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Enid Blyton Famous five

Enid Blyton Secret seven
Enid Blyton Five find-outers
Johanna Spyri Heidi
Roald Dahl Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels

Louisa May Alcott Little Women

Agatha Christie
J K Rowling Harry Potter
Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe
RL Stevenson Treasure Island
King Arthur
RJ Palacio Wonder

Sherlock Holmes
Lucy Maud Montgomery Anne of Green Gables
Rick Riordan The Kane Chronicles
Rick Riordan Percy Jackson
Madeleine L’ Engle A Wrinkle in Time
Lois Lowry Number the Stars

Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys

Roald Dahl Danny and the Champion of the World
Grades 5-6
Roald Dahl Boy and Going Solo Grades 7-8
The Scarlet Pimpernel
The Citadel
The Prisoner of Zenda
Alistair Maclean
To Kill a Mockingbird

Pride and Prejudice

PG Wodehouse

The Awakening..
The Catcher in the Rye...
The Crucible...
Fahreinheit 451....
Great Expectations....
Lord of Flies...
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

The Count of Monte Cristo

Doctor Faustus
Short stories by Mark Twain
Bertand Russell's Works
Jane Eyre

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