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Name : Nalindra Ayu Estu Asmorosari

NIM : 005221002
Class : GR-4A
Chapter : 12 (Monitoring The Patient)

1. a. Monitoring patients
2. b. Monitoring helps to answer
3. a. Everything is probably ok
4. b. Bodily fluids
5. b. More detail than a scan
6. c. Cheap and convenient


1. Inspection
2. Inspection
3. Inspection
4. Palpation
5. Inspection
6. Auscultation
7. Percussion
8. Palpation
9. Palpation
10. Inspection
Signs Symptoms
● Irregular pulse ● Dull pain
● Haematemesis ● Stomachache
● Pallor ● Dizziness
● Jaundice ● Hungry
● Diarrhea
● Thirst
● Dyspnea
● Constipation
Measure Patient’s Temperature

Oral Temperature :
First wash your hand. Ask the patient whether they ate or drank before the examination. If
they ate or drank recently wait 30 minutes before you take their temperature. Ask the patient
to open their mouth and raise their tongue. Turn on the digital thermometer. Place the
thermometer tip under the patient’s tongue. Ask the patient to close their mouth around the
thermometer for the recommended amount of time or until the thermometer beep indicates it's
done. Remove the thermometer and read the number.

Armpit/Axilla Temperature :
First wash your hand. Turn on the digital thermometer. Ask the patient to raise his arm
slightly. Place the thermometer under the patient armpit, making sure it touches skin, not
clothing. Ask the patient to hold the thermometer tightly in place until you hear the
thermometer beep indicating it's done. Remove the thermometer and read the number.

Measure The Patient’s Blood Pressure

First wash your hand. Ask the patient to open his sleeve until his upper arm is exposed. Place
the cuff on the right/left upper arm about 3 cm above the cubital fossa (neither too tight nor
too loose). Inflate the air cuff balloon until the manometer shows 120 mmHg and the radial
artery pulse is not palpable. Place the diaphragm of the stethoscope over the brachial pulse
and deflate the cuff air balloon slowly and continuously by turning the screw on the air pump
counterclockwise. Record/write down the results of the systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

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