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English as Second Language

Revision 1

Dr/Adham Omar For IGCSE

English as Second Language
Opening Sentence Rhetorical Question:

§ Does …………….. sound overrated/ underrated to you? It does to
§ Do you think ……………. Is taken too seriously/lightly? I believe it
§ Why do you think ……………. is not being addressed appropriately?
§ Does it seem/occur to you that …………….. is dividing people
apart? It does to me.
§ Is (not) it obvious/clear that whenever …………….. is mentioned, a
lot of arguments arise? It is quite obvious to me.
§ Have you ever wondered why people become aggressive/tense when
discussing ……………. ?
§ Wouldn’t you agree with me that …………….. gives rise to different
§ Don’t you think people take sides when …………….. is on
discussion? I certainly think so.
§ Do you believe ……………. deserves more attention? It sounds
neglected to me.
§ Have you ever wondered whether there is more to be done about
…………….. ? I certainly have.


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English as Second Language
• With all the opposition against technology nowadays,
……………….. gets the most of it.
• Ever since ……………. has emerged, everyone has blindly relied on
• There are two distinctive sides about whether to ………. or ………
and each has its own well-proven justifications.
• Despite the numerous setbacks, ……….. has never failed to attract
people’s attention and provoke controversy.
• In evaluating the merits and demerits of ……., one should adopt a
broader perspective.
• Nowadays, ……….. is/are set to play a larger part in people’s daily
lives than ever before.
• Undoubtedly, the ……….. has become an issue of broad interest.
• Stepping in the 21st century, …………. has/have set foot in nearly
every walk of life.
• Although ………. does not grab a headline as frequently as many
other issues, it does not mean that it is less serious.
• Over the past few decades, ……. have/has become increasingly
important in this fast-changing information-based society.
• Nowadays, there has been a growing debate as to whether ……….
• There is little room for doubt that ………. is one of the
fastestgrowing phenomena/industries in the world.
• Few subjects are as likely to provoke controversy as……….
• Today, it is important to note that the public has a growing appetite
• In these years, there is a growing recognition that ………. Is well on
its way to becoming a dominant global phenomenon/concept.
• Perhaps no subject in the moral community is as controversial as
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English as Second Language
• In the history of mankind, possibly no century witnessed more
progress in technology than the 20th century did.
• Whether people should agree on …… or …… , has long been the
subject of intense debate and this is a question that certainly does not
have one correct answer.

My Opinion How
to write your opinion?
§ From my frame of reference, I believe that …….. , if
implemented/done/adopted, will have an accumulative effect on the
well-being of either individual students or the society as a whole.
§ Despite the importance of…….., I highly believe that it is inevitable
and more efficient to focus more on ………… for several reasons.
§ In my opinion, the advantages of ……… will continue to outweigh
its disadvantages. (vice-versa)
§ When …………. has/have been center of criticism, I am of the
opinion that ………. are essential to both the well-being of humans
and the society as a whole.

Dr/Adham Omar 7 For

English as Second Language

Dr/Adham Omar For

English as Second Language
Linking Words

§ To ad d Information:
ü To begin with / To start with / In the first place
ü In addition, / Additionally
ü Moreover
ü Furthermore
ü Even more
ü Besides
ü As well as
ü Not to mention/Not worth mentioning
ü Goes without saying
ü In the same way

§ Indicating Results:
ü As a result
ü As a consequence/ Consequently
ü Therefore
ü Thus
ü Hence

§ To give Example:
ü For example
ü For Instance
ü Namely
ü Such as

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English as Second Language
§ To Compare:
ü Similarly, / Similar to ü
ü Just as / Just like ü Compared
to / Comparatively ü Coupled
§ To indicate the Opposite: Body (2) ü However, the picture has
another side.
ü Even though, the picture has darker/brighter side. ü Nevertheless, if
you flip the other side of the coin
,…………………………….. ü However, some
people adopt an opposing view. ü Nevertheless, the
river always has another bank.
ü However, is it all bad/good?
ü From a different frame of reference, there are adv./dis adv. as well.
ü Those who claim …….. is ineffective make the following claims. §
To Conclude:
ü In a nut shell ü Bottom line ü For the most part ü In brief ü On the
whole ü All things considered
§ Opening Sentence of Body 1: ü Shedding a light on the
positives/negatives, they are numerous. ü To spotlight the
……….., one should have a closer look. ü Speaking about the
………, they are considerable. ü Without a cast of shadow,
……….. is/are countable. ü Regarding the ………., they cannot
be overlooked.

Formal Letters:
Introduction: Sentence indicating why you are writing:
Dr/Adham Omar For
English as Second Language
• I am writing in concern of/ concerning …………….
• I was astonished to hear about ………………. and I decided I had to
reply expressing my opinion/feelings ……
• I was surprised /amazed/pleased to know that …………
• I was deeply sad /dismayed /disappointed to know …………
• I am writing to inform you about my and other people’s opinions and
views regarding …………….
• I was displeased/upset when I was informed about………….
• I am writing on behalf of my neighborhood to express our deep
concern/distress about the plan to…………
• I am writing with regard to the careless/unthoughtful plans to………

Conclusions: My opinion + Formal closing sentence.

• I hope my opinions are taken into consideration.
• Thank you for your time and concern /interest.
• Your time and concern are highly appreciated.
• I hope some serious steps are taken regarding this issue very soon.
• Please consider our opinions and concerns seriously.

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English as Second Language

Summary of Ideas
Affects your Personality:
• It broadens your horizons and makes you fair-minded.
• Changes the way you perceive life and becoming an understanding
• Makes you accept others as they are and more tolerant to all people
from different back grounds. It turns you in a thoughtful sensible
• Increase your self-confidence/self-esteem/sense of responsibility and
• This makes you adaptable and cope with pressure (in different
• Charismatic and easy going person.
• Communicative and improves your social interaction skills.
• It strengthens your character and makes you fearless (courageous).
• It sheds a light on the adventurous part of your personality.
• Get out of your comfort zone /Push yourself to the edge.
• Leadership (become a leader not a follower) Experience:
• Self-satisfaction /self-fulfillment.
• It is highly praised for delivering real life experiences that are not
taught in classrooms.
• It provides those youngsters with the necessary foundation to help
them in the choice of their future careers.
• Opens your eyes to all aspects and problems people face in life.
• Teaches you time-management / balance between all aspects of your
life without coming over certain things.

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English as Second Language
• This gives them a clearer perspective of what they want to do with
their lives and why.

Technology: (computers, cellphones, communications, SNS, cars,

inventions, life easier for our generations, computer games, TVs)
• Unarguably, the improvement in people’s living standards owes much
to……… : (how) saves time and effort, researches and HW easier,
shopping online, keeping up with the latest updates (fashion, news,
products ….. etc)
• Facilitates communication: made the world a global village, faster,
anywhere, anytime, keep in touch with far friends, in emergencies.
• Facilitates transportation: comfortable, saves time and effort of
commuting, privacy, suitable for elderly and a group.
• Entertainment /fun: (How is it fun? And why ?
1)After a long tiring school day, what could be more fun than playing
an online match? (computer games)
2)The amount of entertaining apps provided by your smart phones are
3)Computers are a source of entertainment by the games they provide
as well as surfing the web.
• Teaches you different skills (programming, editing …etc) which
makes you eligible for different jobs
• Cheap:
1)Not only safe but also a cheap way of entertainment. (Computer
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English as Second Language
2)Mobiles are now widely available with suitable prices to everyone.
3)Instead of wasting money on international phone calls which would get
you a huge bill, you can simply press on the skype app. (SNS)
• It is important to keep up with world’s fast pace and not to fall
behind. (almost all the inventions)

• Social Problems:
1) Addiction.
2) Distraction from your work and studies.
3) Isolation.
4) Loss of friends and family bonds 5) Decrease in the social
interaction skills.
6) Become less sociable.
7) Introvert person.
8) Difficult to break away from them.
9) Reduce real life relationships.
10) Dangerous when hacked
• Wastage of time.
• Health Hazards: obesity, couch potato, sight problems when glued
for long hours, back bone pain, laziness, reduce physical fitness.
• Cars: air and noise pollution, over-crowdedness, traffic jams, lung
• They are not only expensive to buy, but also cost a lot of money to
maintain and run. (any device) + power dependent (if cut off, useless)
• Perhaps not user friendly, especially for the elderly.

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Negative effects of Mobile Technology on the society and
Mobile technology, while offering undeniable benefits, can also have negative effects on
society. Here's a closer look at some of these downsides:

Addiction and Mental Health:

• Excessive screen time: Smartphones can be addictive, leading to compulsive checking,

neglecting real-world interactions, and negatively impacting sleep patterns.
• Social media and mental health: Social media platforms can fuel feelings of
inadequacy, envy, and loneliness due to unrealistic portrayals of life and constant
• Cyberbullying and online harassment: Anonymity online can embolden negativity,
leading to cyberbullying, harassment, and the spread of misinformation.

Social Interaction and Relationships:

• Impaired communication skills: Over-reliance on texting and social media can hinder
the development of in-person communication skills and social cues.
• Strained interpersonal relationships: Spending excessive time on mobile devices can
take away from face-to-face interaction and quality time with loved ones.
• Social isolation and loneliness: Paradoxically, social media use can lead to feelings of
isolation and loneliness, despite connecting people virtually.

Physical Health and Well-being:

• Musculoskeletal problems: Poor posture from prolonged phone use can lead to neck
pain, back pain, and repetitive strain injuries.
• Eye strain and vision problems: Excessive screen time can cause eye strain, headaches,
and contribute to vision problems.
• Sleep disruption: The blue light emitted from phone screens can suppress melatonin
production, leading to sleep disturbances and impacting overall health.

Attention Deficit and Cognitive Issues:

• Shortened attention spans: The constant stream of notifications and information

overload from mobile devices can lead to shorter attention spans and difficulty focusing.
• Multitasking overload: Trying to juggle multiple tasks at once, like texting while
driving or working, can negatively impact cognitive performance and increase the risk of
• Impact on learning and memory: Reliance on smartphones for information retrieval
can hinder the development of memory and critical thinking skills.
Privacy and Security Concerns:

• Data breaches and privacy violations: Mobile apps and websites collect vast amounts
of user data, raising concerns about privacy breaches and misuse of personal information.
• Cybersecurity threats: Mobile devices can be vulnerable to malware attacks, phishing
scams, and identity theft.
• Digital divide: Unequal access to mobile technology and internet connectivity can
exacerbate social and economic inequalities.

