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Prophetic Focus: In The Days of Famine, I Shall Be Satisfied-Psalm 37:18-19

Reference Book: Understanding Financial Prosperity (Bishop David Oyedepo)
Pillar: Prosperity
Teaching Series: Jesus blesses in hard times
AGES 5-7
Jesus loves us no matter what is happening around us. He does not care for us on
some days and on other days, doesn’t care. He always blesses us no matter what is
happening around us.
Come along with us this month, as we learn incredible ways in which Jesus blesses
in hard times.
Week 1: Sunday, 7th April 2024
Bible Text: I Kings 17:8-14
Bible Character: The Widow of Zarephath
Memory verse: ‘But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in
glory by Christ Jesus’. Phil. 4:19
Objective: At the end of the Bible lesson, children should be able to say.

▪ What it means to be blessed in hard times

▪ Why Jesus blesses in hard times.
▪ How Jesus blesses in hard times
What it means to be blessed in hard times

▪ Jesus takes care of us in special ways, no matter what’s happening.

Matthew 6:26
[Hard times is when things are very expensive and money is not enough]
Why Jesus blesses in hard times
 To bring glory to God. Matthew 5:16
How to be blessed in hard times
 I must be a child of God John 1:12
 By doing what Jesus tells me to do. Job 36:11
Faith Talk: Jesus blesses me even in hard times
Evaluation: What does it mean to be blessed in hard times?
Teachers Activities:
 Start the bible lesson with the song; I am a blessed child…, Jesus makes me a
blessed child.
 Dramatize and narrate the bible text as follows.

Long time ago, in Israel, rain did not fall for over 3 years. The land could not bring plants
for food to eat. There was a Prophet named Elijah. One day, God said to Elijah, "Go to a
widow's house in Zarephath. She'll give you food." So Elijah went to Zarephath. When he
got there, he saw her gathering sticks.

He asked her for water and bread. But the widow said sadly, "I only have a little flour and
oil. After making some food for me and my son, we won't have any left." Elijah told her,
"Don't worry. Make food for me first, then for yourself and your son."

The widow trusted Elijah and did what he said. She made food for Elijah, and then for
herself and her son. And you know what? God made a miracle! The flour and oil never
finished. They always had enough to eat, just like God promised. When we trust God, even
in hard times, He always takes care of us and gives us what we need.
 Allow the children to ask questions.
 Lead the children to Christ.
Activity: Draw a tree with many branches and leaves, call it the Blessings Tree.
Label each of the branches the different blessings God provides for us. Colour
each leaf on each branch an item of God’s blessing in our lives.
Week 1: Sunday, 7th April 2024
Bible Text: I Kings 17:8-14
Bible Character: The Widow of Zarephath
Memory verse: ‘But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in
glory by Christ Jesus’. - Philippians 4:19
Jesus blesses in hard times
1. Jesus takes care of us in special ways, no matter what’s happening.
Matthew 6:26
2. This brings glory to God. Matthew 5:16
3. I am God’s child, so I do what HE says. Job 36:11
Faith Talk: Jesus blesses me even in hard times
Week 2: Sunday, 14th April 2024
Bible Text: Genesis 26:1-4,12-14 ERV
Bible Character: Isaac
Memory verse: ‘But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in
glory by Christ Jesus’. Philippians 4:19
Objective: At the end of the Bible lesson, children should be able to say.

▪ What it means to be blessed in hard times

▪ Why Jesus blesses in hard times.
▪ How Jesus blesses in hard times
What it means to be blessed in hard times
 Jesus gives us everything we need even when things are tough. Psalm
[Hard times is when things are very expensive and money is not enough]
Why Jesus blesses in hard times.
 So that we are satisfied in hard times. Ps. 37:18-19
How to be blessed in hard times
 I must be a child of God John 1:12
 I must give my offerings and tithes to Jesus. Malachi 3:10
Faith Talk : Jesus blesses me even in hard times
Evaluation: Why does Jesus bless us in hard times
Teachers Activities:
 Start the bible lesson with the song; I am a blessed child…,Jesus makes me a
blessed child.
 Dramatize and narrate the bible text as follows.

