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30 Minute

Prayer Method
Praying for 30 minutes a day might seem like a stretch,
but what if we broke it down into something that was
practical enough to stick to? Exciting enough to want to
do? And powerful enough to change your life?
What if you walked away from prayer having spent time I know that sounds pretty bold, but it’s helped me do a few things:
praising the Lord, surrendering to His will, sharing requests and • It’s rejuvenated my commitment to pray daily.
thanksgiving, and ready to step out in obedience? Years ago I • It’s gotten me expectant for what can happen in prayer.
read Dick Eastman’s book, The Hour that Changes the World. In • It’s shifted my heart in a way I always say I want but haven’t
it, he shares 12 parts, breaking down 60 minutes of prayer into been experiencing naturally in my daily prayers.
practical segments. If I’m honest, I loved the concept, but 60 • It’s helped me hear from God more consistently.
minutes felt like a big jump in my morning routine that I didn’t • It’s helped me incorporate more Scripture into my prayer
think I could sustain. So recently, when I wanted to commit to time.
30 minutes straight of prayer each morning, I remembered this • It’s relaxed me as I make a habit of surrender. I’m serious.
concept and decided to make my own simplified version. This is huge.
• It’s given me bigger eyes for the eternal (which helps
It’s only been a few weeks, but I can easily say, only second with #6).
to when I started using our prayer journal format, this is the
greatest improvement I’ve seen in my prayer life over the And maybe the best news, I’m sharing it for free!
last 10 years.
So the format is simple. There are 6 parts that make up Before we get started, can I just encourage you
the 30 minutes, each lasting from 3-10 minutes each. This will to treat this like a low-key experiment? Don’t feel
obviously vary a little, but I’ve put a time estimate as I explain pressure that this is some new method you have to use to
each, to help with the flow. And I literally used the lap timer on become a prayer warrior. Or that it’s something you need to
my phone. It helped me not to jump too quickly from one section do everyday for the rest of your life. See how it works for you.
to the next. I didn’t realize how quickly I could speed through It’s been so life-transforming for me and I pray it helps you!
Adoration before this. Even though it’s on my phone, because But maybe you tweak it a little or decide to add something to
the timer is what’s opened up, I haven’t ever felt tempted to click it. Whatever you do, don’t toss your hands up in the air in utter
away to something else. If this feels like it’s going to be a problem defeat and decide it would be better to not even try. Keep getting
though, check out this adorable timer. If you have time to go over back up! This is prayer. It’s 100% worth getting back up every
30, go for it! But I know for many of us, to make it a habit we stick time we might quit. Last thing, I want to make sure to emphasize
to, it may help to set the time at 30 and stick close to that so you that this method depends heavily on Scripture, so make sure to
can sustain it. have a Bible handy! Ok, let’s dive in.

For each part, I’ll share just a little foundation for what that time 1. P R A I S E & T H A N K S G I V I N G
means as well as some practical ways to work through each I love starting my prayers by reflecting on who God is and what
section. I also share some resources that may help if you need He has done. Honestly, I think there’s no better way to start a
more guidance or variety. prayer than by dwelling on these things. How do we confess our
sins when we haven’t established how perfect God is? How do
You might be wondering how this works with our prayer journals. we make requests to a God without knowing He is capable of
I personally have found it most helpful to NOT write for the full answering? How do we listen without knowing that God hears us
30 minutes, but instead jot down a few sentences for each section. and responds? Praise is more important than simply listing off
Your journal will be a sweet overview of daily time in prayer to some of God’s good qualities. It’s remembering that He is worthy
reflect back on later. For some, it might help to kick start each of all our praise. It’s acknowledging that every good and perfect
part of the method with written words. For others, you might gift comes from above, so setting aside this time is not just a
prefer summarizing what you covered in prayer during each symbol. It has the power to change us and our lives because
section with a few lines written down. Do what works for you! we’re talking to the God of the Universe who is all-knowing, all-
loving and all-capable.

Time : 3-5 minutes

If this journaling idea sounds like something you’d like to
try, don’t miss our prayer journal launch in August! We’ll How to: Meditate on one quality of God and expound on it
premiere our latest spiral collection at a 20% discount! for several minutes, perhaps until you feel almost silly to go on
If you want to pray daily like this, we recommend the and on about it. Nothing is too much for God; it often takes our
Signature Prayer Journal which has 6 months of our hearts a minute to realize the magnitude of who we are praying
prompted format but also has space to write out prayers to. So don’t cut this short. If you’ve got our prayer journal, this is
near daily. If you’d like to dip your toes into writing as simple as using your Adoration section. At the beginning of
out your prayers, we recommend our Rhythm’s Prayer each month, you could find 7 or 14 verses based on that month’s
Journal which lasts the full year and has room to write characteristic and rotate through them over the next 30 days. If
out prayers 2-3 times a week. you find 7, you’ll repeat 4 times and get to solidify ideas with that
much repetition. If you like more variety, find 14. You can add How to: Reflect on the things that feel heavy on your heart. If
the Scripture references to a post-it and keep it in your journal you’re drawing a blank, reflect on the last 24 hours or more and
ready to go each morning. This is also the time I jot down a few be honest about actions that go against what you know to be
gratitudes for what God has done. God’s commands for your life. This is not a place of shame. You
can (and should) grieve sin, but we don’t serve God by shaming
Resources: ourselves and dwelling more on ourselves. Set your eyes on God’s
• Val Marie Paper blog post: Prayers of Adoration mercy and love and lay every heavy burden at the cross.
• Prayer in a Noisy World podcast: Interview with Sara Hagerty
• VMP Starter Pack (Adoration page) Resources:
• Praying through the Names of God by Tony Evan • Pray Confidently and Consistently, chapter 2.
• search your Bible app plans for “names of God” and choose a • VMP blog post: 6 Things That Distance Us from God
name for each day • Prayer for Confession, from our Springboard Prayers book

