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Ensayo. GA6-240202501-AA1-EV02.




FECHA: 22/04/2024
Introduction and general information

In the present work, a solution will be given to the proposed activity GA5-
240202501-AA1-EV02 - Essay on the basic stages of the process of a company
and the people in a work team, it will have a brief description and details about the
proposed situation.
Development evidence
The labor environment of the Colombian population is constantly subject to
changes that destabilize the economy of each individual, since the lack of
guarantees, the different types of employment contracts, the high demand for
vacancies, the experience and studies required in the professional profiles make
that linking to a formal job is more difficult.
The foregoing, before the pandemic appeared, already generated uncertainty. With
its arrival, fear, hopelessness, and dismissals, both justified and unjustified,
knocked on the door for more than one company. The work environment and
climate were also affected. This essay considers the impact that was generated
before and after covid-19, and how the company (anonymous) directly influenced
people's mental health.
Every Friday was associated with one more dismissal, a woman or man with
responsibilities and needs that did not wait, perhaps a few deserved not to be part
of the company, but many others like Don Pedro and Simón were honest and
exemplary employees.
Don Pedro comments "I did not imagine being fired, I have been in the company
for 6 years, I always arrive early and did not consult with doctors to miss work" and
it is that perhaps like him there are many who take care of their jobs like this,
because their employers become inconsiderate and intolerant when it comes to
“Every Friday someone from human resources would arrive with a yellow
envelope, we already knew that someone was leaving,” continues the affected
person, this before the pandemic began. Later, it went from being a team made up
of 10 employees to only 3, since the pandemic accelerated the automation of
Simón, on the other hand, kept his job for a few more months, worked from home
for a while, the company began to take an interest in the well-being of its
employees, opened spaces for conversation and chat, you could go to the office
alternately to change the monotony of the home, there was talk at that time of
emotional health. But the company continued to decline, salaries were reduced,
and therefore personnel were cut again.
In conclusion, there are many stories like that of Don Pedro and Simón, some with
good outcomes and others not so good, there are those who had losses,
companies that closed, and others that grew and went ahead. This is not only at
work, on an individual and personal level there are those who suffered, lost loved
ones, experienced anxiety, stress, despair. The government implemented strategies
that helped improve mental health, although this does not minimize the fact that there is still job

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