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ADMINISTRATIVE For labs we will use Discord (you can download Discord app from here) The Python exam consists in the following = Alab project (developed between week 8 and week 14) - up to 100 points. Projects selection will be decided in week 8. = Lab activity- maximum of 8 points / lab (starting with lab2) => 8 x 6 = 48 points = Lab test (week 8) - up to 52 points = Acourse exam (week 15/16) - up to 100 points The final grade for this exam is computed by applying Gauss curve formula on the final score (number of points) obtained by each student. The percentages proposed by ECTS ("top 10%, next 25%, next 30%, next 25%, lowest 10%") are used to transfer grades from one system to another and are based on the normalized distribution. The reality shows that the distribution of the scores obtained by the students following the evaluation does not always respect the normal Gauss distribution. For example, there are cases when 70-80% (or even more) of the scores received by the students are within the range [45-60]. Obviously, in these cases, one can not apply the same Gauss distribution as they will result in canceling the difference between someone with 80 points and someone with 60 points. For this reason, the ECTS percentages are only supported as a starting point in establishing the final grades; if the scores distribution is different than the normal one, the percentages will be adjusted accordingly. Minimum requirements to pass this exam: = 120 points summed up from all tests = 30 points minimum at course exam = 30 points minimum at project © B SY POINS MINIMUM TOM la activity © ta Lest. 1 Week 9 [21.Nov - 25.Nov] - everyone presents their options for project of type A, Bor Cto Q their assistants Week 10 [28.Nov - 2.Dec] - start working on projects Week 11 [5.Dec - 9 Dec] - C (60 pct) Week 12 [12.Dec - 16,Dec] - C (50 pct), B (80 pet) Week 13 [19.Dec - 23.Dec] - B (70 pct), A (100 pet) Week 14 [9./an - 12.lan] - A (90 pct) When you chose your project be certain that you chose the right one (there are NO partial gradings}. GRADING: PROJECTS OF TYPE C: 60 Points = Full Functionality = Git Support = Presented until week 11 50 points = Full Functionality = Git Support = Presented in week 12 PROJECTS OF TYPE B: 80 Points = Full Functionality = Git Support = Git Features Updates = Presented until week 12 ® = Full Functionality = Git Support = Git Features Updates = Presented in week 13 PROJECTS OF TYPE A: 100 points = Full Functionality = Git Support Git Features Updates PEP documentation Presented until week 13 90 points Full Functionality Git Support Git Features Updates PEP documentation Presented until week 14 Glossary: Full Functionality = Means that every requirement described for the project has to be addressed in its implementation Git Support = The project has to be uploaded to a GIT account (github) that is shared with the teaching assistant Git Features Updates = If a project has multiple features (e.g, for the Total Commander Browser this will be the ability to copy file, the ability to delete files, etc), every feature has to be committed to Git in a separate commit (with a clear name) so that we can track the evolution of the project. PEP Documentation = The entire project has to be documented according to PEP oO specifications, Pillar UVSEIVALIVUIIS, Please share your Github project with your teaching assistant starting from week9, % Furthermore, announce your teaching assistant that you are ready to present a project with 1-2 days before the presentation. We will only grade if the previous described conditions are achieved (eg. if you chose a project of type A you can only receive either 90 or 100 points - a partial project will NOT BE GRADED). Please keep this in mind when you are choosing the project category. We encourage you to try to present before the final moment when your type of project can be presented. If during a presentation, we find problems with a project and there is still time until the last moment your project can be presented, you will be able to re- present again (as long as we respect the final week when that project can be presented). Projects can only be presented to YOUR teaching assistant Before the presentation we will ask you to identify yourself (using the camera and an identity act). During the presentation the camera has to be ON. The grades that you received are not FINAL. In Week 14 - 15 we will check for plagiarism among the submitted project. If this case, the final grade for the lab exam will be adjusted accordingly. Project repartision can be found here

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