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Integrating Study Case

María Alejandra Marín Guerra

Yeny Alexandra Hurtado Gómez

Tecnología en mercadeo y gestión empresarial

Politécnico internacional

Julio 2020
Situation #1 One student play the role of a Doctor, and the other one plays the role of a
Patient. Each patient will go to a medical appointment mentioning that he/she has the
following symptoms:
 Loss in interests in daily activities
 Appetite or weight changes
 Sleep changes
 Anger and irritability
 Loss of energy
 Reckless behavior
 Concentration problems


D: Doctor: Yeny Alexandra Hurtado Gómez

P: Patient: María Alejandra Marín Guerra

D: Hello, Mrs. “Alejandra”, How are you today’?

P: Hello Doctor, not very good.
D: Tell me, What’s the matter?
P: I have concentration problems in the work, I feel tired and I couldn’t sleep very well.
D: And did you have appetite changes?
P: Yes, Sometimes I forget the lunch.
D: You need to eat at least five times a day. Don’t forget drink water, It’s very important
for your healthy. You should drink two liters of water every day.
P: Ok doctor. I will do it.
D: What else?
P: Jumm Doc, I like to ride bike twice a week but the last two weeks I wasn’t interest to do
and I really don’t know why.
D: You should tried with something different or maybe with a partner.
P: Yes, but I loss in interests in my daily activities. I really get angry easier than before and
at home I don’t want to talk with anybody.
D: Mmmm I see. Maybe this is a consequence of a bad sleeping. I am going to give you
some medicine. You are going to feel better soon!!
P: That’s good because I don’t feel well at all! But Doctor, Where can I go to a drugstore?
D: Well, you can go across the street, you have to turn left and go on for about 5 minutes
then you will see the drugstore in front of you.
P: Thank Doc

Good Morning Mrs. Yeny.

You are probably very busy; I totally understand that! I’m writing to follow up on my latest
appointment. I am feeling good, the medicine has been effective and finally I can sleep very
well, that’s why I feel very excited because I have a good mood. At work, I don’t have
concentrations problems anymore. But doctor, I still having problems with my appetite and
that worries me too much.

Then, would you be available next week to check this? It would be great to hear when I can
get the medical appointment back from you. So, please let me know when you find some
time next week.

I would see you soon in the next medical appointment.

Thank you very much.

Att: Maria Alejandra Marin Guerra.

I still haven’t heard back from you and was wondering if you have had the time to consider
my proposal. It would be great to hear back from you. So, please let me know when you
find some time. Regards, [Your name]
Situation #2
Student and Doctor change roles. The patient will go to a medical appointment mentioning
that he/she has the following symptoms:
 Shortness of breath
 Chest tightness and pain
 Trouble sleeping
 Coughing and wheezing attacks


D: Doctor: María Alejandra Marín Guerra

P: Patient: Yeny Alexandra Hurtado Gómez

P: Hello Doctor. How are you today?

D: Hello Yeny, I’m fine and you?
P: I’m feeling bad, doctor.
D: Tell me, what you have?
P: I have been having shortness of breath and many coughing attacks.
D: Do you have trouble sleeping, chest tightness and pain?
P: Yes, doctor.
D: You hear a whistling sound when inhaling and exhaling?
P: Yes, doctor, I have trouble sleeping and I hear a whistling sound and feel the chest
tightness and pain.
D: I know what you have. You have asthma
P: It’s bad?
D: Fortunately you are not serious but you must take good care of yourself. You should
take the medicine that I will prescribe. Also, you shouldn't go out home late and you could
make a lot of hot drinks.
P: What should I eat?
D: I recommend that the food be hot, a bowl of hot soup at each meal and drink the 2 liters
of warm water a day.
P: Ok, doctor thank you very much. Could you tell me where can I buy this medicine?
D: Sure, you can buy it on the corner after turning right, in front of the emergency entrance.
P: Ok, thank you, have a nice day.
D: You toó.

Good morning Mrs. Alejandra

Hello, Doctor. I hope you are well. I am writing to inform you about my asthma. I am
better, I do not have coughing attacks, I can sleep well since 5 days, my chest does not hurt.
I have followed his recommendations, I drink drinks and I eat hot food and I do not leave

I still hear whistling sound when exhaling but not when inhaling, I hope that in one week
more I be well.

Thank you for all, I will follow reporting my progress.

Have a nice day and take care of yourself in those cold days.

Att: Yeny Alexandra Hurtado Gómez.

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