand why this person
made their important contribution?

Have you ever dreamt of winning a million dollars before you turn 30?
That’s exactly what Frank William Abagnale did before his 25th
birthday. The 2002 movie, Catch me if you can, directed by renowned
director Steven Spielberg, tells the rise, fall and redemption of this
young check forger.

The story in itself is captivating and gripping, while at the same time
makes us empathize with Frank, who at first seems a highly dangerous
criminal, but turns out to be an emotionally broken person, desperate
for love and acceptance. What’s more, the movie is funny and witty,
combining different genres with mastery. Overall, it is a man-on-the-
run movie, similar to “The 39 Steps” or “North by Northwest' ', where
the protagonist is constantly chased.

What impressed me the most is how Frank is able to redeem himself

by helping the same man who has been chasing him throughout the
movie. It makes us understand how Frank wants to be useful and have
a purpose in life. In real life, he has developed many anti-forgery
systems used to this day.

To sum up, Catch Me if you Can is not only a detailed biopic about a
fascinating life, but also a glimpse into a man who has made our world
safer, even if he started doing the exact opposite!
Content: This does not clearly answer the two questions asked:if you had learnt anything
new and if you had understood why they had made their contribution from the film. It isn’t
evident and so arguably this is not a pass. For the content section as this is for if you have
answered the question.

Organisation: Well varied linkers, and points flow well, structure is that of a review: pass
Communicative Achievement: Register is kept, the points are convincing and a great
opening: pass
Language: C1 language, a few minor grammatical errors but they don’t impede
comprehension: pass.

Overall though this could still be offered a low pass as it excels in all the other areas.

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