How to decrease these negative effects:

Here are some strategies to decrease the negative effects of mobile technology on teenagers:

Promoting Healthy Tech Habits:

• Lead by example: Parents and caregivers can model healthy phone use by putting their
devices down during meals, family time, and social outings.
• Open communication: Have open conversations with teenagers about responsible phone
use, establishing screen time limits, and discussing online safety concerns.
• Create phone-free zones: Designate specific areas of the home, like bedrooms or dinner
tables, as phone-free zones to encourage face-to-face interaction and relaxation.
• Set screen time limits: Use built-in phone features or parental control apps to set screen
time limits for teenagers, ensuring dedicated time for sleep, homework, and other
• Encourage alternative activities: Promote engaging in hobbies, spending time outdoors,
socializing with friends in person, and pursuing creative activities to provide a fulfilling
balance to screen time.

Prioritizing Mental Health and Well-being:

• Promote sleep hygiene: Encourage teenagers to establish a regular sleep schedule,

avoiding screen time before bed due to the blue light impact on sleep.
• Mindfulness practices: Introduce mindfulness exercises like meditation or yoga to help
teenagers manage stress, improve focus, and develop healthy coping mechanisms.
• Promote social interaction: Encourage participation in sports teams, clubs, or volunteer
activities to foster real-world connections and a sense of belonging.
• Openness about mental health: Talk openly about mental health challenges and
encourage teenagers to seek help from a therapist or counselor if needed.

Addressing Addiction and Distraction:

• App usage awareness: Promote awareness of apps and features designed to
and discuss strategies to resist them.
• Notification management: Encourage teenagers to turn off unnecessary no
minimize distractions and maintain focus during study or other activities.
• Digital detox periods: Schedule regular breaks from technology altogether,
free weekends or evenings, to reconnect with the real world.
• Alternative entertainment: Provide access to audiobooks, podcasts, or e-re
offer entertainment options with less screen time.

Enhancing Tech Literacy:

• Critical thinking skills: Educate teenagers about evaluating online informa

critically, identifying fake news and biased sources, and practicing respo nsi
• Cyberbullying awareness: Discuss the dangers of cyberbullying and empo
to be responsible digital citizens, reporting inappropriate online behavior.
• Privacy settings: Guide teenagers on setting strong privacy settings on soci
platforms and apps to protect their personal information.
• Online safety resources: Provide access to online safety resources and emp
teenagers to report any online harassment or threats they encounter.
English as Second Language

• Success, Money, Happiness:

The perception of happiness differs considerably from one individual
to another.
1)Materialistic (money, power, authority, decision-makers, leader not
follower, popularity, fame, social/prestigious status in the society)
2) Moral (Those people treasure family, love, respect, healthy, real
friends, giving with no return, helping those in need, be hard worker
irrespective of the result)
3)How to achieve success or gain money (sacrifice other aspects of your
life, be hard worker)
4) Feelings about your-self (proud, self-satisfied, self-full filled)
5) Advantages of Money (better quality of life…. Illustrate, standards of
living, better education …. Illustrate and health care, more
opportunities, financial independence, sense of security, fun and
enjoyment …. Illustrate)
6) Disadvantages of money (greed, selfishness, ungratefulness, spoiled,
does not value blessing of life, respect not earned buy money, money
does not buy family, love, respect, healthy, real friends)

Dr/Adham Omar 26 For

English as Second Language

• Anything that can be done online:

1)Speaking about the varieties, they are almost endless. You have the
option of comparing between specifications before you choose.
2)The internet doesn’t have closing hours. All what you need in a Wi-Fi
connection and you are on. With multiple clicks, you get all your desires
at your doorsteps. (flexibility of timetables/working hours/studying
hours/sleeping hours)
3) Create your own pace of studying. (self-paced)
4)Saves time, effort and energy. (traffic, pollution, stress, natural
resources) especially for those living in remote areas.
5)Relatively cheaper when compared with traditional fees.
6)No more torture of congested traffic which drives any one mad and
nervous. Plus, we can kiss good bye long wavy tortuous queues to
purchase an item, book a course or even extract any information from a
reception desk.
Ag: 1)Boring
2)Social Skills/physical issues due to decrease in movement as you have
all what you want at your door-steps.
3)Miss the fun of going out shopping, meeting friends or simply see the
outside real world rather than from a computer screen
4)No face to face interaction or personal inspection of an item.
5)Hacking of your personal information.
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Electric Cars: (Green Cars)
1)No tailpipe emissions; saving the environment
2)Cheaper to run: recharging the batteries is relatively cheaper than a lite
3)Convenience of not commuting to gas stations; charge it at home.
4)Quieter when compared with the regular burning combustion process o
1)Like any other new technology, its initial cost is considered high and o
2)Batteries packs and durability are of question; to operate under any we
3)The car’s distance and speed range are relatively lower.
4)The power plants that supply the electricity do pollute the earth.
5)Recharge points are not as frequent as gas stations, at least for the tim
recharge time
6)Normally 2 seaters.
Space Exploration:
1)It allows people to know more about the universe.
Undoubtedly, space exploration has answered the question of
whether the Earth is round or not and proved that the Earth does
revolve around the sun (and not the other way around).
2) It paves the way to advanced technology.
3) It creates numerous jobs. (engineers, technicians, mechanics)
4) It can offer a solution to many problems. (weather patterns)
5) Potential of discovering new resources such as minerals that
can have a major impact on improving quality of life on Earth
1)It is exorbitantly expensive. As if we have solved every
problem on our mother earth to go and solve others out there.
2)Waste of money if nothing discovered.
3)Risky for the life of the astronauts.
4)Natural resources.
5) Space junk is created by stuff we leave behind in space.

Wearable Technology:
Inside this fairly diverse category named wearables are different
innovative (worn) technologies such as smart glasses (VR glasses),
activity trackers, smartwatches, head mounted displays, smart
clothing, wireless earbuds, wearable cameras, wearable ECG
monitors, hearing aid devices. Essentially wearables include any smart
device that you can wear.

1)Monitor our fitness levels. (Fitbit) 2)Track
our location with GPS.
3)View text messages more quickly.
4)Best of all, most of the devices that allow us to do this are hands free
and portable, eliminating the need to take our devices out of our
5)Convenient size. (Discreet)

1) Wearables tend to have a fairly short battery life.
2) For some, it can be a hassle to remember to regularly remove your
wearable to charge it.
3) Some wearables have been reported to measure data inaccurately on
occasion. This can be especially dangerous when measuring data like
heart rates.
4)Not user-friendly.
5)As the case for any new technology, their unaffordability is a question
of concern.

VR in action:
Virtual Reality is a technology that uses software for creating an artificial
environment. It makes some artificial senses such as touching, hear and
sight. The world of virtual reality merges the power of 3D graphics.
Virtual reality technology is widely used for various purposes. Such as
video games, engineering, entertainment, education, design, films, media,
medicine and many more.

1) Visuals seen in visual reality are far better than reality.
2) Due to its extensive features, virtual reality has been used in different
fields such as in military, education and health care. It adds the more
dimensions in various fields.
3) Users have tremendous experiences in using virtual reality. (Fun)
4) One of the main pros of Virtual reality is effective communication.
Users can communicate with each other and thus enjoy the
conversation between them. (Boosts the communication skills) Ag:
1)NOT REAL; The main con of virtual reality is that a person who has
been trained in VR environment may do well in that environment, but he
cannot perform well in the real world.
2)High cost.
3)Real communication is missed (Counterfeit world); isolation.
4)Addiction; especially for gamers.
5)Still under experiment.
6)Due to the fast paced development of Virtual Reality and online worlds,
there is a lack of laws regarding these worlds.

AI conquering the World:

The concept of artificial intelligence is that computer systems can be used
to perform tasks that would normally require a human.
1) With artificial intelligence, the chances of error are almost nil and
greater precision and accuracy is achieved.
2) Lacking the emotional side
3) Utilized in carrying out repetitive and time-consuming tasks
4) To do certain dangerous tasks.
5) Machines do not require sleep or breaks, and are able to function
without stopping.
1)One of the main disadvantages of artificial intelligence is the cost
incurred to buy, to maintain and to repair.
2) They are not able to act any different from what they are
programmed to do. (No human touch and no creativity)
3) If robots begin to replace humans in every field, it will eventually
lead to unemployment.
4) Due to the reduced need to use their intelligence, lateral thinking and
multitasking abilities of humans may diminish. (Machine dependent)
5) If the control of machines goes in the wrong hands, it may cause

E-Hailing Apps (Uber… etc) For:

1)Instead of chasing down a taxi on a metropolis street.
2)Hopelessly praying for one taxi to miraculously pass by their location
in the suburbs.
3)Calling and waiting half an hour for a car service or to find an empty
taxi in rush hours.
4) Because the passenger's credit card is linked to the E- account of
the app, no cash changes hands, which means that payments don't have to
be processed immediately; Safer.
5) Once driver accept the assignment to transport passengers, the
passengers are able to track the driver’s position and route, and
communicate with their drivers if necessary.
6) Driver’s performance is rated, and a low rating will force a driver
out of UBER or its competitors.
7) Because the transaction is cash-less, a driver needs not worry about
unpaid fares and needs not carry any sizeable amount of cash that
might entice a robber. (Eliminate the problem of change)
8) Drivers enjoy greater freedom and flexibility. Drivers can log in
and off the system anytime and can choose to strategically allocate their
working hours and efforts in any manner that best meet their goals and
circumstances. Ag:
1) Sometimes prices for UBER services, depending on the intensity of
demand, are increased by a certain percentage, and at other times they
could even be doubled or tripled. (e.g. rush hours, dates of concert events,
and during rain and snow storms)

1)Low Transaction Costs
One of the most important pros of Cryptocurrencies is that they generally
have low transaction costs. Unlike other Electronic Payment Systems (like
PayPal and money transfers with banks), which tend to have expensive
2)Cryptocurrency is new, and in the financial sector, new is exciting.
3)Fast, Permanent Transactions
Cryptocurrency transactions generally process quicker than checks and
bank-facilitated money transfers.
There are plenty of legitimate reasons why someone could want to keep
their spending private.
5)The only way your money can be accessed is by your private key –
essentially a cryptographic password that only you know. This means
that no bank, corporation, or central government can freeze your assets.
6)Your Information Can’t Be Stolen from Vendors
When you use credit and debit cards to make purchases (especially
online), you’re trusting the vendor with information that other people
could use to steal from you. This means that, if your financial information
is stolen from the vendor, your money will be at risk.
7)Cryptocurrency is Not Inflationary
Since Cryptocurrency is still an emerging technology, the value of the
various digital currencies can be volatile (as discussed below), but the
system was designed to not be inflationary in the long run.
8)It’s Easy
Many people mistakenly think that Cryptocurrency is too diffic
subject to learn and work with. The truth is, anyone can learn to

Right now, the values of most Cryptocurrencies are volatile – t
frequently and sometimes by wide margins
2)Potential for Security Breaches
Because Cryptocurrency is digital money with purchasing pow
working with it will need top-notch security to avoid digital bre
3)Criminal Uses
As with cash, the privacy afforded by Cryptocurrency can be u
legitimately and for illicit purposes.
English as Second

1)A huge savior for the environment, especially because of the
2)Saves natural resources. (Non-renewable) 3)Job
1)Complicated technology. Not available in all countries.
2)Expensive to run.
4)Energy used in the recycling process.
5)Emissions from the recycling factories affect the environment.
6)Another unknown expense is the collection of the used products.
7)Not to mention the impracticability to collect the recyclable items. NB:
It is all about the awareness, conservatism and avoidance of the
exorbitant consumption rather than recycling the already used.