Father, I come humbly to Your throne room ready to lay my

2. CONFESSION soul bare and confess the sins that so easily entangle me. I’m
Confession is an important next step because unconfessed sin overwhelmed, that as I confess my sins, You are so faithful to
hinders our conversation with God. It doesn’t block us eternally, forgive me. Every sin in my past, present, and future has been
but it does hinder our intimacy with Him. If you feel like you are nailed to the cross when You died for my sins. Let me not deceive
praying consistently but still feel a block, it may be from lack myself into thinking I have no sin or that my sins are at least less
of confession. When we skip this part, it’s as if we’re hiding the than someone else’s. Such foolishness keeps me enslaved to the
messy closets of our hearts and only showing Him the cleaned- darkness. The light, though it seems painful or embarrassing, brings
up living room we just straightened for His arrival. It lacks freedom. I pray this repentance won’t end with me walking straight
authenticity and it’s no wonder we might still feel distant from into the temptations I succumbed to, but Lord, just like the word
the Lord. For this reason, confession is a vital part of repentance means, help me make a radical about face and turn
our prayers, but unfortunately, often one of the most neglected from my sins. As I confess, I pray You’d create in me a clean heart
parts. I never forget to ask God for things, but confession? That and renew a right spirit within me. Thank You for Your loving
takes intentionality. kindness and for removing my sins so far from me. Let me not pick
them back up in guilt or shame but instead, walk in the forgiveness
We may assume dumping our sins and struggles on God can Jesus died for. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
hamper a good prayer, but it’s the very thing that draws us
closer to Him. We might be tempted to think that each session 3. S U R R E N D E R
of confession is basically heaping onto a pile of sins that God George Mueller said, “I seek at the beginning to get my heart
is getting slowly tired of managing. God keeps no record of into such a state that it has no will of its own in regard to a given
wrongs. God is the only one who can remedy our hearts. Instead matter.” I remember reading these words and just thinking
of feeling shame coming to God, know that you are fully loved. how foreign this concept was to my prayers. It’s something
Reflect on His character well in the Adoration section so you’re I think about when I am challenged with something but it’s
ready to confess well next. not something I make a point to do daily. But we need to! This
prepares our hearts for praying requests that align with God’s
Time: 3-5 minutes will. It’s hard to pray selfish prayers when we’ve spent time
bending our will to His. Take all the time necessary to get your
heart to a place that it’s no longer seeking your own will. We do of. As you enter this time, enter with full faith that our heavenly
this by reminding ourselves of how trustworthy God is. We do Father is willing to act (within His will) on behalf of the requests
this by acknowledging eternity (2 Corinthians 4:18). We do this of His kids. That’s a humbling truth!
by recognizing our own limited understanding and how much
higher God’s ways are than our own (Isaiah 55:8-9). When we Time: 10 minutes
come to this place, we’ll almost feel silly for desiring to call the
shots and instructing God to answer our prayers. What a sweet How to: Take a section in your prayer journal and pray through
way to enter a time of sharing with the Lord our requests! the requests. If you don’t have one of our journals, we highly
recommend getting one. If not, each month write out your prayer
Time: 3-5 minutes requests based on different categories to keep it organized and
take one section a day to pray through a few requests.
How to: Read 2 Corinthians 4:18, Isaiah 55:8-9 or Proverbs
3:5-6. Meditate on Mueller’s quote and pray for it to be true of Resources:
you. Remember why God is worthy of our surrender. Reflect • Val Marie Paper blog post: Why God Says No
on past answered prayers where you thought God wasn’t in • Val Marie Paper blog post: How to Pray like Paul
control but later realized He was. Remind yourself of your own • Developing a Fluency of Prayer, module 1: Immerse in the
limited knowledge. Study Revelation and be reminded of God’s Culture
sovereignty and eternity. • Our prayer request organizer seen in our prayer journals
• Praying Confidently and Consistently, chapter 3 and chapter 7
• Piercing Heaven: Prayers of the Puritan by Robert Elmer,
section Take My Life and Let it Be Consecrated 5. L I S T E N I N G
• Pray Confidently and Consistently, chapter 4. Now we put ourselves in a posture of listening. This might be
• Val Marie Paper blog post: When God Seems Unfair the hardest part of our prayer time. We make space to hear God
speak. We first acknowledge that He does speak to us in prayer,
primarily through the Holy Spirit and through His Word. Making
4. REQUESTS this a regular part of our prayers helps us to develop a listening
The portion of prayer that we most often think of when we pray, ear instead of waiting for God to drop down bits of wisdom in
asking God for things. It is an absolute privilege that we can only earthquakes and fire. God speaks often in a whisper. And
come to God and share our desires with Him and have Him not though it may feel impossible to hear God now, give it time.
only hear, but also respond to us. God doesn’t always answer how When we make space for God to speak, He will. And to be clear,
we hope, but He always answers. Let me challenge you here to we aren’t on the hunt for some new revelation. We’re simply
pray beyond the temporary. I don’t think it’s bad to pray for pets training our hearts to be teachable when we’re sitting in the
or vacations or a big meeting, but go beyond that. I think we miss presence of the King.
out on seeing the power of God and all that He is capable of when
we spend the bulk of our time praying for safe travels and a lunch Time: 5 minutes
that will nourish our bodies. If you want to be encouraged to
pray bigger prayers, read stories of past prayer warriors like E.M. How to: Start with an open posture ready to listen. If we’re
Bounds, Rees Howells, George Mueller and more. You can also doing all the talking, we’re asking God to shout through a
read the prayers of the puritans in Piercing Heaven, where they multitude of distractions. God can certainly come that way, but
commonly stretch me to pray for things I’d often not stop to think often He comes in a whisper to those who want to hear from Him.
Grab your Bible. God may put a passage on your heart. Read it Time: 5 minutes
and be open to what stands out on this day. Don’t overthink this
too much. If you expect to read a verse that speaks to the biggest How to: If you felt God speak clearly to you in the last section,
issue in your life, you may miss Him speaking a very simple commit now to following where He is leading. If you didn’t feel
message like “be patient with your kids today”, “that TV show is any specific prompting, take this time to visualize what you
affecting you more than you think”, You can also take a minute have planned for the day and imagine yourself obeying. It might
to simply take 6 deep breaths in and out. Science says that 6 deep be picturing showing patience to your kids in the notoriously
breaths have a calming effect and help us get out of a frantic hardest parts of the day. It might be showing strangers
(often irrational) state which makes it difficult to hear from God. compassion in the grocery store or looking for opportunities to
show love instead of burying our head in our phones.
• Discerning Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer Resources:
• Developing a Fluency of Prayer, module 4 Learning Listening • Val Marie Paper blog post: The Forgotten Disciplines ​​
Comprehension. • Val Marie Paper blog post: How to Pray for Life Change
• Pray Confidently and Consistently, chapter 13 • Pray Confidently and Consistently, chapter 5
• Val Marie Paper blog post: Practicing Silence and Solitude.
• Podcast: A Prayer for Stillness

