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IBDP Biology Internal Assessment ---SL/HL First Exam


Mark Bands and Weightings - 20% of the final assessment

Criterion Maximum number of marks Weighting (%)
Research Design 6 25
Data analysis 6 25
Conclusion 6 25
Evaluation 6 25
Total 24 100

Research Design
This criterion assess the extent to which you effectively communicates the methodology (purpose and practice) used to
address the research question.
Aspect 6-5 4-3 2-1 0
Research question described within a outlined within a broad stated without a
specific and context context
appropriate context
Methodological associated with collecting relevant and sufficient data to answer the The report does not
considerations research question reach the standard
expalined described stated described by the
Description of allows for allows for lacks detail to allow descriptors.
methodology for investigation to be investigtation to be investigation to be
selecting & collecting reproduced reproduced but with reproduced
data few ambiguities

Data Analysis
This criterion assess the extent to which your report provideds evidence that you have recorded, processed and
presented data in ways that are relevant to the research question.
Aspect 6-5 4-3 2-1 0
Communication of both clear & precise either clear or precise neither clear or precise
recording &
processing of data
Recording & shows evidence of an shows evidence of a shows limited
The report does not
processing of data appropriate consideration of evidence of the
reach the standard
consideration of uncertainties but with consideration
described by the
uncertainties some significant of uncertainties
omissions or
Data processing is carried out is carried out is carried out
relevant to addressing appropriately and but with some but with major
the research question accurately significant omissions, omissions,
inaccuracies or inaccuracies or
inconsistencies inconsistencies

This criterion assesses the extent to which the student successfully answers their research question with regard to
their analysis and the accepted scientific context.
IBDP Biology Internal Assessment ---SL/HL First Exam

Aspect 6-5 4-3 2-1 0

Conclusion is justified that is is described that is is stated that is
relevant to the research relevant to the research relevant to the research
question question question
The report does not
and fully consistent but is not fully but is not supported reach the standard
with the analysis consistent with the by the analysis described by the
presented analysis presented presented descriptors.
Justification of justified through is described that makes makes superficial
conclusion relevant comparison to some relevant comparison to the
the accepted scientific comparison to the accepted scientific
context accepted scientific context

This criterion assesses the extent to which the student’s report provides evidence of evaluation of the investigation
methodology and has suggested improvements.
Aspect 6-5 4-3 2-1 0
Weaknesses or explains the relative describes specific states generic
limitations impact of specific methodological methodological
methodological weaknesses or weaknesses or
weaknesses limitations limitations The report does not
improvements to the reach the standard
investigation realistic improvements to the investigation described by the
explains relevant to the describes relevant to states generic descriptors.
identified the identified methodological
weaknesses or weaknesses or weaknesses or
limitations limitations limitations

Guidelines and format

 Written report
 Maximum overall count: 3000 words

IBDP Biology Internal Assessment ---SL/HL First Exam

 The word count does not include: Charts and diagrams, Data tables, Equations, formulas and calculations,
Citations/references (whether parenthetical, numbered, footnotes or endnotes), Bibliography, Headers

A short Background
_______ you may start with an idea on why you chose to do this investigation
_______ how important will this investigation to others?
caution: do not flood your introduction with a number of terms/vocabulary that are not directly related to your investigation; it
has to be concise
_______ include information that are relevant to your investigation
_______ your background should help your reader enhance the understanding of the context of your
_______ describe an overview of your experiment
_______ use related literature to support your explanation
_______ cite your source

Criterion: Reasearch Design
_______ write a relevant, clear and complete research question
_______ title must be clear
example: An investigation on the effect of different pH levels of soil to the growth of Japanese Roses, Portulaca

I. Research Question
_______ write a relevant, clear and complete research question
_______ it should include independent and dependent variable
_______ it should give an idea on how the dependent variable be specifically measured
_______ if your investigation is about plants, the research question must include the common name and
scientific name of the plant; example: How do different types of soil pH (pH 5,6,7,8,9) affect the growth in
height of the stem of Japanese Roses, Portulaca Grandiflora
II. Hypothesis
_______ state your hypothesis
_______ briefly explain your hypothesis using scientific explanation/reasoning

Criterion: Methodological considerations

III. Variables:

IBDP Biology Internal Assessment ---SL/HL First Exam

_______ the selection of the databases or model and the sampling of data
_______ the decisions regarding the scope, quantity and quality of measurements (e.g. the range, interval or
frequency of the independent variable, repetition and precision of measurements)

Independent variable
_______ state your independent variable
_______ this is your manipulated variable; cause
_______ the variable that you change to see its effect
_______ outline how you will change your independent variable
_______ the selection of the methods for measuring the independent variables

Dependent variable
_______ state your independent variable
_______ this is the variable that you will measure; this is the result; effect
_______ briefly describe how you will measure your dependent variable
_______ the selection of the methods for measuring the dependent variables

Control variables
_______ these variables are the factors that you have to keep the same throughout the experiment to make sure that
there is a fair test
_______ list all your control variables
_______ there is no need to explain how you will control them, it has to be reflected on your procedure

IV. Materials
_______ list down your materials
_______ write down the quantity followed by the quality
example: 5 10ml measuring cylinder 1 30cm ruler 15 A4 size white paper