1)It was originally devised for public safety. Because it has proved to
reducing crime rates, providing clues and catching criminals. 2)Forces
people to abide to laws.
3)Provides the feeling of security. Ag:
1)The main opposition is the violation of privacy rights.
2)May be abused or manipulated to distort truth.
3)Expensive (buy, run and maintain)
4)Psychological insecurity for always being watched and distrusted.
5)Impractical to be used in all places.
6)Proves not prevents.
Dr/Adham Omar


English as Second Language

Global Warming:
The rise in the overall temperature of the Globe.

1)The heat is melting glaciers and sea ice, and setting animals on the
2) Much of this melting ice contributes to sea-level rise.
3) Rising temperatures are affecting wildlife and their habitats.
Vanishing ice has challenged species
4) Some regions are experiencing more severe drought, increasing the
risk of wildfires, lost crops, and drinking water shortages. 5) Some
diseases will spread, such as mosquito-borne malaria.

Main Causes:
All of these changes are emerging as humans continue to add
heattrapping greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

Individual Solutions:
Reduce your own carbon footprint by following a few easy steps.
1)Make conserving energy a part of your daily routine and your decisions
as a consumer.
2)When you shop for new appliances like refrigerators, washers, and
dryers, look for products with the government’s Energy Star label; they
meet a higher standard for energy efficiency.
3)When you buy a car, look for one with the highest gas range and
lowest emissions.
4)You can also reduce your emissions by taking public transportation or
carpooling when possible.
5)Transitioning from dirty fossil fuels to clean power should be a top
Dr/Adham Omar

Homelessness: / Almost Same ideas of Poverty:
Effects of Homelessness on the Society:
Homelessness has a significant impact, not just on the individuals experiencing it, but on
society as a whole. Here's a breakdown of some key effects:

Public Health:

• Increased strain on healthcare systems: Homeless individuals often have higher rates
of chronic health conditions, mental illness, and substance abuse. They may rely on
emergency room visits for primary care, leading to higher costs for the healthcare system.
• Spread of infectious diseases: Congregate living situations and lack of access to hygiene
facilities can contribute to the spread of communicable diseases.

Safety and Security:

• Increased crime rates: Some studies suggest a correlation between homelessness and
property crime, though the cause-and-effect relationship is complex.
• Fear and discomfort: The presence of homeless individuals in public spaces can make
some people feel unsafe or uncomfortable.

Social Costs:

• Loss of productivity: Homelessness can prevent individuals from working due to health
issues, lack of stable housing, or difficulty finding childcare.
• Strain on social services: Shelters, soup kitchens, and other social services can become
overburdened as the homeless population grows.
• Negative impact on children: Homeless children are more likely to experience
educational disruptions, developmental delays, and emotional problems.

Economic Impact:

• Lost tax revenue: Homeless individuals often don't pay income or property taxes,
reducing the tax base for communities.
• Increased costs for law enforcement: Dealing with issues related to homelessness can
strain police resources and budgets.
• Decreased property values: Some studies suggest that homelessness can negatively
impact property values in surrounding areas.

Overall Impact on Society:

• Compassion fatigue: Constant exposure to homelessness can lead to feelings of
helplessness and compassion fatigue among the general public.
• Damage to community image: A high number of homeless individuals can create a
negative perception of a city or town.

How to decrease the effects of Homelessness:

It's important to note that homelessness is a complex issue with no easy solutions.
However, by understanding its effects on society, we can develop more effective strategies
to address it.

There's no single solution to homelessness, but a multi-pronged approach can address the root
causes and negative effects. Here are some strategies that can help decrease and solve the
negative impacts of homelessness:


• Affordable Housing: Increasing the availability of safe, affordable housing options is

crucial. This could involve rent control measures, government subsidies, and programs to
help people transition out of shelters into permanent housing.
• Living Wage Jobs: Supporting policies that ensure a living wage can help prevent
people from falling into homelessness due to economic hardship.
• Mental Health Care: Expanding access to mental health services and substance abuse
treatment can address underlying issues that contribute to homelessness.
• Educational Opportunities: Providing educational and job training opportunities can
empower individuals to achieve financial stability and secure housing.
• Eviction Diversion Programs: Programs that help tenants at risk of eviction avoid
losing their homes can prevent homelessness before it starts.

Support Services:

• Shelters and Transitional Housing: Ensuring access to safe and sanitary emergency
shelters and transitional housing with support services can provide temporary refuge and
help people get back on their feet.
• Healthcare for the Homeless: Providing healthcare services specifically tailored to the
needs of the homeless population can improve their health outcomes and reduce strain on
emergency rooms.
• Soup Kitchens and Food Banks: Expanding access to nutritious food through soup
kitchens and food banks can help address hunger and malnutrition among the homeless
• Employment Assistance: Programs that offer job training, resume writing assistance,
and connection to employment opportunities can empower homeless individuals to find
work and achieve self-sufficiency.

Community Engagement:

• Public Awareness Campaigns: Raising public awareness about the issue of

homelessness and its causes can foster empathy and encourage support for solutions.
• Volunteer Opportunities: Encouraging volunteerism at shelters, soup kitchens, and
other organizations that serve the homeless population can provide crucial support and
• Supportive Housing Models: Exploring innovative housing models like "housing first"
initiatives, which prioritize permanent housing with support services, can offer a path to
• Community Outreach Programs: Programs that provide outreach services, case
management, and support to homeless individuals on the streets can connect them with
resources and help them access services.

Addressing Systemic Issues:

• Affordable Housing Policy: Advocating for policies that promote affordable housing
development and prevent displacement due to gentrification can create a long-term
• Minimum Wage Legislation: Supporting legislation that raises the minimum wage to a
living wage can help prevent homelessness due to economic hardship.
• Mental Health Care Reform: Advocating for reforms that expand access to affordable
mental health services can address underlying causes of homelessness.
• Social Safety Net Strengthening: Strengthening the social safety net through programs
like unemployment insurance and social security can provide a buffer against economic
hardship that might lead to homelessness.
English as Second Language

Zoos, Circus:
1)Fun, Entertaining. (zoos, circus)
• Nothing could be more fun than a school trip to the zoo/circus.
• A lot of us have pictures and memories with different animals in the
zoo when we were young.
2)Teaches the public about animals (educational purpose)
3)prevents them from extinction (breeding endangered species) 4)
Proper health care for the animals and protecting them from illegal
hunting for their organs or leather.
1)Cruelty: If zoos/circus are teaching students anything, it is that
imprisoning animals for our own entertainment is accepted.
• imprisoning animals and stealing their freedom for the sake fun or
• animals in captivity suffer from stress and boredom which is
counterproductive of their well-being.
3)Not all animals are well treated in captivity. There can be violations
against them physically or psychologically. Healthcare, nutrition and
shelter might not be sufficient or appropriate for them.

Dr/Adham Omar


as Second Language

Animal Experimentation:
1)Many medical treatments and procedures have developed from
experiments on animals. (Due to the shared features between them and
2)Would it be something less cruel if we test them on children?
3)Even if we accept testing them on humans, it would also take much
longer to see potential effects, because of the length of time we live
compared to laboratory animals such as rats or rabbits.
4) Computer models are not advanced enough, and testing on plants is
much less applicable to humans than tests on animals such as monkeys.
5) Some of the tests certainly seem painful, but the great majority of
people on this planet eat meat or wear leather without any guilt.
6) Necessary Evil: Would you try a prototype of a drug on yourself first?
7) Animal testing is cheap. There is a large supply of animals for medical
research. Animals are easily bred, and maintained safely in controlled
1)Those against believe that it is inhumane.
2) Opponents of animal testing also claim that the results are not
applicable to humans. (due to different body structures)
3)It is not fair to torture animals for luxurious products such as natural
leather and cosmetics. (experimentation)

Dr/Adham Omar

English as Second Language

Extra-curricular activities:
1)Your parents do not only send you to school to learn academic stuff but
also build and shape your personality. (teamwork, leadership) 2)Explore
your own interests.
3)Aids in college admission. As you will have something that makes you
stand up against in your fellow peers.
• Fit and active and protect you from different diseases.
• Make your body look good and attractive.
• Feels good about yourself.
• Making friends and memories.
• Communication skills.
• Overcome stage fear.
• Fun and entertaining.
• After schools clubs: music, IT, art, acting, drama, chess, debate,
reading….etc Ag:
1) It can easily add to stress that students are already experiencing
because of school.
2) Interferes with studying time. (some think it is a wastage of time).
They will barely have any bonding time left for their family, which may
not be healthy in the long run.

Dr/Adham Omar


as Second Language

3)Some find it difficult to concentrate in studies if they have something

occupying their minds. As they are sometimes taken too seriously which
may be nerve-wracking for some.
4)Said who that such activities are not deadly exhausting and tiring which
leaves a little room for academic stuff.
Gap Year:
1)It is perfect chance to develop and explore yourself mentally. (learning
new language, travel abroad, work as part-timer). The experiences you
gain can make you better prepared for university, both academically and
2)This give any student the right amount of time to think about their
future and what they want to do with their lives. 3)Greatest holiday
you will ever have in your life.
4) If you didn't get the grades in one of your A-levels, you can retake it
and reapply. Ag:
1)It is highly argued, especially by parents, that this year is nothing but a
waste of time. Students should probably start their college, and hence
their careers, as fast as possible.
2) If your friends from home are all going to uni, your social life could
dry up.
3) A well-known saying “if you rest, you rust”.
4) If you don’t get organized, you may end up spending your gap doing
nothing but watching TV. Not great for the CV!

