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1. Maintain a beautiful garden.

Treat life as your garden and see your relations as nourishing vegetables and flowers. My family
and friends are very important to me, so I make sure I care for those relationships. I’d make time
for them and give them my support, just the care greens need in a garden to maintain growth.
Sometimes in life you come across weeds, so simply understand they don’t need to be a part of
your life if it’s something dragging it down or pulling you back.

2. Be like water.

When water is poured into a cup, it becomes the cup. Being like water refers to the importance of
being adaptable and open to change. In life you will deal with a lot of change. I’ve had to deal
with change like moving from Saskatchewan, where I’ve grown up for 13 years. I’ve had to learn
to adapt to this change, and be okay with the new environment, along with making the most out
of it.

3. Admire stained-glass windows.

Stained-glass windows are beautiful pieces that aren’t so obvious at first glance, but once you
take the time to see it, you acknowledge and appreciate all its aspects. This can represent the
beauty in people and learning to understand everyone has their own stories. I always try my best
to understand those around me, and have patience with people, being accepting.

4. Don’t let your heart be a prison.

Have a good heart. At work I had a lovely interaction with this older man who showed and
explained his heart tattoo right over his heart. He really emphasized what I value as well, which
is to have a good heart. Not one that’s locked away whether to how you’re treating yourself with
poor health, or simply refraining from putting care and love towards others. He mentioned he
appreciated that interaction and my simple care and question about wise life take-aways from
him so, have a good heart.

5. Stand up, it’s a boxing match.

See life and progress as a boxing match. Defeat is only declared not when you fall, but rather
refusing to stand up again. Life is filled with many obstacles and challenges. It’s important to
keep pushing. It’s okay to fall. I’ve definitely fallen when things got hard, like a death of a loved
one, but what’s important is to be able to push yourself back up again, having perseverance, and
learn from every bit you can.

6. Golden rule.

Treat others how you would want to be treated. This has always stuck with me since I learned it
in kindergarten. I tend to put myself in people’s shoes a lot, making sure my actions aren’t
something I wouldn’t want to happen to me. It’s a good reminder of treating the people around
you right and being aware of the people you are surrounding yourself with.
7. Take the steppingstones.

Steppingstones are there for guidance and getting you to where you want to. Those steps forward
are like steps forward in life. Life can get uncomfortable and uneasy like the surroundings of
your steppingstones, which is why you need to get your mind straight, face, and move forward.
For example, our current process of this new chapter in life, with university and everything, takes
courage especially towards initiating those steps forward.

8. Pay it forward.

When you can, give and provide. The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest
intention (Oscar Wilde). It’s always rewarding to both the person and me as well when good
deeds are done.

9. Don’t constantly be the fire for someone else’s warmth.

It’s always good to provide and care for others. However, fires burn out. So, if you are in a state
where you need to put yourself and your health first, then do so. Provide when you can, selflessly
and willingly. Yet, make sure you continue with your self-care. This is something I constantly
need to be reminding myself as at times I may lose track on taking care of my health.

10. Never a loss, always a lesson.

It’s important to seek the meaning, value, and lesson in every situation. It’s what always pushes
you forward. When I found out I was moving, it was a loss in many aspects like being away from
friends. I’ve come to realize that change was good, or more so the new opportunities that have
been brought upon.

11. Be present, to be the present.

Live in the moment. Life is a gift, and it’s a gift for you to be taking in every moment of it.
Sometimes I find myself obsessing over the future, worrying about how it will turn out. It’s
important to remember to just live in the moment before it turns into regretful memories of time
wasted constantly worrying or being preoccupied. This is something I value, as I tend to express
appreciation to my surroundings.

12. Live, Laugh, Music.

It’s important to have your own outlet in life. Music is one of mine as in ways, it helps me
throughout so much. There’re several types for different moods and can overall uplift me.

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