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Choose the best answer among the given options.

1. It is the scientific study of patterns of human interaction that deals with the study of group of life.
a. Culture
b. Politics
c. Sociology
d. Anthropology
2. It utilizes the findings of pure sociological research in various fields such as community development,
industrial relations and other aspects and problems of daily life.
a. Applied Sociology
b. Social Organization
c. Population
d. Human Ecology
3. It covers the study of the various social institutions, social stratification, ethnic groups and relations
and other related subjects.
a. Sociological Theory And Method
b. Social Change And Disorganization
c. Social Organization
d. Social Psychology
4. It concerns with the applicability and usefulness of the principles and theories of group life asbasis
for the regulation of man’s social environment.
a. Human Ecology
b. Population
c. Social Change And Disorganization
d. Sociological Theory And Method
5. It deals with the study of human nature as an outcome of group life, social attitudes, collective
behavior, and personality formation.
a. Population
b. Social Psychology
c. Social Organization
d. Applied Sociology
6. It is concerned with the study of population number, social relations and the disruption that may
occur in the society.
a. Population
b. Social Change And Disorganization
c. Sociological Theory And Method
d. Social Organization
7. It includes the study of the change in culture and social relations and the disruption that may occur
in the society.
a. Applied Sociology
b. Sociological Theory And Method
c. Social Change And Disorganization
d. Social Psychology
8. It studies the nature and behavior of given population and its relationships to the groups present
social institutions.
a. Applied Sociology
b. Human Ecology
c. Social Psychology
d. Social Change And Disorganization
9. It comes from the two Greek words Anthropos which means man and logos which means study of.
a. Culture
b. Politics
c. Sociology
d. Anthropology
10. It deals with man’s biological foundations, race evolution, racial classifications and differentiation.
a. Physical Anthropology b. Cultural Anthropology
11. It deals with one of the most significant and revolutionary concepts in the social sciences – the
concept of culture.
a. Physical Anthropology b. Cultural Anthropology
12. It deals with the study of the nature of races.
a. Radical History b. Human Genetics c. Paleontology
13. It deals with the origin of man.
a. Radical History b. Human Genetics c. Paleontology
14. It deals with the study of various ways of inheritance that take place in man.
a. Radical History b. Human Genetics c. Paleontology
15. It is the pure description of the culture of people or an ethnic group.
a. Ethnology b. Ethnography c. Social Anthropology
16. It is the analysis, comparison, and contrast of cultures of people.
a. Ethnology b. Ethnography c. Social Anthropology
17. It is on a higher level of abstraction than ethnology.
a. Ethnology b. Ethnography c. Social Anthropology
18. It is the study of politics and how it works.
a. Culture
b. Politics
c. Sociology
d. Anthropology
19. It is the study of the domestic politics, political institutions,
a. Comparative Politics
b. Public Administration
c. International Affairs
d. Public Law

20. It governs relationships between individuals and the government.
a. Comparative Politics
b. Public Administration
c. International Affairs
d. Public Law
21. It is represented by the Java man was believed to be crucial in defining the moments by which
humanity evolved.
a. Homo Neanderthalensis
b. Homo Habilis
c. Homo Erectus
22. They were mans primitive in comparison to endoderm humans but they exhibited similar mental
sophistication by wearing animal skins and fuss.
a. Homo Erectus
b. Homo Habilis
c. Homo Neanderthalensis
23. Learned how to communicate symbols and languages.
a. Homo Erectus
b. Homo Sapiens
c. Homo Habilis
24. It is the long process of improving the humans everyday living through innovation, discovery,
enhancing routines, and counting mechanisms.
a. Humanization b. Harmonization c. Evolution
25. The process by which beings develop from earlier beings.
a. Evolution b. Harmonization c. Humanization
26. It is believed to be the earliest stage of human development, which took development over .5 mya
to 10 tya.
a. Neothic Age b. Polesthic Age c. Iron Age
27. In this age, many of the great civilization was found to have grown.
a. Copper Age b. Bronze Age c. Iron Age
28. It is a system of should behaviour,
a. Society b. Culture c. Symbols
29. It is a group of people who share a common culture.
a. Symbols b. Culture c. Society
30. It pertains t the belief that one’s native culture is superior to or the most natural among other
a. Ethnocentrism b. Xenocentrism c. Cultural relationship
31. Many Filipinos prefer imported products rather than locally made ones, thinking the quality is better
if the product is made abroad. What kind of orientation in viewing other culture?
a. Ethnocentrism b. Xenocentrism c. Culture relationship
32. It requires an open mind and enthusiasm to adapt to the new culture.
a. Cultural relationship b. Xenocentrism c. Ethnocentrism
33. It is the primary agent of socialization.
a. Family b. School c. Church
34. It refers to the learned ways of living – the norms, values and beliefs one gets accordance to a
a. Social Environment
b. Cultural Environment
c. Geographic Environment
35. It refers to differences in personality are found among individuals living in different location with
different culture and topography.
a. Social Environment
b. Culture Environment
c. Geographical Environment
36. This form of deviance refers to use of unadvised or illegal methods to adhere social goals.
a. Innovation b. Ritualism c. Retreation
37. From the term itself, it is strictly obscure the norms set by the society.
a. Innovation b. Ritualism c. Retreation
38. It is the complete rejection of norms.
a. Retreation b. Innovation c. Rebellion
39. It is a number of people with similar norms, values, and expectations who regularly interact with one
a. Group b. Status c. Imitation
40. It is defined as a person’s position in a social system.
a. Roles b. Status c. Personality

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