Once upon a time, there was a man named Isaac. He was Father Abraham’s son. There was
famine [no food] in the land. So, he planned to travel out to another place called Egypt.

God appeared to Isaac and said, "Don't go to Egypt. Stay here in this land. I promise to be
with you and bless you. So, Isaac listened to God and stayed where he was, which was
Gerar. He started planting seeds in the land, and that same year, he got back a hundred
times more than what he planted! God blessed Isaac a lot.

Isaac became very rich. He had lots of animals, like sheep and cows, and many servants too.
The people around him saw how well God was taking care of him, and they started to feel
jealous. But Isaac kept growing and getting even greater, because God was always with
him, watching over him, and blessing him.
Activity: Draw a tree with many branches and leaves, call it the Blessings Tree.
Label each of the branches the different blessings God provides for us. Colour
each leaf on each branch an item of God’s blessing in our lives.
Week 2: Sunday, 14th April 2024
Bible Text: Genesis 26:1-4,12-14
Bible Character: Isaac
Memory verse: ‘But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in
glory by Christ Jesus’. Philippians 4:19
Jesus blesses in hard times
1. Jesus gives us everything we need even when things are tough. Psalm
2. He wants me to be satisfied. Psalm 37:18-19
3. I must give my offerings to Jesus. Malachi 3:10
Faith Talk: Jesus blesses me even in hard times

Week 3: Sunday, 21th April 2024

Bible Text: Genesis 12:1-4,10, Genesis 13:1-2
Bible Character: Abraham
Memory verse: ‘But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in
glory by Christ Jesus’. - Philippians 4:19
Objective: At the end of the Bible lesson, children should be able to say.

▪ What it means to be blessed in hard times

▪ Why Jesus blesses in hard times.
▪ How Jesus blesses in hard times
What it means to be blessed in hard times

▪ To have more than enough to share in hard times. 2 Corinthians 9:8

[Hard times is when things are very expensive and money is not enough]
Why Jesus blesses in hard times
 To be a blessing to others. Genesis 12:2-3
How to be blessed in hard times
 I must be a child of God John 1:12
 By being thankful to God for all his blessings. 1 Thes. 5:18
Faith Talk: Jesus blesses me even in hard times
Evaluation: How does Jesus bless us in hard times?
Teachers Activities:

● Start the bible lesson with the song; I am a blessed child…, Jesus makes me a
blessed child
● Dramatize and narrate the bible text
Long time ago, there was a man called Abram. He had no child and, at 75 years, was still living in
his dad’s place because he wasn’t rich. One day, God called him and told him to leave his dad’s
place and go to a place where God will show him. God also told him that HE will bless him.
God didn’t tell him the name of the place he was to go, but Abram obeyed God and left his dad’s
place. On the way, he stayed in a place where there was famine. Abram didn’t run back to his dad’s
place, he kept going because God told him to go.
By now, Abram was very rich. He had plenty of everything. God later blessed him with
more, changed his name to Abraham, gave him a son and kept him until he was very, very old.

Activity: Draw a tree with many branches and leaves, call it the Blessings Tree.
Label each of the branches the different blessings God provides for us. Colour each
leaf on each branch an item of God’s blessing in our lives.
Week 3: Sunday, 21th April 2024
Bible Text: Genesis 12:1-4,10, Genesis 13:1-2
Bible Character: Abraham
Memory verse: ‘But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in
glory by Christ Jesus’. Philippians 4:19
Jesus blesses in hard times
1. Jesus blesses us in hard times so we can have more than enough to
share. 2 Corinthians 9:8
2. We will then be a blessing to others. Genesis 12:2-3
3. I must always be thankful for His blessings. 1 Thes. 5:18
Faith Talk: Jesus blesses me even in hard times
Week 4: Sunday, 27th April, 2024.
1. Revision of previous weeks’ teaching
2. Activity
a. Songs
b. Role play on any of the Bible texts of the month
c. Art work – get materials to make a GIFT BOX for each child to
reinforce their understanding of God’s blessings and their expectation
of the same even in these hard times.

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