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Welcome to our research survey titled "Lifestyle of ABM Students: Its Implications for

Future Entrepreneurs." This study endeavors to explore the connection between specific
traits—namely, thriftiness, time-consciousness, self-efficiency, and risk-taking—and
their influence on the lifestyle of ABM (Accountancy, Business, and Management)
students. As these traits are recognized as key indicators of entrepreneurial success,
understanding their manifestation in the daily lives of ABM students becomes crucial
for predicting their potential as future entrepreneurs.

Trait Definitions:

Thrifty: The ability to manage resources wisely and make economical choices in
personal and financial matters.

Time-Conscious: Being aware of the value of time and demonstrating a proactive

approach to managing and utilizing time efficiently.

Self-Efficient: The capacity to independently accomplish tasks and solve problems,

reflecting a high degree of self-reliance and resourcefulness.

Risk-Taker: A willingness to take calculated risks, demonstrating a comfort with

uncertainty and a readiness to explore innovative opportunities.

Rating Scale (1-5):

1: Not at all reflective

2: Slightly reflective

3: Moderately reflective

4: Very reflective

5: Extremely reflective

Please rate each trait based on how well it aligns with your lifestyle. Your valuable input
will contribute significantly to our understanding of the relationship between these
traits and the entrepreneurial potential of ABM students.
Check the following scale:


1 2 3 4 5
1. Can I ensure the best rate
2. Do I determine whether or not
to accept the various options
available at the time of buying?
3. Is this kind of product
something I should consider?
4. Do I need to use my credit card
for this product?
5. Do I need to buy a car for my
6. Did I raise the funding for my
business venture?
7. Did I create financial projections
for my product?
8. Should I look for someone to
help with my finances?
9. Should I save for myself?
10. Should I invest money earned
through my business?


1 2 3 4 5
1. Prioritizing time management
can improve critical thinking.
2. Major interruptions inflict a
significant disadvantage on young
3. I seem to jump around from task
to task and often leave things
4. Starting an early business can
address basic needs for future
5. I tend to prioritize important
work and activities
6. Being capable of working alone
can help improve self-
7. I've been able to reduce the time
it takes to handle my work.
8. I start unusually early to get my
work done.
9. I often get stressed just thinking
about managing time for work.
10. Consuming time on
unimportant things may cause
major problems in managing your


1 2 3 4 5
1. Yes, self-efficacy plays a role in
my daily work because it shows
how strategic each person is.
2. In the usual place, every job or
test is where a person acquires the
ability in how they want to apply it
3. It will be increased through the
tasks and trials faced here that
show how sharp and active our
skills are and how we approach
each person.
4. People may possess a general
sense of self-efficacy or in a specific
domain where they believe they
can do well, such as school, work,
friendships, parenting, sports,
hobbies, and other areas.
5. Simply put, if you have a high
level of self-efficacy, you are more
likely to accomplish tasks. Self-
efficacy affects your motivation,
learning capacity, and
6. Self-efficacy does influence self-
esteem because how you feel about
yourself overall is greatly
influenced by your confidence in
your ability to perform well in
areas that are important to you and
to achieve valued goals.
7. This is typically assessed by
addressing levels of confidence in
performing tasks and whether or
not someone can do or accomplish
a given task.
8. An individual is given an
opportunity to challenge negative
distorted beliefs about self, and
they are replaced with more
positive ones. Thus, an individual
moves from a point of
hopelessness to a point of hope
and willingness to be resilient and
tap into their hidden potential.
9. Success in working toward a
goal increases our beliefs and skills
in achieving similar—and more
challenging—future goals. This is
the most influential way to build
10. Addressing levels of confidence
in performing tasks and whether or
not someone can do or accomplish
a given task.


1 2 3 4 5
1. I was inspired to pursue
entrepreneurship at a young age
due to a combination of curiosity
and a desire to create impact, both
socially and economically.
2. I took a specific risk in my
business journey by entering a new
market without extensive research.
I learned the importance of
thorough market analysis and
adapting strategies based on data.
3. I handle failure and setbacks in
my entrepreneurial endeavors by
viewing them as learning
opportunities, adjusting my
approach, and persevering with
4. I use strategic analysis and
market research to identify and
evaluate new business
opportunities, ensuring a data-
driven approach to decision-
5. Balancing the demands of my
business with personal life and
education involves effective time
management, prioritization, and
maintaining a strong support
6. My advice to other young people
interested in entrepreneurship is to
embrace challenges, seek
continuous learning, and build a
diverse network for mentorship
and collaboration.
7. I build and maintain a network
of mentors and advisors by actively
seeking guidance, staying
connected, and reciprocating value
through shared experiences.
8. A memorable success story from
my entrepreneurial journey
involves overcoming initial
setbacks and successfully
launching a product that addressed
a market need.
9. Key skills every young
entrepreneur should develop
include adaptability, effective
communication, financial literacy,
and the ability to learn from both
successes and failures.
10. I envision the future of my
business by focusing on
sustainable growth, innovation,
and evolving my role to contribute
strategically as I mature in the
entrepreneurial landscape.

Thank You!

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