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Rodrigo Zamora Argüello 3-5

Professor Sherry Gapper

LLM 408

October 8, 2019

Third Draft Cause and Effect Essay – How Bullies are Made

Childhood is a determining chapter in people’s life, and for that reason the way a child is

raised and treated growing up are causes of what forms a bully as a result of behavior disorders.

Children experience different situations such as violent environments or abuse, and this affects

the development of what should be a conventional childhood. Behavior disorders causing

bullying are the result of a child that has been exposed to harmful experiences, and the tendency

of repeating these acts after being witness is highly probable. Moreover, the main factors or

perspectives that enhances the formation of bullies are related to physical and psychological

abuse, and to obtain benefits.

The most common key factor associated with how bullies are made is physical violence.

Children whom have experienced physical abuse from their parents, relatives or peers follow a

pattern of repeating the violent acts. Witnessing aggressive behaviors is also a prevalent situation

that increases the probabilities of a child becoming a bully, because watching violence as a form

to solve conflicts can make children to emulate this dangerous behavior. Furthermore, bullies

acquire violent tendencies as strategy in order to obtain some type of benefit. Children tend to

seek for attention in their childhood, and they use violence as a tool to attract the attention of their

parents; if this behavior is not corrected it will become a habit. Similarly, population and

approbation from others motivate this demeanor, and children influenced by this factor practice

violence as an instrument to obtain recognition from their peers. This is a desperate reaction to
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children often with depression and low self-esteem. Violent and aggressive behaviors witnessed

or experienced undoubtedly are cause of development of bullies in childhood.

Bullying is associated to cognitive problems, because psychological factors are deeply

linked to behavior disorders. Problems processing emotions is a key mental circumstance that

causes the practice of bullying in children. Minors living in deplorable environments are often

witnesses if dangerous reactions to normal situations. For example, children who are or get

aggressive easily are failing to read certain situations and to act correspondingly. They have only

learned to respond with violent behavior to emotions that they do not know how to manage as a

result of lack of social skills. Moreover, a pattern that most of bullies experience is low self-

esteem. The majority of their violent acts and aggressive behaviors are used to cover their

insecurities and feelings. Bullies have a life experience filled with unsupportive parents, trauma,

bad academic performance, and unaccomplished goals that have led them to have low self-

esteem. Children witch damaged self-esteem may feel unloved, frustrated, unmotivated and

afraid, and to hide these feeling they use violence as a defense method. Also, bullying has been

associated with deeper psychiatric diseases. Minors that developed schizophrenia when they grew

up presented behavior disorders I their childhood. Bullies may acquire mental disorders as a

result of trauma and abuse that they experienced, and some examples of these disorders are

anxiety, suicidal tendencies and antisocial personality. Finally bullying is not a behavior that

should be accepted but recognizing that this conduct has deeper and uncontrollable problems will

create consciousness if the reality of bullies and their life.

The perception of how a child sees bullying is a cause of this behavior disorder, for

example, bullying to overcome necessities, bullying as a cycle and bullying to seek gratification

are motivation factors to practice this conduct. Children may also become bullies when they have
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faced necessities in life; they use bullying to obtain food, shelter and clothing. Homelessness is a

situation presented in bullies; when they have to manage to live by themselves bullying is the exit

to obtaining things in the easiest way. Moreover, another cause that motivates the practice of

bullying is the gratification the bullies feel when they harass others. Bully behavior is linked to

feelings of power; violence is used to show dominance among peers or to obtain pleasure by

making others suffer. Also, bullies are attention seekers; when they feel unwanted, unloved or

ignored the way to get attention from their peers is by humiliating them. Furthermore, behavior

disorders may be related to the repetition of cycles; bullied children turn into bullies as a defense

method. Victims of bullying learn that the way to feel relevant or to defend themselves is to

repeat the same violent acts committed to them. Aggression becomes the new solution to the

challenges children experience in their childhood. Finally, the perception of minors towards

bullying is determining in how they react to this conduct. It is important that children understands

that bullying is not an acceptable behavior instead of justifying their actions by being aggressive.

Bullies are made not born, children experiences situations and feelings in their life that

may form behaviors such as bullying. Bullies are made because of what they learn, witness, feel

and react; traumas and abuse are key circumstances in that formation.

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