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1. Pertanyaan / Questionsa.

a. Identifikasi ragam bahasa apakah yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut dan
jelaskan alasannya. Identify what style of language used in the conversation and
explainyour answer.

b. Identifikasi topik percakapan tersebut. Identify the topic of the conversation.


a. Formal Style Formal style is used in formal situation in general. Richard (1985) states
that formal style is the people use the language carefully about pronunciation, choice
of words, and sentence structure. The characteristics of formal language are careful
and standard speech, low tempo speech, technical vocabulary, complex and
divergence grammatical structure, use of full name address, avoidance of main word
repetition and using of synonyms.

b. Topik percakapan tersebut yaitu, seorang calon pembeli paket travel dengan seorang
penjual / penyedia jasa travel.

2. Pertanyaan / Questions

Anggaplah gambar di atas adalah tempat kerja Anda. Buatlah sebuah paragraf deskripsi
singkat mengenai tempat kerja tersebut sebanyak kurang lebih 100-200 kata. / Imagine
itis a picture of your office. Write a descriptive paragraph about the place in 100-
200words. Gunakan poin-poin berikut sebagai acuan Anda dalam menulis. / Use these
pointsas your guidelines when writing.

• Kalimat utama / pengantar / introduction

• Lokasi kantor / location of the office
• Hal menarik yang ada di ruang kerja / interesting features of the office
• Perasaan atau kesan Anda terhadap ruang kerja / what you feel about the office


I am a teller. I have a large and clean office. my office is in the city center. I have worked
there more than 4 years. I work in a very large lobby with a very futuristic design. there
isa very nice room decoration. there are very large windows and very exclusive chairs.
there are several tropical plants that also add to the beauty. the lobby feels nice and
relaxed. in the lobby there are several pillars that add to its beauty. working in the lobby
makes the spirit and feel at home. I am very happy to have a very cool workplace.

3. Pertanyaan / Questions

Please identify:

a. Dari siapa memo tersebut dikirim? Who is the sender of the memo?

b. Untuk siapa memo tersebut dikirim? To whom the memo is addressed?

c. Apa yang di bicarakan oleh pengirim memo kepada penerima memo? What is the
memo about?


a. John Smith, Manager, HR Department

b. All Staff

c. About Welcoming Marie Jacob.

4. Anda tertarik untuk mengikuti kursus musik tetapi tidak dapat menemukan
informasi tentang durasi dan jadwal sesi kursusnya di situs web. / You are
interested in joining amusic course but you could not find the information about
the course duration andsessions on the website. Tulislah sebuah email untuk
meminta informasi sebanyak 50-100kata berdasarkan situasi tersebut yang
meliputi: / Write an email asking for informationin 50-100 words based on the
situation above that includes:

• salutation
• pembuka / introduction / opening
• isi / content / body email
• penutup / closing / sign off


Date: Mei 10, 2022



Subject: to join music course

Dear Sir,

I am Yamin, a resident of Ketapang. I am interested in joining a music course but you

could not find the information about the course duration and sessions on the website.
Through this email, I hope that you provide this information.

Please tell me more the detail.

Sincerely yours,

Sumber Referensi:


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