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Solutions Skills Speaking Exam 2

Unit 4
1) What do you have for breakfast and when do you have it?
2) What do you usually have for lunch during the week?
3) What do you have for lunch on weekends?
4) What are your favorite dinners and who cooks them?
5) What do you usually order when you have dinner in a café?
6) What do you think about Freeganism?
7) How often do you eat out?
8) What kind of restaurants/cafes do you like to go to?
9) Is the service good there?
10) What kind of food do you like to eat when you eat out?
11) What foods do you like are bad for you?
12) What foods do you like are good for you?

Unit 5
1) What are the advantages of living in your town or village?
2) What are the disadvantages?
3) Would you like to live somewhere else? Why/why not?
4) What famous places are there in your town?
5) How do you usually get to a) shops, b) your friends’ houses?
6) How do you usually go on holiday?
7) How do you usually get to other towns or cities in your country?
8) What are the advantages of living in your town or village?
9) What are the disadvantages?
10) Would you like to live somewhere else? Why/why not?
11) What famous places are there in your town?
12) Can you give me directions to go to the nearest market ?

Unit 6
1) What’s your favorite wild animal? Where does it live? Can you describe it?
2) Can you compare it to other animals?
3) How dangerous (tall, fast, heavy, intelligent, etc) is it?
4) What animal groups do you know?
5) How are mammals( insects, reptiles, fish, birds) different from other animal groups?
6) Are there any National Parks in your country?
7) What animals can you see there? Are any of them dangerous?
8) What can you do in the National Parks?
9) What are the dangers in wild places where people go hiking and camping?
10) Tell me about an interesting place you visited? What did you see or do there?
11) Can you describe any (strange animals) creatures?
12) Are there many stories about it? Where does it live? Are there any photos or videos of it?
13) Does it really exist, in your opinion?

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