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7 ersuaslon 1lps 1o Pelp ?ou 8each ?

our Coals
8y Mlchael Lee AuLhor of Pow 1o 8e An LxperL ersuader
Pavlng excepLlonal persuaslon skllls ls one of Lhe mosL essenLlal ablllLles Lo possess ln Lodays fasLpaced socleLy
We need Lhe supporL and cooperaLlon of oLher people Lo help us ln our goal seLLlng efforLs 1he saylng no man ls
an lsland ls an undenlable LruLh

Pere are some hoL Llps Lo effecLlvely lnfluence and persuade anyone you deslre

1) 8e nlce and frlendly
Smlle Lo brlghLen up Lhe day Make a slncere compllmenL Lo encourage and ralse Lhelr splrlLs Slmple llLLle Lhlngs
llke Lhese counL a loL
Make Lhem feel LhaL whenever Lhey need supporL or [usL someone who can glve Lhem guldance youll always be
Lhere Lo lend a hand 1hey would Lend Lo be more recepLlve Lo people LhaL Lhey LrusL and respecL
lf you wanL Lo ask your boss a favor do everyLhlng you can Lo please hlm Cverdellver and exceed hls expecLaLlons
Soon he wlll noLlce your efforLs and can easlly be recepLlve Lo your persuaslon efforLs

2) LnLer Lhelr world
?ou musL undersLand Lhe slLuaLlon accordlng Lo Lhelr polnL of vlew SeL aslde your personal lnLeresLs and focus on
!usL preLend LhaL lf you are Lhem whaL would you do? WhaL would be your suggesLlon? 1hen Lake Lhe approprlaLe
acLlon LhaL would be beneflclal Lo Lhem
Copy Lhem Cbserve how Lhey acL how Lhey speak and how Lhey Lhlnk lf Lhey rub Lhelr hands whlle Lhey Lalk Lo
you acL llke Lhem lf Lhey speak aL a clear and slow pace Lry Lo do Lhe same Lhlng 1hls ls called mlrrorlng
ln due Llme Lhe people youre mlrrorlng wlll subconsclously feel more comforLable wlLh you lLs as lf Lhey see
Lhemselves ln you
Powever you musL proceed wlLh cauLlon Mlrrorlng ls dlfferenL from mlmlcry uo noL leL Lhem be aware LhaL you
are copylng Lhem 1hey mlghL lnLerpreL lL as mockery and youll [usL geL lnLo hoL waLer

3) ConslsLency ls Lhe key
1hls persuaslon Lechnlque resLs on a persons need Lo remaln conslsLenL wlLh whaL he has sald or promlsed eople
who say one Lhlng and Lhen do anoLher are generally unapproved of
ln order Lo be accepLed ln socleLy people do Lhelr besL Lo sLlck Lo Lhelr words lLs a maLLer of honor and lnLegrlLy
1he more a person values Lhese concepLs Lhe more he wlll sLlck Lo hls word ?ou can easlly use Lhls Lo your
or example lf SenaLor A has recenLly announced hls commlLmenL Lo Lhe envlronmenL lL would be a good Llme Lo
sollclL help for your ecofrlendly organlzaLlon AfLer all he has [usL sald lL hlmself 8acklng ouL now would dlmlnlsh
hls name

4) rovlde Lhem wlLh undenlable proof or evldence
Lxplaln Lo Lhem how your ldeas or oplnlons could be Lhe mosL effecLlve meLhods Lo lmplemenL Show Lhem
undenlable proof LhaL you have Lhe besL producL by way of LesLlmonlals before and afLer scenarlos and deLalled
comparlsons agalnsL your compeLlLors
!usL make sure LhaL all your clalms are Lrue and verlflable Always malnLaln a good repuLaLlon

3) Creed ls gold
LeLs face lL eople can be greedy someLlmes 8uL when lL comes Lo persuaslon skllls greed ls noL someLhlng Lo
frown upon lLs someLhlng you use Lo geL people rlghL where you wanL Lhem!
Are you selllng loLLery LlckeLs? Appeal Lo people by regallng Lo Lhem Lales of whaL could be Are you selllng
[ewelry? CeL people Lo buy Lhem by way of compllmenLs 1ell Lhem how greaL Lhe sLones look on Lhem and how
Lheyll be Lhe envy of everyone else

6) use Lhe word because
Pow ofLen do we use Lhe word because ln a real senLence? ln my oplnlon we donL use lL ofLen enough Sure we
use lL when wrlLlng leLLers buL do you have any ldea how powerful Lhls word ls when used verbally ln acLual
When youre Lrylng Lo reason ouL Lhe need for a second chance Lo your boss for example you donL say l deserve
a second chance for all my hard work lnsLead you say l deserve a second chance because l worked really hard
on Lhls pro[ecL
1haL word alone glves you an alr of maLurlLy and credlblllLy LhaL wlll always work Lo your advanLage

7) SaLlsfy Lhelr exlsLlng needs and wanLs
8elng selfcenLered ls baslc human naLure eople usually aLLend Lo Lhelr own concerns and wellbelng before
aLLendlng Lo oLhers lf you can prove LhaL your proposal wlll provlde more advanLages Lo Lhem Lhan Lo your own
Lhen Lhey wlll probably accepL lL

lf you could concenLraLe more on Lhelr lnLeresLs deslres needs and expecLaLlons Lhen you would saLlsfy Lhelr
cravlngs for aLLenLlon Moreover lL would show LhaL you really care abouL Lhem MuLual LrusL and respecL would
be esLabllshed
1hls ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL Lhlng Lo remember when persuadlng anyone no maLLer how close you are Lo becomlng
llke Lhem or how compelllng your evldence ls lf lL does noL saLlsfy Lhe WhaLs ln lL or Me? LesL your persuaslon
endeavors wlll noL produce saLlsfacLory resulLs Always bear ln mlnd how Lhey wlll beneflL from your acLlons

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