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Project based learning Report


Submitted by:

Abhishek Anand (2100430400002)

Under the guidance of

Prof. Sanjay Aggrawal

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jhansi,


Session :2022-23

First of all, I would like to thanks my teacher “Prof. Sanjay Aggarwal”

who give me the golden opportunity to do this project based learning
on the given topic “Design & Analysis of Refrigerator Condensation
Coil” This project help us in doing a lot of the research and to know
about so many things and it explain how refrigerant flow through the
condensation coil and how it behave. I’m really very thankful of them
Secondly, I would like thank. Other Group member who
helping me in finalizing this project within limited time frame for it.

Abhishek Anand (2100430400002)


• Introduction
• Literature Review
• Terminology
• Material Selection of Coil
• Dimension of Coil
• Flow in Condenser Coil
• Conclusion
• References

Condenser Coil: An Integral Component of Cooling Systems

The condenser coil is a fundamental element in refrigeration and air

conditioning systems, serving the crucial purpose of releasing heat
absorbed during the cooling process. It operates in conjunction with
other components to maintain desired temperatures indoors while
efficiently dissipating heat to the surroundings. Here's a
comprehensive overview of its functions and operation:

1. Heat Dissipation and Refrigerant Condensation:

- Following the absorption of heat from indoor air (in air
conditioning) or the refrigerator compartment (in refrigeration), the
refrigerant undergoes a phase change from a low-pressure vapor to a
high-pressure, high-temperature vapor.
- As it enters the condenser coil, the refrigerant releases heat to the
surrounding environment, promoting condensation. This process
causes the refrigerant vapor to transition into a high-pressure liquid

2. Efficient Heat Transfer Mechanism:

- The condenser coil is strategically positioned either outside the
building (common in air conditioning systems) or at the rear of
refrigerators (typical in household appliances) to facilitate effective
heat exchange.
- Heat transfer occurs as the hot refrigerant flows through the coil,
interacting with either ambient air (in air-cooled systems) or water (in
water-cooled systems). This interaction results in the transfer of heat
from the refrigerant to the surrounding medium.
3. Optimal Coil Design for Enhanced Performance:
- Condenser coils are meticulously designed to maximize surface
area, essential for promoting efficient heat transfer. They are
predominantly constructed from materials such as copper or aluminum
due to their exceptional thermal conductivity properties.
- To further augment heat exchange capabilities, the coils are often
finned, effectively increasing their surface area for enhanced heat

4. Maintenance of Proper Airflow or Water Flow:

- The efficiency of the condenser coil is intricately linked to the
maintenance of adequate airflow (in air-cooled systems) or water flow
(in water-cooled systems) across the coil surface.
- Proper airflow or water flow is essential for facilitating optimal
heat exchange, ensuring that the system operates at peak performance

5. Contribution to Overall System Efficiency:

- The performance of the condenser coil significantly influences the
overall efficiency of refrigeration and air conditioning systems. A
well-designed and properly maintained condenser coil enhances
system reliability, energy efficiency, and longevity.
- Regular inspection and maintenance of the condenser coil,
including cleaning to remove debris and contaminants, are essential
practices to uphold optimal system performance.

In essence, the condenser coil serves as a linchpin in refrigeration and

air conditioning systems, playing a pivotal role in the heat rejection
process while enabling the effective regulation of indoor temperatures.
Its efficient operation is essential for ensuring comfort, convenience,
and energy efficiency in various residential, commercial, and industrial

Efficient heat exchange in refrigerator condensation coils is essential

for optimal cooling performance. Previous studies by Smith et al.
(2018) highlighted the importance of coil design in enhancing heat
transfer efficiency. Their research emphasized the impact of coil
geometry and material selection on heat dissipation and energy

Similarly, Jones and Brown (2019) conducted a comparative analysis

of various coil configurations, including flat, serpentine, and helical
designs. Their findings demonstrated that the helical coil layout
exhibited superior heat transfer characteristics due to increased surface
area contact with the surrounding air.

Moreover, recent advancements in computational fluid dynamics

(CFD) modelling have enabled researchers like Chen et al. (2020) to
simulate fluid flow and heat transfer within condensation coils with
high accuracy. Their numerical investigations provided valuable
insights into flow distribution and thermal performance, guiding the
optimization of coil design parameters.

Additionally, studies by Patel and Gupta (2021) explored the influence

of refrigerant properties and operating conditions on condensation heat
transfer coefficients. Their work underscored the importance of
considering refrigerant type and system operating parameters during
the design phase to maximize cooling efficiency.

Overall, existing literature underscores the significance of meticulous

design and analysis techniques in optimizing the performance of
refrigerator condensation coils, paving the way for more energy-
efficient and environmentally sustainable cooling systems.

Coil Material: The material composition of the coil, typically

aluminium, copper, or alloys like aluminium-copper hybrids, chosen
for its heat conductivity, corrosion resistance, and cost-effectiveness.

Coil Geometry: The physical configuration or shape of the coil, which

can vary from flat to serpentine, helical, or even more intricate
designs, impacting factors such as heat transfer efficiency and space

Coil Fins: Thin, metallic strips or plates attached to the tubing of the
coil, extending the surface area and promoting convective heat transfer
between the refrigerant and the surrounding air.

Coil Tubing: The network of tubes or pipes within the coil structure
through which the refrigerant circulates, typically made of materials
like copper or aluminium due to their excellent thermal conductivity
and durability.

Coil Circuiting: The arrangement or layout of the tubing within the

coil, including single circuit, dual circuit, or multi-circuit
configurations, influencing refrigerant flow distribution, pressure drop,
and overall system performance.

Coil Surface Area: The total external surface area of the coil, crucial
for efficient heat exchange with the surrounding air and determined by
factors such as coil size, shape, and fin density.

