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Julio Endara is 35 years old and works selling

vegetables on the street. Yesterday he ate some

potatoes with peanuts and leather, today he woke
up with abdominal pain, he has taken pills but it
did not happen to him. He had to go to the
bathroom 4 times. he says his stools are soft. he
has worried about not selling anything, and he had
to go to the hospital. He also said that 2 days ago
he had drunk a jug of milk. The doctor said he had
diarrhea. he has not gone to the hospital. The
doctor recommended several checkups for his
julio endara tiene 35 años de edad y trabaja vendiendo legumbres en la calle. Ayer se comio
unas papas con mani y cuero, hoy se desperto con dolor abdominal, el ha tomado pastillas
pero no le pasó. tuvo que ir 4 veces al baño. el dice que sus heces son blandas. el ha
preocupado por no vender nada, y tuvo que ir al hospital. tambien dijo, que hace 2 dias habia
tomado un jarro de leche. el doctor dijo que el tenia diarrea. el no ha ido al hospital. El doctor
recomendó realizarse varios chequeos para su salud.

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