Dr/Adham Omar


Bullying in Schools:
Bullying at school can have a devastating impact on teenagers, affecting their mental health,
academic performance, and overall well-being. Here's a closer look at the effects of bullying:
Emotional and Mental Health:

• Depression and anxiety: Bullying can lead to feelings of isolation, worthlessness, and
hopelessness, increasing the risk of depression and anxiety disorders.
• Low self-esteem: Constant criticism and harassment from bullies can erode a teenager's
self-esteem and confidence, making them feel like they're not good enough.
• Fear and stress: The constant threat of bullying can create a state of fear and stress,
impacting a teenager's ability to feel safe and secure at school.
• Suicidal thoughts and self-harm: In severe cases, bullying can lead to suicidal thoughts
and self-harm as a way to cope with the emotional pain.

Academic Performance:
• Decreased focus and concentration: The stress and anxiety caused by bullying can
make it difficult for teenagers to focus on their studies, leading to a decline in grades and
academic performance.
• School avoidance: To escape the bullying, teenagers may skip classes or avoid school
altogether, leading to missed learning opportunities and academic setbacks.
• Loss of interest in school: The negative school environment created by bullying can
make teenagers lose interest in school activities and their overall education.

Social Life and Relationships:

• Social isolation: Being bullied can lead to social isolation and difficulty forming
friendships. Teenagers may withdraw from social interactions due to fear or
• Trust issues: Experiencing bullying can make it difficult for teenagers to trust others,
creating challenges in forming healthy relationships.
• Aggression: Some teenagers may lash out at others or become aggressive themselves as
a way of coping with the bullying they experience.

Physical Health:

• Headaches and stomachaches: The stress and anxiety caused by bullying can manifest
in physical symptoms like headaches and stomachaches.
• Sleeping problems: Teenagers may experience difficulty sleeping due to anxiety and
fear, leading to fatigue and impacting overall health.

• Changes in eating habits: Some teenagers may overeat or undereat due to stress, leading
to unhealthy eating patterns and potential weight gain or loss.

How to decrease bullying:

• Set Clear Expectations: Schools should establish clear and consistent anti-bullying
policies that define bullying behavior and outline consequences.
• Promote Empathy and Respect: Implement programs that promote empathy, respect,
and social-emotional learning to foster a more inclusive school climate.
• Bystander Intervention Training: Train students to be active bystanders who can
recognize bullying, intervene safely, or report incidents to a trusted adult.
• Positive Reinforcement: Recognize and reward students who demonstrate positive
behavior, kindness, and inclusion towards others.
• Open Communication Channels: Encourage open communication between students,
teachers, and parents. Create safe spaces for students to report bullying incidents without
fear of retaliation.
• Parent and Community Involvement: Partner with parents and community members to
create a unified approach to preventing bullying. Involve them in workshops, discussions,
and volunteering to foster a supportive school environment.

Early Intervention and Addressing Incidents:

• Effective Supervision: Ensure adequate adult supervision in hallways, bathrooms, and

other areas where bullying may occur.
• Incident Reporting and Investigation: Develop clear procedures for reporting bullying
incidents and ensure a fair and thorough investigation process.
• Consequences and Restorative Practices: Establish clear consequences for bullying
behavior, while also considering restorative practices that focus on repairing harm and
fostering accountability.
• Individualized Support: Provide support and counseling services to both the target of
bullying and the bully to address underlying issues and prevent future incidents.
• Cyberbullying Prevention: Educate students about cyberbullying and online safety,
including responsible social media use and reporting mechanisms.
English as Second Language
1)Would you prefer to have an easy routine job or a job in which you
make a lot of decisions?
2)Work immediately after high school or go to college?
3)Working from home? (Telecommuting)
4)Work for long hours and earn high salary or vice versa?
Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language
5)Work for large firm or small company?
6)Have your private business or work for someone?
7)Pursue single career or intermingle between different careers?


Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language
• Become financially independent, thus you become the master of
your own decision.
• Personality … illustrate
• More job experience …. illustrate
• More connections.
Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language
• Stressful and nerve racking especially and young age.
• Always on duty.
• No time for family or vacation. (social life)
• more responsibility

Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language

6)Do you prefer having your own business or work for someone?
1)Commuting, and flexible working hours.
Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language
2) Independence and not being controlled by someone.
3) Personal discipline , as you will care more for the sake of the success
and prosperity of your business .
4) Skill set : Developing your own business urges you to always upgrade
yourself and your skills to boost your business .

Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language
5) Office politics: No boring rules of the firm. You set your rules and
work politics.
1) Cash flow and Job security : There is no guarantee that you will have
your full same salary every month .

Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language
2)Vacations : All your vacations will be unpaid if you had one . 3)
Isolation and loneliness: If you have a small business with limited
number of workers, you will feel isolated and miss the feelings of
team work and team spirit.

Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language

Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language
Elementary Education; free or not?
1)Available to all students from all walks of the society.
2)This is essential as to decrease the illiteracy among the society. As
any job will require any one to know how to read and write.

Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language
3)This provides all the justifications for the parents to send their children
to schools.
4) “What if the cure for cancer is trapped inside the mind of someone who
cannot afford an education.” The free education will give the chance to
discover prodigies who can change the course of history.

Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language
5)The elementary school, besides home, is where youngsters get to know
the basic ethics and morals which should not be charged money for.
6)Free education bridges the social gap. Where the less and more
fortunate sit side to side and get the same kind of education.


Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language
1)Poorer quality due to the lack of funding and less facilities.
2)Larger classes in public schools, thus, less time a teacher spends with
each student.
3)The public are forced to pay higher taxes in order for the government to
provide this opportunity. However, those who do not use it are compelled
to pay for something they do not benefit from.
Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language

School Uniforms:

Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language
1)Reduce peer pressure and bullying for not being stylish or up-
tofashion. (being left out or cannot fit in to a gang if you are not dressed
good enough). Result: Psychological effect on the students.
2)Encourages the students to focus on their studies rather than their
clothes. (eases the morning routine)
3)Enhances the school’s pride, unity and community spirit.
Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language
4)Promotes discipline.
5)Saves parent’s money. No nagging to buy a new outfit every other day.
6)Encourages students to express themselves in other ways; art, music,
7)Bridges the social gap.

Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language
1)Restricts students’ freedom of expression. (promotes conformity over
individuality). Being part of a flock of sheep rather than be yourself.
2)Ugly, boring, uncomfortable, old-fashioned.
3)Uniforms may not suit all shapes of bodies.
4)Resentment nature of students to rebel against rules.

Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language

Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language
1)Improves theintellectual and cognitive
functions of your brain. (keeps
your brain active, sharp)
2)Great for the
CV. (a door for better job opportunities)
3)Get to know aboutdifferent cultures and traditions
of the learnt
Dr/Adham Omar
4)Makes travel easier, read more books, watch more movie …. Etc…
(not a barrier any more

1)Mixingof languages. (cannot express yourself in only one language,
struggling to speak one language in a professional setting)
2)Makingmistakesin both languages. (making up words from both
3)Abandoning your mother tongue.
4)Thestressand the effor
t of being the
Google translate
for your friends
and family.
English as Second Language
1)A huge savior for the environment, especially because of the
2)Saves natural resources. (Non-renewable) 3)Job

Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language
1)Complicated technology. Not available in all countries.
2)Expensive to run.
4)Energy used in the recycling process.
5)Emissions from the recycling factories affect the environment.
Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language
6)Another unknown expense is the collection of the used products.
7)Not to mention the impracticability to collect the recyclable items.
NB: It is all about the awareness, conservatism and avoidance of the
exorbitant consumption rather than recycling the already used.


Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language
1)It was originally devised for public safety. Because it has proved to
reducing crime rates, providing clues and catching criminals.
2)Forces people to abide to laws.
3)Provides the feeling of security.
Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language
1)The main opposition is the violation of privacy rights.
2)May be abused or manipulated to distort truth.
3)Expensive (buy, run and maintain)
4)Psychological insecurity for always being watched and distrusted.
5)Impractical to be used in all places.
6)Proves not prevents.

Dr/Adham Omar
English as Second Language

Dr/Adham Omar
Solar Energy: was original devised to decrease the dependency on the
fossil fuels and non-renewable energy sources. With the scarcity of the
later, this phenomenon has been widely addressed and in the recent years.
For: Green Energy.
1)Clean energy source: After the construction and installation of the solar
energy system, it is a perfectly clean energy with absolutely nothing
negative to the atmosphere.
2)Renewable and sustainable. (keep in mind the future generations)
unlike the fossil fuel which will expire not in the too far future.
3)Power remote areas. No need to be connected to a main power station
(space stations)
4)Installed anywhere. (Rooftops) 5)Reduce
electricity bills.
6)Availability. No more conflict over oil.
7)Low maintenance cost and silent.
1)As any new sort of new technology, its initial cost is relatively will not
fit the bill of the most.
2)Sun dependent: produce power only during the day time.
3)Solar cells effectiveness. Affected by the pollution and not reliable in
producing large amount of electricity.
4)The surface area of installation is a major issue.

Prison as Punishment: Punish or Rehabilitate?