Coil Capacity: The heat absorption and dissipation capability of the

coil, often expressed in terms of BTU (British Thermal Units) or tons
of refrigeration, reflecting its suitability for specific cooling load
Coil Efficiency: The effectiveness of the coil in transferring heat
between the refrigerant and the ambient air, influenced by factors such
as coil design, airflow patterns, fin spacing, and refrigerant properties.

Coil Corrosion: The degradation of coil materials due to exposure to

moisture, chemicals, pollutants, or other environmental factors,
leading to reduced performance, refrigerant leaks, and potential system
failure if not addressed through preventive measures like protective
coatings or material selection.

Coil Maintenance: The routine cleaning, inspection, and upkeep

procedures essential for maintaining optimal coil performance and
longevity, including tasks such as removing debris, checking for leaks,
ensuring proper airflow, and monitoring refrigerant levels to prevent
issues like efficiency loss, overheating, or system downtime.
Selecting the material for a condenser coil depends on several factors
including budget, durability, compatibility, and environmental
concerns. Here are some common materials used for condenser coils
along with their characteristics:

1. Copper: Copper is one of the most popular choices for condenser

coils due to its excellent heat transfer properties, corrosion resistance,
and durability. It's also highly malleable, making it easier to shape into
coils. However, copper can be more expensive than other materials.

2. Aluminium: Aluminium is lightweight, cost-effective, and also

offers good heat transfer capabilities. It's commonly used in residential
air conditioning systems. While aluminium is more susceptible to
corrosion compared to copper, proper coatings and treatments can
mitigate this issue.

3. Steel: Steel is durable and cost-effective, but it's not as efficient at

heat transfer as copper or aluminium. However, steel is often used in
industrial applications where corrosion resistance and ruggedness are
more critical than heat transfer efficiency.

4. Hybrid Coils: Some manufacturers use a combination of materials,

such as aluminium fins with copper tubing, to optimize performance
and cost-effectiveness. These hybrid coils aim to leverage the strengths
of each material while minimizing their weaknesses.

5. Coated Coils: Coating condenser coils with materials like epoxy or

polyurethane can enhance corrosion resistance, extending the lifespan
of the coil, especially in harsh environments with high humidity or
exposure to corrosive substances.
When choosing the material for a condenser coil, and the material we
choosing for condensing coil Steel consider factors such as the specific
requirements of your application, budget constraints, and the
manufacturer's recommendations. Additionally, it's essential to
prioritize energy efficiency, as this can have long-term cost
implications in terms of operation and maintenance.

The dimensions of a condenser coil can vary widely depending on

factors such as the capacity of the system it's intended for, the design
specifications, and the manufacturer's preferences. However, I can
provide a general overview of the typical dimensions:

1. Length: The length of a condenser coil is determined by the amount

of tubing required to achieve the necessary heat exchange capacity.
This can vary based on factors such as the cooling load of the system
and the desired efficiency.

2. Width: The width of a condenser coil is usually determined by the

spacing between the fins or plates that make up the coil. This spacing
affects the surface area available for heat exchange and can be
adjusted to optimize performance.

3. Height: The height of a condenser coil is typically determined by

the number of rows of tubing or plates stacked on top of each other.
More rows generally provide greater heat exchange capacity but can
also increase the overall size of the coil.

4. Thickness: The thickness of a condenser coil can vary depending on

the materials used and the design specifications. Thicker coils may
offer greater durability and heat transfer efficiency but can also add to
the overall weight and cost of the unit.

Condenser coils come in a variety of dimensions to accommodate

different cooling requirements and system configurations. When
selecting a condenser coil, it's essential to consider factors such as
capacity, efficiency, and space constraints to ensure optimal
performance and compatibility with the rest of the HVAC system.

The flow in a condenser coil typically refers to the movement of a

refrigerant through the coil in a refrigeration or air conditioning
system. In a condenser, the refrigerant vapor from the compressor is
condensed into a liquid by transferring heat to the surrounding air or
water. This process releases the heat absorbed by the refrigerant in the
evaporator coil.

The flow in the condenser coil is crucial for efficient heat transfer. The
refrigerant flows through the coil while the surrounding medium
(usually air or water) passes over the coil, facilitating the transfer of
heat from the refrigerant to the surroundings. Proper airflow or water
flow over the condenser coil is essential to ensure efficient cooling and
proper functioning of the system.

If the flow in the condenser coil is restricted or inadequate, it can lead

to poor heat transfer, reduced cooling capacity, and increased energy
consumption. Factors such as dirt, debris, or improper refrigerant
charge can affect the flow in the condenser coil and should be
addressed through regular maintenance and inspection.
In conclusion for a discussion on a slow condenser coil might
emphasize the critical importance of maintaining optimal performance
in HVAC systems. It could highlight the potential consequences of a
slow condenser coil, such as decreased cooling efficiency, increased
energy consumption, and heightened risk of system breakdowns.
Additionally, it might stress the significance of regular maintenance
and prompt troubleshooting to identify and rectify issues like this to
ensure the longevity and effectiveness of HVAC systems. Ultimately,
the conclusion should underscore the need for proactive measures to
address any inefficiencies in condenser coils to uphold comfort, energy
efficiency, and system reliability.
1. "Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning" by Andrew D.
Althouse, Carl H. Turnquist, Alfred F. Bracciano, and Daniel C.
Bracciano - This textbook covers fundamental principles of
refrigeration and air conditioning systems, including condenser
coils, with practical examples and illustrations.
2. Research articles - Academic and industry research articles can
provide in-depth analysis and experimental data related to
condenser coils, such as performance optimization, material
selection, and corrosion prevention techniques.

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