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Software lab examination IV sem BCA/B.

Sc CA (TM) December 2021

Question1--- 25 marks, Question2 ---35 marks

Qpcode : D1-S2-Q1

1. Using vi Editor, Perform the following tasks

a. Create a file, write your name and address save and exit
b. Open the same file
c. Copy first line and paste at the end of the file
d. Delete a given word in the file
e. Delete two lines
f. Delete word from the current cursor position
g. Exit without saving the changes

2. Create a Student table (Adm.No, Name, Dob, Gender,EmailId, MobNumber) and insert
five records. Write php code to search students using Adm No.

Software lab examination IV sem BCA/B.Sc CA (TM) December 2021

Question1--- 25 marks, Question2 ---35 marks

Qpcode : D1-S2-Q2

1. Use Linux commands to

(a) Display current working directory
(b) Change directory to the parent directory
(c) Change directory to a subdirectory of current working directory
(d) Display all files in your directory with “.c” extension.
(e) Create a file “student.txt” and store name of five students
(f) Add two more names to “student.txt”
(g) Give write permission to others for “student.txt”

2. Develop a php application for recording employee’s details (EmpNo, Name, Dob,
Address, Mob number). Add five meaningful records
Software lab examination IV sem BCA/B.Sc CA (TM) December 2021

Question1--- 25 marks, Question2 ---35 marks

Qpcode : D1-S2-Q3

1. Use Linux commands :

a. Create file “student” in your current working directory
b. Rename the file as “names.txt”
c. Create a folder “bca”
d. Copy names.txt as names.dat in “bca” and Delete the file names.txt.
e. Display contents of directory “bca” with various options without moving to “bca”
f. Move to the directory “bca”
g. Create another file and give read, write and execute permission for user and only
execute permission for group and other.

2. Design a php page for getting marks of six subjects for a student and create a well
formatted marksheet.

Software lab examination IV sem BCA/B.Sc CA (TM) December 2021

Question1--- 25 marks, Question2 ---35 marks

Qpcode : D1-S2-Q4

1. Write shell program to perform menu driven program to check for

A) file existence, B) file readable or not C) file writeable or not.

2. Design a webpage for getting Regno, Name, Address, Age and Password. Write a php
program to validate the following
a. Age between 18 and 40
b. Length of password > 8 and it contains special characters and numbers
Software lab examination IV sem BCA/B.Sc CA (TM) December 2021

Question1--- 25 marks, Question2 ---35 marks

Qpcode : D1-S2-Q5

1. Write a shell script to set all permission to user and execute permission only to group and
others for all files in the current directory
2. Write php code getting marks of six subjects (out of 100 marks) of a student and display
the grade
Less than 40 % Failed
<50% Grade D
<60% Grade C
<70% Grade B
<80% Grade B+
<90% Grade A
Above 90% Grade A+

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