1)Some people assert that doing something wrong must not pass
unpunished. Otherwise, we will be living in a jungle. Survival for the
stronger, more powerful and the weak will have no rights anymore.
2)It deters the rate of crimes and forces people to abide to laws.
3)Claimed by juries, judges and law implementing elements that such
punishment might alter the attitude and behavior the accused subjects to
the better.
1)Taxes: More taxes will be added on the ordinary citizen as those large
money draining facilities are definitely no cheap ones. What is more, the
wages for individuals working is such places, of all duties, will be an extra
2)Space and location of such constructions are among the suggested
debates against this notion.
3)The safety of the areas nearby prisons will require strict precautions
which may be worrying to peaceful neighborhood.
4)Even with the acceptance of jails as punishment for criminals, guarantee
who that the subjects’ violence traits and aggression towards the society
Mixed vs Separate schools: an old fashioned approach that is
new momentum. (old tactic gets new use)
1)Some parents argue that, at certain age, students of the oppos
be a source of distraction.
2)The learning abilities of boys differs from that of girls. So, w
teachers use techniques geared toward the gender of their stude
perhaps this could enhance success.
3)More interests in gender-dominate subjects. Boys get to be
involved in music and poetry, while girls can dig harder and ha
chances in different sciences.
1)It will be hard for students to assimilate into mixed gender s
on life.
2)The competitive spirit and teamwork is better in mixed scho
each gender group tries to prove his superiority.
Cosmetics: articles intended to rubbed, sprayed, sprinkled or poured for
cleansing and beautifying the body. (Shampoo, sunscreens, makeup…..)
1)Beauty: There is nothing wrong in trying to be attractive and eye catchy,
claimed by the majority of the people from both genders.
2)Some of these products are devised not only for beauty but also for
protection. (sun lotions and screens)
3)Staying clean and having a pleasant odor, especially in the hot summer
weather, is definitely a must.
4)Self-esteem: Wearing makeup help to increase one’s confidence and
5)Anti-aging properties.
6)Reduces infections.
1)They are like any synthetic chemicals, some of the are highly criticized
and avoided for their unknown long term effect.
2)Preservatives added to increase their shelf life is another step
backwards in their spread.
3)Blamed by some that the beauty, attractiveness and self-esteem behind
those products are fake. It is your personality which defines you, not how
you look.
4)Perhaps, some of those products are naturally extracted. This
absolutely is done on the expense and suffering of either plants or animals.
From here and ethical issue may arise.

Final Exams or Continuous Assessments (CA):

1)First and foremost, it alleviates the stress. There is no better feeling than going into
an exam knowing you just need to pass the exam to pass the module.
2) Another huge positive to CA is that you learn as you go along, this is a big

difference from cramming for exams.

3) The weeks you have to prepare your assignment allow you time to perfect it and to

do extensive research. You get to understand the topic thoroughly.

4)Final exams at the end of each semester cannot precisely evaluate students’ study
progress and test wider range of skills and abilities.
5)Helps students be aware of their ability, studies, and progress so that they can
improve their grades by focusing on their weakness.
1)May turn out to be nothing but a series of tests and mini-examinations adding even
more stress to the students.
2)Meeting the deadlines is sometimes nerve-wracking.
3)This may be not friendly for those living in remote areas and the attendance
percentage counts in the evaluation.
4)Increase in the workload of both the teacher and student.
5)Difficult in large classes.
Electric Cars: (Green Cars)
1)No tailpipe emissions; saving the environment
2)Cheaper to run: recharging the batteries is relatively cheaper than a lite
3)Convenience of not commuting to gas stations; charge it at home.
4)Quieter when compared with the regular burning combustion process o
1)Like any other new technology, its initial cost is considered high and o
2)Batteries packs and durability are of question; to operate under any we
3)The car’s distance and speed range are relatively lower.
4)The power plants that supply the electricity do pollute the earth.
5)Recharge points are not as frequent as gas stations, at least for the tim
recharge time
6)Normally 2 seaters.
Globalization: Def:
1)Unification: An interconnected and interdependent world free of
any borders.
2)The worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and
communications integration. For:
1)Increase free trade between nations.
2)Firms has great flexibility to operate between borders.
3)Ease of communication and sharing of vital information among
4)Reduction of cultural barrier increases the global village effect.
1)Increases the social gap between the rich and the poor.
Multinationals have been accused of unfair working conditions and
social injustice.
2)Increases rate of unemployment as large firms will move their
factories to areas where they can get cheaper workers. 3) They
have also been accused of not caring so much for the
environment, ecological damage as well as natural resource
4)Loss of own cultures and traditions. All the same without

Space Exploration:
1)It allows people to know more about the universe.
Undoubtedly, space exploration has answered the question of
whether the Earth is round or not and proved that the Earth does
revolve around the sun (and not the other way around).
2) It paves the way to advanced technology.
3) It creates numerous jobs. (engineers, technicians, mechanics)
4) It can offer a solution to many problems. (weather patterns)
5) Potential of discovering new resources such as minerals that
can have a major impact on improving quality of life on Earth
1)It is exorbitantly expensive. As if we have solved every
problem on our mother earth to go and solve others out there.
2)Waste of money if nothing discovered.
3)Risky for the life of the astronauts.
4)Natural resources.
5) Space junk is created by stuff we leave behind in space.

Imported or Local Food:

1)Fresher and indeed tastier. Less time from farm to dining table.
2)Healthier. No preservatives in order not to rot during
3)Saves natural resources combusted during transportation.
4)Guarantee about its source and strict supervision and
surveillance in its production. (Not genetically engineered)
5)Boosts the local economy and provide job opportunities for the
domestic residents.
6)Enhances the sense of pride and unity among the community.
1)Less varieties.
2)Climate dependent. Not all fruits and vegetables can be grown
and cultivated in the same weather conditions.
3)May not meet the demand.
4)Some areas are dry and austere.
Chewing Gum:
1)Improves concentration, memory, mental and cognitive
2)Increase wakefulness. (Alertness)
3)Combats stress and anxiety during exams.
4)Some may contain anti-bacterial effect to protect teeth.
5)After a heavy meal, it can reduce anti-flux and heartbu
6)If one forgets to brush his teeth, improves the breath.
7)Help smokers to quit and relieves dry mouth by saliva
production stimulation.
1)The main drawback is its litter and how to get get rid o
clean it. (Highly adherent)
2) Leads to TMJ problems if used a lot.
3)GIT problems. It causes you swallow much air which m
to abdominal pain.
Consumer Goods and Consumerism:
Def: Consumerism is a social and economic order and ideology
that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever -
increasing amounts.
1)Flood of choices and varieties in all aspects of life.
2)Eased life to a great extent. These goods were originally devised
to facilitate our lives.
3)Profits, booster to the economy, and job opportunities.
1)Highly seductive and urges the people to continuously buy
whether they need or not.
2)Natural resources are wasted. (during their production) 3)Litter,
recycling and non-biodegradables became subjects of huge
debate among the public.
4)Turned our world in to a materialistic place that do not
appreciate the value of anything. All is about what you can buy?

Living in a City or in the Country Side:

1)Cities, especially large ones, offer a lot of opportunities to people who
live there. They perfectly suit people with great ambitions and high
expectations from life. (Better facilities to pursue prosperous careers)
2)Higher salaries as bigger and renowned companies, firms, hospitals are
inaugurated in large metropolitans.
3)More security due to the CCTV installed everywhere coupled with
busyness and crowdedness.
4)Governments’ funds are usually directed towards the mega poles.
5)Boosts the social skills and circle.
6)Entertainment hang out places are incomparable.
1)Expensive life due to higher costs of housing (higher concentration of
people, thus higher demand)

2)Noise and unpeaceful life style (a hectic one) It’s nearly to impossible to
find an apartment that doesn’t have traffic, horns, sirens, and more right
outside the window.
3)Lack of space; it’s fairly unusual to have any space outside of your
apartment or home, like a yard or lawn.
4) Living in a major city provides many reasonable transportation

Wearable Technology:
Inside this fairly diverse category named wearables are different
innovative (worn) technologies such as smart glasses (VR glasses),
activity trackers, smartwatches, head mounted displays, smart
clothing, wireless earbuds, wearable cameras, wearable ECG
monitors, hearing aid devices. Essentially wearables include any smart
device that you can wear.

1)Monitor our fitness levels. (Fitbit) 2)Track
our location with GPS.
3)View text messages more quickly.
4)Best of all, most of the devices that allow us to do this are hands free
and portable, eliminating the need to take our devices out of our
5)Convenient size. (Discreet)

1) Wearables tend to have a fairly short battery life.
2) For some, it can be a hassle to remember to regularly remove your
wearable to charge it.
3) Some wearables have been reported to measure data inaccurately on
occasion. This can be especially dangerous when measuring data like
heart rates.
4)Not user-friendly.
5)As the case for any new technology, their unaffordability is a question
of concern.

VR in action:
Virtual Reality is a technology that uses software for creating an artificial
environment. It makes some artificial senses such as touching, hear and
sight. The world of virtual reality merges the power of 3D graphics.
Virtual reality technology is widely used for various purposes. Such as
video games, engineering, entertainment, education, design, films, media,
medicine and many more.

1) Visuals seen in visual reality are far better than reality.
2) Due to its extensive features, virtual reality has been used in different
fields such as in military, education and health care. It adds the more
dimensions in various fields.
3) Users have tremendous experiences in using virtual reality. (Fun)
4) One of the main pros of Virtual reality is effective communication.
Users can communicate with each other and thus enjoy the conversation
between them. (Boosts the communication skills) Ag:
1)NOT REAL; The main con of virtual reality is that a person who has
been trained in VR environment may do well in that environment, but he
cannot perform well in the real world.
2)High cost.
3)Real communication is missed (Counterfeit world); isolation.
4)Addiction; especially for gamers.
5)Still under experiment.
6)Due to the fast paced development of Virtual Reality and online worlds,
there is a lack of laws regarding these worlds.

AI conquering the World:

The concept of artificial intelligence is that computer systems can be used
to perform tasks that would normally require a human.
1) With artificial intelligence, the chances of error are almost nil and
greater precision and accuracy is achieved.
2) Lacking the emotional side
3) Utilized in carrying out repetitive and time-consuming tasks
4) To do certain dangerous tasks.
5) Machines do not require sleep or breaks, and are able to function
without stopping.
1)One of the main disadvantages of artificial intelligence is the cost
incurred to buy, to maintain and to repair.
2) They are not able to act any different from what they are
programmed to do. (No human touch and no creativity)
3) If robots begin to replace humans in every field, it will eventually
lead to unemployment.
4) Due to the reduced need to use their intelligence, lateral thinking and
multitasking abilities of humans may diminish. (Machine dependent)
5) If the control of machines goes in the wrong hands, it may cause

Pocket Money:
1)Children realize that they have to save and wait until they can buy the
things they want. Managing a tight budget is a good training for their
future lives. (Sense of responsibility)
2)Since children have a limited budget they learn how to prioritize.
3)Pocket money as reward can teach children the value of work and
appreciate more the things they have purchased with the money they
have earned.
4)When pocket money is associated to chores or tasks, children are
more motivated to carry them out. They may perceive these small
jobs as an opportunity to be rewarded and not as a burden. (A sense of
purpose and achievement)
5)Pocket money may help children become more independent.
1) If children receive money on a regular basis, like for example if they
get weekly allowances, they may get used to it and believe that it is an
acquired right.
2) Pocket money may send a wrong signal to kids. When pocket money
is handed over on a reward bases children may think that they deserve
payment for anything good they do. (Good Grades)
3) Introducing many material rewards can be detrimental for children's
development and generosity. It is important that they learn to appreciate
other type of gratifications (moral, ethical or psychological).
4) If allowances are not properly defined, in terms of quantity, timing or
tasks to which they are associated, tensions may emerge between children
and parents.
5)They get frustrated when comparing with others.