V. Method
You may divide your procedure into parts;
example: Part I. Preparation of different solutions with different pH levels
Part II. Experiment on the effect of different pH levels on the growth of plants
_______ research on a highly appropriate method to address your research question
_______ describe why you chose this method (why is this method the best way to address your research question)
_______ write your procedure in a recipe form (must be step by step)
_______ include all specific materials and measurements in your procedure; state why you chose the

IBDP Biology Internal Assessment ---SL/HL First Exam

measuring tool you are using; example: use a 250ml beaker to measure a 245ml of tap water to ensure
that the uncertainty of measurement is low
_______ include all significant factors (variables) in your procedure that will influence the relevance, reliability
and sufficiency of your data
_______ both dependent and independent variables must be clearly stated
_______ include in your procedure the way you will measure your dependent variable; you must be very specific
on this
_______ briefly describe in your procedure the manner how you will manipulate your independent variable; it
has to be specific
_______ you should briefly explain why you manipulate your variable this way; you should not just pick out
random variables/factors, there should be a valid reason for doing this
_______ describe how and why you need to control some variables to make a fair test
_______ your method must show a control experiment
_______ you should clearly state how many trials you should do to gather a reliable data

Description of methodology
present sufficiently detailed information about:
_______ specific materials used
_______ precise procedural steps
it should:
_______ avoid unnecessary or repetitive information
the reader could:
_______ readily understand how the methodology was implemented
_______ in principle repeatthe investigation

VI. Safety/ethical or environmental issues

_______ explain a safety/ethical or environmental issues that are relevant to the methodology
Criterion: Data Analysis
VII. Data Gathering
A. Raw data (quantitative)
_______ shows sufficient and relevant quantitative data that can support a detailed and valid conclusion
_______ create a table of data using the same data from your experiment
_______ include uncertainties on your table
_______ make sure that your table has correct title, columns, rows, labels and units
_______ put all other data/pictures in the appendix

Processed data

IBDP Biology Internal Assessment ---SL/HL First Exam

B. Table
_______ create another table with your processed data
_______ organize your data so that it includes average and SD
_______ include uncertainties in your data
_______ make sure that your table has correct title, columns, rows, labels and units
_______ briefly describe your data (3-5 sentences)

C. Graph
_______ make a graph of your data in B
_______ use appropriate graph
_______ make sure that your graph is correctly labeled, with title, units, and error bars (you have to research
about error bars)
_______ include uncertainties
_______ briefly explain the error bars
_______ explain your graph by addressing the following: patterns or trends of your data; the impact of
uncertainties of measurement and uncertainties in your data
_______ interpret correctly the processed data so that a valid and detailed conclusion can be deduced
in 2-3 sentences

D. Uncertainties
Considering uncertainties
_______ degrees of precision in the instruments used
_______ consideration of errors and uncertainties
_______ consistency in the reported uncertainties
_______ variation in the material used, as shown by standard deviations, standard errors, trend lines, R2
values, uncertainty bars
_______ significance testing
_______ ranges (maximum value minus minimum value)
_______ an appropriate response to outlier data.
_______ describe the uncertainties of your experiment (this should include uncertainties in measurements)
_______ explain the impact of your uncertainties to the reliability of your data

E. Statistical analysis test

_______ research on appropriate statistical analysis tool that you can use to analyze your data (see attached
papers for some ideas)
_______ briefly explain why you use this statistical analysis
_______ show correct and appropriate calculations

IBDP Biology Internal Assessment ---SL/HL First Exam

_______ explain your analyzed data

_______ interpret correctly the processed data so that a valid and detailed conclusion can be deduced

the communication of data analysis and processing are:
_______ clear (means that the method of processing can be understood easily)
_______ precise (refers to following conventions correctly, such as those relating to the annotation of graphs
and tables or the use of units, decimal places and significant figures)
data processing is carried out:
_______ appropriately
_______ accurately

VIII. Conclusion
Relevance of the conclusion
_______ state the aim of the experiment
_______ state your hypothesis
_______ state whether your hypothesis is accepted or rejected based on the processed data you’ve gathered
_______ state your conclusion: it has to be obvious! It should start with the phrase “I conclude that..” OR “In
conclusion..”;a conclusion that addresses the research question in the proposed context
_______ a valid explanation of trends in the results
_______ a discussion of the impact of uncertainties
_______ a discussion of the reliability of the data (which may indicate an appreciation of the strengths of the data)
state a conclusion that include:
_______ conclusion includes interpretation of processed data and associated uncertainties
_______ evidence that sense has been made of the data and/or results, leading to a conclusion that is realistic
_______ interpretation of statistical calculations (e.g. significance testing)
_______ the impact of errors on results
_______ interpretation of the significance of statistical test results if used
_______ support your conclusion with a scientific reasoning
_______ citation of published materials that is sufficiently detailed to allow these sources to be traceable

_______ written in a paragraph or table form
explain the weaknesses and limitations of the investigation:
_______ weaknesses that relate to issues regarding the control of variables
_______ weaknesses that relate to issues regarding the precision of measurement or the
variation in the data

IBDP Biology Internal Assessment ---SL/HL First Exam

_______ limitations that refer to how the conclusion is limited in scope by the range of the data collected, the
confines of the system or the applicability of assumptions made
_______ is the method appropriate? Why did you say so? etc.)
explain realistic improvements to the investigation that is:
_______ specific, relevant and realistic improvement(e.g. the accuracy of measurement of a 50ml graduated
cylinder is higher than a 100 ml beaker when measuring a 48ml water)

IX. Sources
_______ Sources in MLA or APA format


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