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PROPHETIC FOCUS: In The Days of Famine, I Shall Be Satisfied – Psalm 37:18-19

Teaching Series: I am Blessed
Reference Book: Understanding Financial Prosperity (Bishop David Oyedepo)
AGES 1-2
Good food, nice clothes, a happy family and EVERY GOOD THING are gifts from
God to His children to make us comfortable on earth. These gifts are called
blessings and can be received every day and everywhere you go! As a child of God
therefore; it’s time for you to receive your blessings and declare “I am blessed”!
Week 1: Sunday, April 7th, 2024
Bible Text: Genesis 12:1-4; 13:1-2
Bible Character: Abraham
Bible verse: ‘ ‘That the blessing of Abraham might come to me’. Galatians
3:14 [paraphrased] NKJV

Objective: At the end of the Bible lesson, children should be able to state:
 What it means to be blessed,
 Why they should be blessed;
 How they can be blessed.
What it means to be blessed
 The one who has everything he or she needs. Gen. 13:1-2
Why I must be blessed
 To show I belong to God’s family. 3 John 2
How to get blessed
 By being God’s child. John 1:12
Faith Talk: I am blessed!
Teachers Activities:
 Start the bible lesson with the song; Abraham’s blessings are mine….
 Dramatize and narrate the bible text as follows:
Long time ago, there lived an old man named Abram and his wife in a city called Haran.
Abram did not have much and in fact, lived with his daddy.
One day, God appeared to Abram and told him to leave his daddy’s home to a place HE
will show him later. God also promised to give him lots of good things so much that he will
have to share with everybody on the earth! Abram believed God, left his daddy’s home, and
guess what? God kept His promise!
Suddenly, Abram had so many goats, cows, sheep and lots of money! Can you imagine what
next? His nephew Lot who moved into the new home with him also became very rich having
lots of animals!
Do you know God still gives good gifts today? When you become His child, He will give you
lots of good things to enjoy also. Are you a child of God?
 Give the children opportunities in the classes or groups to make
 Engage in certain activities or roles that can bring out their potential.
 Allow the children to ask questions.
 Share your story with them
 Lead the children to Christ.
Class Activity
Requirements: 2 baskets and a number of child friendly items
Activity: Place one item in Basket 1, while filling Basket 2 with many items. Get
the children to form a circle around the baskets, dancing and singing Abraham’s
blessings. At the end of the song ask the children to point at the basket they like
between the two. Of course, they will point at the full basket.
Lesson: God’s will for His children is to have and enjoy everything they need. 1
Timothy 6:17c
Week 2: Sunday, April 14th, 2024
Bible Text: Genesis 12:1-4;, 13:1-2
Bible Character: Abraham
Bible verse: ‘That the blessing of Abraham might come to me’. Galatians 3:14
[paraphrased] NKJV
Objective: At the end of the Bible lesson, children should be able to state:
 What it means to be blessed,
 Why they should be blessed;
 How they can be blessed.
What does it mean to be blessed
 The one who enjoys the good things of life. 1 Timothy 6:17c
Why I must be blessed
 To make God happy. Psalm 35:27b
How to get blessed
 By doing what Jesus tells me to do. Deuteronomy 28:2
Faith Talk: Jesus loves me, I am blessed; I love Jesus, I am blessed!

Class Activity
Requirements: Various images of God’s blessings (you can either paste them
around the class or use multimedia)
Activity: Display the images one after the other or move around the class through
the displayed pictures on the wall. At the sight of each image, the children are to
declare I AM BLESSED
Week 3: Sunday, April 21st, 2024
Bible Text: Genesis 14: 14-20
Bible Character: Abraham
Bible verse: ‘That the blessing of Abraham might come to me’. Galatians 3:14
[paraphrased] NKJV
Objective: At the end of the Bible lesson, children should be able to state:
 What it means to be blessed,
 Why they should be blessed;
 How they can be blessed.
What it means to be blessed
 The one who gives to God. Genesis 14:20
Why I must be blessed
 To be protected. Gen. 14:14
How to get blessed
 Give my offering to Jesus. Psalm 96:8
Faith Talk: Jesus loves me, I am blessed; I love Jesus, I am blessed!

Week 4: Sunday, 27th April, 2024

1. Revision of previous weeks’ teaching
2. Activity Sunday
a. Songs
b. Art work – get materials to make a GIFT BOX for each child to reinforce
their understanding of God’s blessings and their expectation of the same every

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