E-Hailing Apps (Uber… etc) For:

1)Instead of chasing down a taxi on a metropolis street.
2)Hopelessly praying for one taxi to miraculously pass by their location
in the suburbs.
3)Calling and waiting half an hour for a car service or to find an empty
taxi in rush hours.
4) Because the passenger's credit card is linked to the E- account of
the app, no cash changes hands, which means that payments don't have to
be processed immediately; Safer.
5) Once driver accept the assignment to transport passengers, the
passengers are able to track the driver’s position and route, and
communicate with their drivers if necessary.
6) Driver’s performance is rated, and a low rating will force a driver
out of UBER or its competitors.
7) Because the transaction is cash-less, a driver needs not worry about
unpaid fares and needs not carry any sizeable amount of cash that might
entice a robber. (Eliminate the problem of change)
8) Drivers enjoy greater freedom and flexibility. Drivers can log in
and off the system anytime and can choose to strategically allocate their
working hours and efforts in any manner that best meet their goals and
circumstances. Ag:
1) Sometimes prices for UBER services, depending on the intensity of
demand, are increased by a certain percentage, and at other times they
could even be doubled or tripled. (e.g. rush hours, dates of concert events,
and during rain and snow storms)
2)Easiness can lead to laziness; used in short distances which
add to the budget.
3) Trip cancelations by drivers can cause disruptions in the pa
4)Continuous network coverage is a must.
5)Useless if phone die out.
1)It consolidates and clarifies what was learned in school.
Teachers assign homework to see whether or not a student has understood
the lesson for the day.
2)It serves as a way to make up for time.
It’s a fact that not everything can be discussed by a teacher in class.
3)It provides students with a chance to practice.
Practice is needed in order to learn, and giving homework allows students
to apply what they have learned.
4)It gets parents involved with a child’s life.
5)It teaches time management skills.
Homework goes beyond completing a task. It forces children (and parents,
to some extent) to develop time management skills.
5)The best way for the teacher to track the students’ progress and tackle
their weaknesses.

1)It can become a burden.
Students attend a lot of classes in a single day. What if all of those classes
gave them homework to do?
2)It steals time away from family and friends.
Some students may opt not to join their family for dinner because they
have a lot of work to do.
3)It deprives them of sleep.
Homework is rarely valuable: Although teachers work hard to set
homework tasks that will engage your child, it is sometimes difficult to see
the value in the assignments your child brings home.
4)Sometimes useless especially if too much.
1)Low Transaction Costs
One of the most important pros of Cryptocurrencies is that they generally
have low transaction costs. Unlike other Electronic Payment Systems (like
PayPal and money transfers with banks), which tend to have expensive
2)Cryptocurrency is new, and in the financial sector, new is exciting.
3)Fast, Permanent Transactions
Cryptocurrency transactions generally process quicker than checks and
bank-facilitated money transfers.
There are plenty of legitimate reasons why someone could want to keep
their spending private.
5)The only way your money can be accessed is by your private key –
essentially a cryptographic password that only you know. This means
that no bank, corporation, or central government can freeze your assets.
6)Your Information Can’t Be Stolen from Vendors
When you use credit and debit cards to make purchases (especially
online), you’re trusting the vendor with information that other people
could use to steal from you. This means that, if your financial information
is stolen from the vendor, your money will be at risk.
7)Cryptocurrency is Not Inflationary
Since Cryptocurrency is still an emerging technology, the value of the
various digital currencies can be volatile (as discussed below), but the
system was designed to not be inflationary in the long run.
8)It’s Easy
Many people mistakenly think that Cryptocurrency is too diffic
subject to learn and work with. The truth is, anyone can learn to

Right now, the values of most Cryptocurrencies are volatile – t
frequently and sometimes by wide margins
2)Potential for Security Breaches
Because Cryptocurrency is digital money with purchasing pow
working with it will need top-notch security to avoid digital bre
3)Criminal Uses
As with cash, the privacy afforded by Cryptocurrency can be u
legitimately and for illicit purposes.
Are teachers the only responsible for the student’s success?
Teacher’s responsibility:
1)Come up with creative and engaging lesson plans and techniques; stu
and better understand the subjects = better grades and better academic pe
2)They act as motivators to the students and are role models for them. N
conveyor of knowledge.
3)Among the traits of a good teacher, they must get involved in the stud
not only academically, but also socially. A rapport must be built between
4)Teachers are the first to tackle the student’s progress and spot their w
especially in scientific subjects that are not understood by the parents.
Everyone is responsible: (It takes a village to raise a child)
1)Parents: supervision at home.
2)Friends: positive influence.
3)School administrations: support for their teachers and get their backs.
4)Governments: proper funding and supervision on the schools.
Today’s Teens VS Past Century Teens
Amenities Nowadays:
1)Ease of communication (SNS).
2)Ease of searching for any information. (learnt better and easi
3) Due to the uprising surrounding, they are thirstier to change
globally aware.
4)All thanks to technology that eased life from all aspects.
1)Increase in the size of population; higher competitive standar
2)Pollution contributed to the deterioration of the health.
3)Coupled with the genetic engineering of food to meet the dem
increase in the rate of cancer and unknown long term effects.
4)Increase violence than before; affected their personalities. (ag
5)The continuous broadcasting of bad news; depression.
6)The addiction of SNS, online games and technology; no real
• Freedom with a flexible schedule, hours and location
• Ownership: you call the shots
• Selectivity with clients/choosing who you want to work with
• Unlimited earning potential
• No commute/no commuting costs
• Getting to pursue your passion projects
• No office politics, annual performance reviews, etc.
• Casual work attire (sweatpants, anyone?) Cons
• Feeling isolated
• Hustling 24/7 for new clients and opportunities.
• Inconsistent work and cash flow; Job security.
• Instead of having one boss, you have several clients to answer to.
• No paid time off, no maternity/paternity leave.
• No company-sponsored health benefits, fringe benefits.
• No one to back you up if you're sick or injured.
• Running every business aspect (sales and marketing, invoicing,
signing contracts, troubleshooting technology, keeping track of tax
deductible business expenses, making estimated tax payments,
• Feeling scattered/unfocused and lacking structure.

Teens should make important decisions or Not:

1)Confidence—By allowing teens to have input in some of the minor
decisions, they can begin to have confidence in their abilities to do so.
2)Importance—Everyone wants to feel like they play an important role in
the family.
3)Teaching Responsibility—Not all decisions can be met with a
successful experience. They will learn from their mistakes.
4)Self-Discovery—One of the most important aspects of life is knowing
who you are as a person; discover their personalities
5)Allow the teens to make decisions on their own, they learn how to make
them. Otherwise, will never be able to make decisions later in life due to
lack of practice.
6)It builds relationships and trust between parents and their children.
7) Difference in age gap and way of thinking; different eras.
1)Impulsive and emotional during decision making.
2)Not experienced in life; don’t know the consequences of terrible
choices as parents do.
3)Immature personality.
4)Easily affected by their peers’ opinions and choices.
Team sports Vs individual sports:
1)Learn teamwork and sharing of responsibility.
2)Sportsmanship and support the other team members.
3)Less stress or better said, shared stress. Not everyone is looki
4)More discipline due to interdependency on each other. You ca
your team down.
5)Hit all the fun and memories especially during travelling for
tournament and after winning it.
6)Increases the social skills and widens the social circle. Make
1)The interdependency could be a problem as a poor candidate
participant can ruin a team.
2)Envy among the team members to participate.
3)Fixed schedule of trainings.
4)Credit is shared (Not the only hero).
Do Professional Athletes Get Paid Too Much Money?
No, they don’t deserve:
1)In today's society, one should be paid according to the job’s economic
importance and their value to society. (police officers, firefighters, and
doctors save lives while risking their own for a fraction of what sports
stars make)
2) It Drains the True Meaning of Sports; Giving athletes large salaries,
more youngsters want to become professional athletes – but for the big
money, not for the love of the game.

Yes, they deserve:

1) Superstar athletes are entertaining fans all around the world, enticing
people with a feeling of relaxation and excitement.
2) Athletes Sacrifice a Lot; Professional athletes sacrifice important
aspects of their lives, especially their health and family. For instance, no
matter what sport, during each season, there are away games that keep
players from their families.
3) Athletes don’t get paid as much as we think; While the highest
paid athletes draw more attention, the truth is that most athletes are fairly
4)The life span of their careers are considerably short when compared
with other professions. (Early expiry date)

Being Famous:
1) Celebrities get special treatment wherever they go and are recognized
everywhere they go.
2) Being famous generally means being richer.
3) Many opportunities arise when people become famous whether they
are career related or not. For example, someone like Michael Jordan
made a living not only from playing ball. He was also the face of Nike
and promoted many other brands.
1) Famous people can't do things that the average person can.
2) Being famous or a celebrity can attract stalkers. We've all heard
about those nasty cases of celebrity stalking that have gone out of
3) A celebrity status can attract too many fake friends. From a
celebrity's perspective, it'd become very hard to separate a genuine
person who wants to be friends from many of the million wannabe
friends who may want to befriend them for personal gain.
4) People constantly judge celebrities. Always under pressure of being
perfect in the eyes of their fans.

