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- electronic device that does specific tasks like playing songs, videos, surfing,
executing programs
with some mathematical calculations behind

computers -> cpu -> processors -> gates (logical) -> transistors

Operating system:

- program that acts as an interface b/w the user and system hardware
- controls the execution of all kinds of programs

some functionalities done by OS:

- process management
- memory management
- Device management
- File management
- Security
- job accounting
- error detecting aids
- coordination b/w users and softwares


- computers are as big as houses and rooms and very difficult to operate
- every computer has different os
- every software is designed for a specific system
- extremely costly and bnormal people cannot afford

Linux History:

- Linux is free distributional version of UNIX

- Unix is insprired by MUltics (multi-user, multi-preocess, dynamic linking,
hierarical file structure)
- unix first version was released in 1970 in assembly lang
- in 1972 C lang was developed by dennis richie
- unix is rewritten in C

c = a * b

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