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AMISTAD (PART THREE) chapter 14 to 24 (1:36 to 2:24)

1) Right or Wrong? Correct the wrong sentences.

Judge Coglin does not believe the slaves were born in Africa.
Judge Coglin orders the arrest of Ruiz and Montes on the charge of slave trading.
Judge Coglin releases the Africans.
Judge Coglin makes the Africans sent back to Spain.
Calhoun is a Northern senator.
Calhoun believes destroying slavery would be to destroy southern people.
Calhoun believes South will become the masters and North the slaves.
Tappan thinks martyrdom is the best way for things to change.
The President has appealed the decision to the Supreme Court.
Cinque is furious since Baldwin had told him that if they won, they would go free.
Cinque writes a letter to John Quincy Adams.
Seven of nine members of the Supreme Court are themselves Southern slave owners.
Cinque is happy working with Baldwin again.
Baldwin is now famous and has a large clientele.
John Quincy Adams is considered a chief by Cinque.
Cinque will call his Gods to help him.
Isabella II thinks the American court is incompetent.
According to John Quincy Adams, if Cinque were white, he would be praised.
According to the Supreme Court, the Africans are slaves.
Lomboko slave fortress was never found.

2) Answer the following questions:

a) Why has President Van Buren appealed the decision to the Supreme Court?

b) Why is Cinque so furious when he is told the President has appealed the decision to the Supreme Court?

c) What words did John Quincy Adams use to convince the judges?

d) What do you think will happen to Cinque?


1) Right or Wrong? Correct the wrong sentences.

Judge Coglin does not believe the slaves were born in Africa.
Judge Coglin orders the arrest of Ruiz and Montes on the charge of slave trading.
Judge Coglin releases the Africans.
Judge Coglin makes the Africans sent back to Spain.
Calhoun is a Northern senator.
Calhoun believes destroying slavery would be to destroy southern people.
Calhoun believes South will become the masters and North the slaves.
Tappan thinks martyrdom is the best way for things to change.
The President has appealed the decision to the Supreme Court.
Cinque is furious since Baldwin had told him that if they won, they would go free.
Cinque writes a letter to John Quincy Adams.
Seven of nine members of the Supreme Court are themselves Southern slave owners.
Cinque is happy working with Baldwin again.
Baldwin is now famous and has a large clientele.
John Quincy Adams is considered a chief by Cinque.
Cinque will call his Gods to help him.
Isabella II thinks the American court is incompetent.
According to John Quincy Adams, if Cinque were white, he would be praised.
According to the Supreme Court, the Africans are slaves.
Lomboko slave fortress was never found.

2) Answer the following questions:

a) Why has President Van Buren appealed the decision to the Supreme Court?

b) Why is Cinque so furious when he is told the President has appealed the decision to the Supreme Court?

c) What words did John Quincy Adams use to convince the judges?

d) What do you think will happen to Cinque?

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