Cash Vs Credit cards:

In this fast pace technology era, cash is becoming part of a history that
recent generations may have not heard about. Everything is bought with
that plastic card now.
1)Convenience; Credit cards give you spending power without the
inconvenience of carrying around cash. Plus, with credit cards you can
buy now and pay for the purchase in a few weeks or over a period of time.
2) Spending Ability; With cash, your spending is limited to what you have
on hand. Credit cards, on the other hand, provide you with additional
purchasing power without the risks that come with carrying the same
amount of cash.
3) Level of Protection; Your credit card issuer will send you a new credit
card, often with a new account number to replace the missing card
usually at no cost.
4) Rewards; Dozens of credit cards pay rewards on your credit card
5) Retailer Requirements; Some transactions require a credit card.
Renting a car, booking a hotel, or purchasing airline tickets all require
you to use a credit card, or at least a debit card.
6) Speed; Credit cards are sometimes faster than cash.
7) Feeling of security that your pocket or wallet is not stuffed with
8) Credit cards work in any currency. Although currency conversion
fees usually apply, you can use your credit card overseas to make
purchases in a foreign currency.
1) Temptation to spend more than you can afford. Credit ca
additional purchasing power and give you the illusion that you
money than you really do.
2) The terms can be confusing; A person who’s not used to
reading credit card agreement can easily be confused by the ph
3) Fees and interest can be expensive.
4) Potential for credit card fraud . Just having a credit card pu
risk of credit card fraud. Thieves don’t have to steal your credit
your information. They can hack the store where you shop or w
you’ve used your credit card to steal your card details and use i
fraudulent purchases.
1)less hard on knees and joints than riding a traditional bicycle. 2)won’t
get hot riding up hills, won’t struggle riding in the wind 3)don’t need a
driver’s license to ride in most cases.
4)more upright seating position than traditional bikes can reduce back
and neck pain and also gives the rider a better perspective to watch for
obstacles and cars.
5)cheaper and more environmentally friendly than driving a car, no
insurance, no gas.
6)get fresh air and a friendlier vibe from pedestrians and other bikers,
more social than driving.
7)E-bikes are harder to steal than traditional bikes because many
require a key to operate and they are heavier to move.
1)heavier than traditional bicycles.
2)more expensive than most mid-grade traditional bicycles.
3)Range of distance travelled.
4)expensive battery replacement and recharge time.
5)tires get flats easier because the bikes are heavy.
6)tires are harder to change, motors and controllers can cost more to fix
than traditional bike tune ups. (maintenance) 7)less of a workout than
riding a bike.
Team sports Vs individual sports:
1)Learn teamwork and sharing of responsibility.
2)Sportsmanship and support the other team members.
3)Less stress or better said, shared stress. Not everyone is looki
4)More discipline due to interdependency on each other. You ca
your team down.
5)Hit all the fun and memories especially during travelling for
tournament and after winning it.
6)Increases the social skills and widens the social circle. Make
1)The interdependency could be a problem as a poor candidate
participant can ruin a team.
2)Envy among the team members to participate.
3)Fixed schedule of trainings.
4)Credit is shared (Not the only hero).
Do Professional Athletes Get Paid Too Much Money?
No, they don’t deserve:
1)In today's society, one should be paid according to the job’s economic
importance and their value to society. (police officers, firefighters, and
doctors save lives while risking their own for a fraction of what sports
stars make)
2) It Drains the True Meaning of Sports; Giving athletes large salaries,
more youngsters want to become professional athletes – but for the big
money, not for the love of the game.

Yes, they deserve:

1) Superstar athletes are entertaining fans all around the world, enticing
people with a feeling of relaxation and excitement.
2) Athletes Sacrifice a Lot; Professional athletes sacrifice important
aspects of their lives, especially their health and family. For instance, no
matter what sport, during each season, there are away games that keep
players from their families.
3) Athletes don’t get paid as much as we think; While the highest
paid athletes draw more attention, the truth is that most athletes are fairly
4)The life span of their careers are considerably short when compared
with other professions. (Early expiry date)

Being Famous:
1) Celebrities get special treatment wherever they go and are recognized
everywhere they go.
2) Being famous generally means being richer.
3) Many opportunities arise when people become famous whether they
are career related or not. For example, someone like Michael Jordan
made a living not only from playing ball. He was also the face of Nike
and promoted many other brands.
1) Famous people can't do things that the average person can.
2) Being famous or a celebrity can attract stalkers. We've all heard
about those nasty cases of celebrity stalking that have gone out of
3) A celebrity status can attract too many fake friends. From a
celebrity's perspective, it'd become very hard to separate a genuine
person who wants to be friends from many of the million wannabe
friends who may want to befriend them for personal gain.
4) People constantly judge celebrities. Always under pressure of being
perfect in the eyes of their fans.

Family Meals:
1)Bond and make memories. Eating meals together allows time for
family bonding and may even improve mental health.
2)Share experiences. During shared mealtimes, children and parents share
their experiences, observations and ideas, hopes and dreams. Additionally,
mealtime conversations expand children’s language skills, thus enhancing
their reading abilities.
3)Learn about each other. Being together at a table can be a relaxing
time for each family member to share their best and worse experiences of
the day.
4)Contribute. The planning and preparation of meals and cleaning up
afterward presents meaningful opportunities for your family to work
5)Establish routines. The routine of family meals can provide a sense of
security and a feeling of belonging in the family.
6)Develop healthy eating habits.
1)Restricted choices of diet.
2)Fixed timings.
3)Hassle of what to eat VS what is preferred.
4)Boring and nosy family conversations. (continuous preaching) 5)The
exhaust of cleaning afterwards.
Winter Vacations:
Both winter and summer vacations have their own unique advantages. Here are some advantages of winter
vacations over summer vacations:

1.Winter Wonderland: Winter vacations offer the opportunity to experience a winter wonderland with snowy
landscapes, winter sports like skiing and snowboarding, and festive activities like ice skating and making

2. Less Crowded: Popular tourist destinations are often less crowded during winter, allowing for a more
peaceful and leisurely holiday experience compared to the summer rush.

3. Holiday Season: Winter vacations coincide with the holiday season, providing the chance to celebrate
Christmas, New Year, and other festive occasions, which can add a special magic to the trip.

4. Cosy Atmosphere: The cold weather during winter vacations creates a cosy atmosphere perfect for
enjoying hot cocoa by the fireplace, indulging in comfort foods, and relaxing indoors.

5. Northern Lights: In certain destinations, winter offers the opportunity to witness natural wonders like
the Northern Lights, creating a memorable and unique vacation experience.

6. Festive Season: Winter is the time for holidays like Christmas and New Year's, offering a chance to
experience unique cultural celebrations, festive decorations, and special events.

While winter vacations have their own charm, there are some potential disadvantages compared to summer

1. Weather-Dependent Activities: Winter weather can be unpredictable, leading to potential disruptions in

travel plans or outdoor activities due to snowstorms, icy roads, or extreme cold.

2. Limited Destination Options: Some destinations may not be as accessible or enjoyable during the
winter months, especially if you prefer warmer climates or outdoor activities that are better suited for summer.

3. Shorter Days: Daylight hours are shorter in winter, which can impact the amount of time available for
outdoor activities and exploration.

4. Higher Costs: Winter vacations, especially during the holiday season, can be more expensive due to
peak travel times, increased demand for accommodations, and holiday-related expenses.

5. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Some people may experience seasonal depression or mood
changes during the darker winter months, which can affect the overall enjoyment of a winter vacation.
Using Tablets in Classrooms:

• Engagement and Motivation: Students are familiar with tablets and phones, and
interactive apps and activities can make learning more engaging and interesting. This can
be especially helpful for students who struggle with traditional methods of learning.
• Access to Information: Tablets and phones provide instant access to a vast amount of
information and educational resources. This can be helpful for research projects, finding
different perspectives on a topic, or exploring concepts in more depth.
• Personalized Learning: Tablets can be used to tailor learning to individual student
needs. There are apps that can provide differentiated instruction, and students can work at
their own pace.
• Collaboration: Tablets can be used to facilitate collaboration between students. There are
many apps that allow students to work together on projects, share ideas, and give each
other feedback.
• Organization and Efficiency: Tablets can be used to store digital textbooks, notes,
assignments, and other learning materials. This can help students stay organized and
reduce the need for carrying around heavy textbooks.


• Distraction: Tablets and phones can be a major distraction for students. Social media,
games, and other apps can easily divert their attention from the lesson.
• Digital Divide: Not all students have access to tablets or reliable internet at home. This
can create an unfair advantage for students who do have access.
• Tech Issues: Technical problems can disrupt the learning process. Tablets can run out of
battery, freeze, or have connectivity issues.
• Cost: Tablets can be expensive, and schools may not have the budget to provide them for
all students.
• Health Concerns: Spending too much time looking at screens can lead to eye strain,
neck pain, and other health problems.

Overall, tablets and phones can be valuable tools in the classroom, but it's important to use
them strategically and with clear guidelines in place to minimize distractions and ensure
equitable access.

Leaving School at early age:


• Entering the Workforce Early: Starting work early can mean gaining financial
independence sooner and potentially starting to save for the future.
• Hands-on Learning: Some individuals thrive in learning environments outside of the
classroom. Entering a trade or specific field can provide valuable practical experience.
• Following a Passion: If someone has a clear career path that doesn't require a traditional
education, leaving school early can allow them to pursue that passion full-time.
• Improved Focus: For some students who find the traditional school structure
unfulfilling, leaving school can allow them to focus their energy on areas they're truly
interested in.


• Limited Job Opportunities: Many good-paying jobs require a high school diploma or
higher education. Leaving school early can restrict your career options and earning
• Missed Social Development: School provides an important social environment for
teenagers. Leaving early can limit opportunities to develop social skills and make
connections with peers.
• Reduced Earning Potential: Studies have shown a strong correlation between
educational attainment and lifetime earnings. Leaving school early can put you at a
financial disadvantage in the long run.
• Limited Future Options: A high school diploma is often a prerequisite for further
education and training programs. Leaving school early might restrict your ability to
pursue higher education later if you change your mind.

Pros of Vegans:
• Health Benefits: A well-planned vegan diet can be rich in fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, legumes, and nuts, which are linked to a lower risk of heart disease, type 2
diabetes, some cancers, and obesity.
• Environmental Impact: Animal agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gases,
deforestation, and water pollution. Veganism reduces a person's environmental footprint.
• Animal Welfare: Vegans avoid animal products out of concern for animal welfare and
believe animals should not be raised for food.
• Ethical Consistency: Vegans strive for consistency between their beliefs and actions. By avoiding
animal products, they feel they are living a more ethical life in alignment with their values of
compassion and non-violence towards animals.
• Food Innovation: The rise of veganism has driven innovation in plant-based food alternatives. This
benefits everyone, not just vegans, by offering tastier and more nutritious options for all dietary
• Weight Management: Vegan diets tend to be lower in calories and saturated fat, which can be helpful
for weight management or weight loss.
• Potential for a More Diverse Gut Microbiome: Plant-based diets are high in fiber, which can promote
a healthy gut microbiome with a wider variety of beneficial bacteria.
• Reduced Antibiotic Resistance: Factory farming overuse of antibiotics can contribute to antibiotic
resistance. A vegan diet reduces reliance on animal products raised with antibiotics.