There you have it! Friend, if I could sit with you right now,
6. O B E Y I N G I’d share just how much this simple method has matured my
In Pray Confidently and Consistently, I shared this quote, “When prayers. I pray you find it just as encouraging. If it’s helpful,
someone asked George Mueller what the most important part of please shoot us an email and share your God stories with us!
prayer was, he reportedly said, ‘The 15 minutes after I have said,
“Amen.”’ How much would our life change if we didn’t merely talk
We want to celebrate with you!
to God but if the next moves we made were a direct reflection
of His direction? Before we end our prayer time, we want to get
our hearts in a position that is ready to obey where God leads
us throughout our days. If this feels really hard, you may want
to reflect on some of the thoughts shared in the Surrender
section. Remind yourself that God’s ways are higher. That we
are not to lean on our own understanding. That our way leads
to destruction while His ways lead to eternal life. Recognize the
value of obedience and that it is always worth following God,
even when it’s hard, instead of following our own faulty plan.
Obedience is only possible through God’s strength and the Holy
Spirit. Invite Him in to give you the power to resist temptation
and the desire to obey.
30 Minute Prayer Method
1. P R A I S E & T H A N K S G I V I N G (3-5 minutes)
Meditate on a quality of God, jot down a few gratitudes
or use the Adoration section in our prayer journal.

2 . C O N F E S S I O N (3-5 minutes)
Reflect on the last 24 hours or more, be honest about
your sin and set your eyes on God’s love and mercy.

3. S U R R E N D E R (3-5 minutes)
Get your heart ready to follow God’s will, whatever it
may be by recognizing His power and our finiteness.

4 . R E Q U E S T S (10 minutes)
Pray through a section of the requests from our prayer
journal or from a list you’ve created.

5. L I S T E N I N G (5 minutes)
With an open posture, ready to listen, read your Bible.

6. O B E Y I N G (5 minutes)
Commit now to following where God is leading.
Visualize yourself obeying.

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