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Jake Teoros D.

Monleon February 24, 2022

Grade 11 – Ephesians

Reflection about the First lesson in Creative Nonfiction
In this lesson, I learned that Creative nonfiction writer write about themselves and others,
capturing real people and real life in ways that can and have changed the world. What is most
important and enjoyable about creative nonfiction is that it not only allows but also encourages
the writer to become a part of the story or essay being written. Creative nonfiction writing tends
to emphasize story and tone over more traditional subgenres of nonfiction. Creative nonfiction
writers often approach their subject matter through a more emotional lens than other nonfiction
writers like journalists or academic writers. Even though writing creative nonfiction shares
certain characteristics with writing fiction, writers should make sure that everything they write is
factually accurate. Obviously, if this complicates things or proves too hard for you, you can
always consider writing a piece of fiction. Within the world of creative nonfiction, it consists text
that are about factual events that are not only for scholarly purposes. creative nonfiction allows
us to see and understand the real-life situations and events that happens in our lives. It teaches us
about life and reality and it is an eye-opener for the youth. I learned that, creative nonfiction is a
genre of nonfiction writing that incorporates different creative writing techniques and literary
styles to convey truthful, non-fictional narratives. Creative nonfiction writing tends to emphasize
story and tone over more traditional subgenres of nonfiction. Since nonfiction books share facts
or real-life events, they are great tools for making real-world connections to build on children’s
knowledge and personal experiences. I also learned the major difference of Creative writing and
Nonfiction writing along with the four major genre of literature such as Fiction, Nonfiction,
Drama, poetry, and also with their Subgenres. Addition, I also learned about the Elements of
different genres like literary element and narrative element, the element of fiction for example
Author’s purpose and characters including the character types such as the protagonist, antagonist,
static characters, dynamic characters, flat characters, and round characters, the setting and the

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