Cons of Vegans:
• Nutrient Deficiencies: A poorly planned vegan diet can lack essential nutrients like
vitamin B12, iron, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Careful planning and
supplementation may be necessary.
• Social Challenges: Vegan options may be limited at social gatherings or restaurants, and
vegans may face social pressures to consume animal products.
• Cost: Organic fruits, vegetables, and certain vegan specialty products can be expensive
compared to some animal products.
• Social Pressures and Stigma: Veganism can sometimes be misunderstood. There may be social
pressures to conform at gatherings or a perception that vegans are judgmental.
• Planning and Knowledge: A well-balanced vegan diet requires more planning and knowledge about
nutrition to ensure you get all the essential nutrients. This can be time-consuming and require research.
• Not Suitable for Everyone: Veganism might not be suitable for everyone due to health conditions,
allergies, or individual nutritional needs. Consulting a doctor or registered dietitian is crucial before
adopting a vegan diet.

Pros of Driverless Vehicles

• Safety: Driver error is a major cause of accidents. Driverless cars, with their advanced
sensors and programming, could significantly reduce accidents and fatalities on the road.
• Increased Efficiency: Autonomous vehicles could communicate with each other and
traffic infrastructure, leading to smoother traffic flow, less congestion, and potentially
faster commutes.
• Accessibility: Driverless cars could offer mobility to people who are currently unable to
drive due to age, disability, or other factors.
• Productivity: Passengers in self-driving cars could use their commute time for work,
relaxation, or entertainment.
• Reduced Emissions: Widespread adoption of electric driverless cars could lead to a
significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, particularly if paired
with renewable energy sources.

Cons of Driverless Vehicles

• Technology Challenges: The technology for self-driving cars is still under development,
and there are concerns about its reliability in all weather conditions and complex driving
• Job Losses: The transition to driverless cars could lead to job losses in the transportation
sector, such as taxi drivers, truck drivers, and bus drivers.
• Cybersecurity Risks: Driverless cars rely heavily on software and could be vulnerable to
hacking, potentially causing accidents or privacy breaches.
• Ethical Concerns: There are ethical questions surrounding how driverless cars would
make decisions in unavoidable accident situations. Who or what gets prioritized?
• Cost: The initial cost of driverless cars is likely to be high, potentially limiting their
adoption for a long time.
• Regulation and Legal Issues: Clear laws and regulations are needed to govern the use of
driverless cars, including liability in case of accidents.

Ethical Shopping:
Ethical shopping is about making informed choices about the products you buy, considering the
impact of those purchases on the world around you. Here are some of the key reasons to
consider ethical shopping:

• People: Ethical shopping empowers you to support companies that treat their workers
fairly. This includes fair wages, safe working conditions, and no exploitation of labor,
especially child labor.
• Planet: By choosing ethically sourced products, you can reduce your environmental
footprint. This can involve considering factors like sustainable production methods,
reduced waste and pollution, and responsible use of resources.
• Animals: Ethical shoppers often choose cruelty-free products that avoid animal testing or
exploitation in the production process.
• Transparency: Ethical brands are often more transparent about their supply chains and
manufacturing processes. This allows you to make informed decisions about where your
money goes and what practices you're supporting.
• Quality: Ethical companies often focus on quality craftsmanship and long-lasting
products. This can be a good investment in the long run, reducing waste and saving you
money in the future.
• Empowerment: Through ethical shopping, you vote with your dollars. You send a
message to companies that you value ethical practices and sustainability. This can drive
positive change in the broader marketplace.
• Community: Many ethically-sourced products are made by small businesses or artisans.
Your purchases can directly support these businesses and contribute to the economic
well-being of your community.

Here are some ways to promote ethical shopping and encourage others to join you:

Spread Awareness:

• Educate yourself: The more you know about ethical certifications, sustainable practices,
and the impact of consumer choices, the more effectively you can spread awareness.
There are many resources online and in libraries about ethical consumerism.
• Talk about it! Have conversations with friends, family, and colleagues about ethical
shopping. Share your knowledge and the reasons why you choose to shop ethically.
• Social media: Share articles, infographics, and tips about ethical shopping on social
media. Follow and engage with ethical brands and influencers.

Lead by Example:

• Shop with your values: Make conscious choices about the products you buy. Consider
factors like fair trade certifications, local production, sustainable materials, and
crueltyfree practices.
• Support ethical brands: Do your research to find brands that align with your values.
Many companies are now transparent about their supply chains and labor practices.
• Buy less, choose well: Focus on quality over quantity. Invest in well-made, durable items
that will last longer and reduce waste.

Empower Others:
• Organize swap parties: Clothing swaps are a great way to give pre-loved items a new
life and reduce clothing waste. You can also host beauty product swaps or book swaps.
• Start a local ethical shopping group: Connect with others in your community who are
interested in ethical shopping. Share resources, tips, and recommendations for local
ethical businesses.
• Advocate for change: Support organizations that promote ethical labor practices and
environmental sustainability. You can also contact companies directly to voice your
concerns or suggestions.

Make it Easy:

• Apps and resources: There are many apps and online resources that can help you find
ethical brands and products. These can make it easier for people to make informed
• Highlight ethical options: If you work in retail or customer service, you can highlight
ethical options to customers and explain the benefits.
• Focus on accessibility: Ethical shopping shouldn't be a privilege for the wealthy. Look
for ways to promote affordable ethical options or encourage people to buy less overall.

Social Media:
Social media has become an undeniable force in our lives, but like most things, it has both positive and negative
aspects. Here's a breakdown of the pros and cons:


• Connection and Community: Social media platforms allow you to connect with friends and family
across vast distances, foster new relationships with people who share your interests, and create a sense of
belonging to online communities.
• Information and Learning: Social media provides instant access to a wealth of information and news.
You can learn new things, discover diverse perspectives, and follow educational content creators.
• Self-expression and Sharing: Social media platforms offer a space to share your thoughts, experiences,
and creativity with the world. You can build a personal brand, showcase your talents, and connect with
like-minded individuals.
• Social Change and Awareness: Social media can be a powerful tool for raising awareness about social
issues, mobilizing people for action, and organizing movements for positive change.
• Business and Marketing: Businesses can leverage social media to connect with customers, promote
their products and services, and build brand loyalty. It can also be a cost-effective marketing tool.


• Addiction and Time Drain: Social media can be highly addictive, leading to excessive screen time and
neglecting real-world relationships and responsibilities.
• Misinformation and Fake News: The spread of misinformation and fake news is a major concern on
social media. It can be difficult to discern truth from fiction, leading to confusion and manipulation.
• Privacy Concerns: Sharing personal information online comes with privacy risks. Social media
platforms collect a lot of user data, and there are concerns about how this data is used and protected.
• Negative Social Comparison and Mental Health: Social media can lead to feelings of inadequacy and
envy due to the carefully curated portrayals of others' lives. This can negatively impact self-esteem and
mental health.
• Cyberbullying and Harassment: Social media can be a breeding ground for cyberbullying and
harassment. Anonymity can embolden negativity, and online interactions can be harsher than face-toface

How to decrease the effects of social media:

• Track your time: Become aware of how much time you spend on social media platforms. There are
built-in app timers on most phones or you can download apps to monitor your usage. Set realistic goals
to gradually reduce your screen time.
• Schedule social media breaks: Instead of mindless scrolling, dedicate specific times during the day to
check social media. This helps you stay focused and avoid getting sucked into an endless loop.

Curate Your Feed:

• Unfollow and unsubscribe: Don't be afraid to unfollow accounts or pages that make you feel bad about
yourself or those that constantly bombard you with negativity or irrelevant content. Curate your feed to
prioritize positive influences and informative sources.
• Mute excessive accounts: The mute button is your friend. If someone posts frequently b
necessarily want to unfollow them, mute their posts for a while. You can always unmute

Prioritize Real-World Interactions:

• Replace screen time with real connections: Instead of scrolling through social media, s
connecting with friends and family face-to-face. Make plans for activities, have conversa
strengthen your in-person relationships.
• Develop new hobbies: Find activities you enjoy that don't involve a screen. Pursue hobb
moving, like exercise or spending time in nature. Engage in creative outlets or learn a ne

Embrace Digital Detox:

• Take breaks from social media: Schedule regular breaks from social media altogether.
digital detox weekend or even just a few hours each day. Disconnecting allows you to re
reconnect with yourself and the world around you.
• Turn off notifications: Constant notifications can be a major distraction. Turn off notifi
social media apps to regain control of your attention and reduce the urge to mindlessly c


• You control your experience: Don't let social media dictate your mood or well-being. Y
control of how you use these platforms.
• Focus on the positive: Social media can be a great tool for staying connected and inform
intentionally to seek out positive content, communities, and inspiration.
Some Trending other topics: (You read about them)
1. Standardized tests are not an effective measure of student learning. (Consider the pros
and cons of standardized testing)
2. Discuss the importance of financial education for young adults.
3. Everyone should have the right to access high-speed internet.
4. Consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of video games.
5. Discuss the importance of climate change education and environmental awareness.
(Advantages only) – May occur in speech.
6. Genetically modified food can be a safe and sustainable solution to world hunger.
7. Cultural exchange programs can foster greater understanding and cooperation between
different countries.
8. Schools should offer classes in life skills like cooking, personal finance, and basic car
maintenance. (Extra-curricular)
9. Students should be allowed to design their own curriculum to a greater extent.
10.Pets should be allowed in classrooms to improve student well-being and focus.
11.Field trips and real-world experiences should be prioritized over traditional classroom
learning. (On-ground learning and experiences)
12.High schools should offer competitive esports leagues alongside traditional sports
13.E-sports should be included in Olympic games. (Electronic sports)
14.Tourism plays an important role in any country’s economy.
15.All students should take up any part-time job at an early age.
English as Second Language

Sentence Structures Exercise:

1)Online education –a wide range of varieties. (Passive/app)
2)Ethical Consumer –look for trusted labels. (app)
3)Online working –negatively affects the social skills. (due to)
4)Fashion –wastes tons of money. (because of)
5)Fashion industry –creates tons of job opportunities. (Gerund)
6)Old buildings –impractical to be used. (due to)
7)Change –is a must to keep up with world’s pace. (app)
8)Risky sports –break the daily routine –courageous (Not only…..)
9)Online games- time- addictive. (N.O)
10)Online games- affect the students’ academic performance. (App/P)
11)Telecommuting- lacks employer’s supervision- boring. (N.O)
12)Dancing course- made new friends- increase physical health. (N.O)
13)Music Lessons- talents- skills. (N.O/Apart)

Dr/Adham Omar 35 For


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