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While I can't provide a full document here, I can offer a list of some key events that happened

between 1100 and 1150:

● 1100: The Crusades begin. This long period of religious wars sees Christian Europe attempt
to take control of the Holy Land from Muslim powers.
● 1128: Lothair of Supplinburg becomes Holy Roman Emperor. He reigns until 1137.
● 1139: The Second Lateran Council is held in Rome. This important church council addressed
issues of corruption within the Church and standardized some canon law.
● 1147: The Second Crusade begins. This crusade was launched in response to the capture of
Edessa by Muslim forces. Unlike the First Crusade, it was largely unsuccessful.
● 1150: Frederick Barbarossa becomes Holy Roman Emperor. He would become a powerful
ruler who clashed with the Papacy.

This is not an exhaustive list, of course. Many other significant events occurred throughout this
period across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. To delve deeper, you could explore resources

● Wikipedia entries for specific years (e.g.,

● Books on medieval history
● Online resources on specific regions or empires during this time period

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