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Double Bass History

6 plays • 106 players

A public kahoot

Questions (16)

1 - Quiz
What is another name for the double bass?

2 - Quiz
What family is the double bass a part of?

3 - True or false
True or False: The double bass was originally called the "violone".

4 - Quiz
Who was Serge Koussevitzky?

5 - Quiz
What material were "violone" strings made of?

6 - True or false
True or false: The Violone had 5 strings.

7 - Quiz
The double bass supports the orchestra by doubling the _______ part.

8 - True or false
The usual size for a double bass is 1/2 sized.
9 - Quiz
When was the rst Octobass built?

10 - True or false
True or false: The Octobass is 11 feet tall

11 - Quiz
How many strings does the Octobass have?

12 - Quiz
What is used to play different pitches on the Octobass?

13 - Quiz
Which double bass bow is this?

14 - Quiz
Which double bass bow is this?

15 - Quiz
Double bass can be found in many genres of music, including:

16 - Quiz
Bonus question: What kind of bow does Mr. Sparshott use?

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