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Indigenous Dance
This part is intended for your presentation of an indigenous dance. So,
you are expected to provide your sincere participation and presentation.

These dances are often mirroring the way of life of the indigenous peoples
(IPs). They reflect their love, sufferings, admirations, troubles, scars, healing,
failures, hopes, and even their fears. This is an opportunity to trace their meanings
and their history and connect them to the present conditions of the IPs.

Specific Guidelines:

1. Work on the Cordillera dance.

2. Take note of the formations, beat of the music, hand movements, dance footwork,
hues of the attires, and accessories including the beads, head gears, shields. What do
they possibly signify? What emotions do they stir from you as you watch them
3. Choose one Cordillera dance you want to perform. Music can be recorded or
improvise. You can ask your family members to join you.
4. Two to three (2-3) minutes performance

5. Turn in your output using this file name FAMILY NAME_DANCE PERFORMANCE

Good (7-8) Acceptable(5-6) Score

Excellent (9-10)

Dance content Demonstrated a Demonstrated

strong limited
an in-depth
understanding of understanding
understanding the dance of the dance
of the dance concepts concepts
concepts involved, involved,
involved, meaning, history meaning,
meaning, and reflection. history and
history and reflection
Dance Dance performed with Dance performed Dance performed
great attention to with attention to with attention to
Performance/Technic quality of movement, details of technique, most details of
al skills body position, has attained technique, but
placement and other proficiency in cultural hasn't attained
details of cultural dance style. The proficiency in
dance. Also dancer always show cultural dance style
demonstrates an confidence, . Occasionally loses
excellent expression and focus. The dancer is
understanding of accuracy with less confident and
cultural dance style. movements. expressive.
The dancer always
show confidence,
expression and
accuracy with
Musicality (timing and Performs rhythmic Performs Performs
dynamics) composition with rhythmic rhythmic
high level of composition composition
musicality while with but limited
observing certain level of ability to
proper timing musicality while perform with
and dynamics. observing proper timing
Movements proper and dynamics.
timing but with Many timing
limited ability to mistakes.
with music,
including tempo perform with
and changes. dynamics.
with music, only
few mistakes.
Effort (costume, Always take the Usually take the Rarely apply
props etc) initiative to initiative to extra effort to
apply extra apply extra the
effort to the effort performance.
performance. to the
Total score

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