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POEM: Titled be strong

When my mind tells me to quit,

as it often does in my head . . .
God reminds me not to grow weary in doing
good for in due season i will reap the benefits if i do not give up.

When my heart is overwhelmed,

God says to us “Fear not! For i am with you always for they who
waits upon the Lord he shall renew their strength.

When my thoughts are far away,

as it does from time to time.
God reminds me to be still and know that i am God. I am with
you always even unto the end.

When my soul is feeling crushed,

as it screams, I give up . . .
God reminds me to ask Him
for more mercy from His overflowing cup.

Mya Angelo says “we may encounter defeat but we must never
allow our selves to be defeated.

When my thoughts, soul, heart and mind,

says you have had enough
God in his mercy parted my red sea and set me free.


Ephesians 6:10

Finally, my brethren,
be strong in the Lord,
and in the power of his might

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