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How does the increasing consumption of clothing affect our climate and

what can we do about it?

Topic: Sustainable living
Center number: DK073
Candidate name: Lilah Paloma Cornier Buchwald
Candidate number: 102
Word count:
Thesis: overconsumption of clothing leads to climate change.

Have you ever replaced some trousers with others even though they were totally fine? If you are
like the majority of the world’s population, the answer is most likely yes. I have done this many
times without considering which consequences may follow. Over the past years, the terrible
impacts of climate change have led me to take action and become a climate activist. Reflecting on
my consumption of clothes has thus led me to think about living more sustainably. In this report, I
will cover which effects overconsumption of clothing on the climate entails as well as what needs
to be done.
Explanation of overconsumption fashion industry in our Society
Imagine if our world falls apart… these are some of the consequences we already face today. The
fashion industry is one of the most polluting factors contributing to climate change. According to
the European Environment Agency, the consumption of clothes per person living in the EU has
increased by 40 % between 1995 and 2012.1 Globally, the average person consumption of items
has increased by 60 % compared to 2000.2 Continually, these items are kept for half as long, and
40% are never even worn. This are estimated the United Nation Economic Commission for Europe.
. Before diving into the causes of overconsumption, its essential to know the definition of
overconsumption of clothing. According to the EEAs tool for indexing and searching references
overconsumption is “Excessive consumption or use of goods and services (energy, land, water or

| European Parliamentary Research Service 17/1 2019 reviewed 18 December. 2022

UNECE International conference center Geneva room 2, 1/3 2018 reviewed 10 January 2023
materials) that cause harm or detrimental effects to humans and/or the environment, namely by
exceeding the carrying capacity and life supporting systems of the planet and its ecosystems”3

The causes of overconsumption

Different causes have led to increased consumption. One of the most fundamental reasons why
we have an increasing overconsumption of clothes is fast fashion. The fashion industry contributes
to around 10 % of the global greenhouse gas admission. On average, fast fashion contributes
between 2 and 8 % of total global emissions.4 The fast fashion industry is based on a business
model aiming to produce many styles quickly from low-quality materials.5 These fast fashion
brands copy styles from high-end fashion shows with seasonal collections.
Copying styles from high-end fashion shows allow fast fashion brands to produce loads of trendy
knock-off items at affordable prices. This is done by manufacturing collections over a short period
of time with low-quality textiles. Another significant reason for overconsumption is mobilization.
We live in a world where everything is shared on social media, and trends are spread widely. Social
media may be one of the causes why the speed of fast fashion has risen.6 This is stated in the
report “State of Fashion 2018” by McKinsey.

The consequences of overconsumption

Overconsumption of clothing has many negative environmental impacts on the climate.
The fashion industry emits 10 % of total global emissions. The demand for textiles is constantly
increasing as we consume more and more, leading to the pollution of rivers and streams. In

Wisconsin school of business, Clara Becker, October 2019, reviewed 11 of January 2023 article.
Mc kency state of fashion report pdf 2018 reviwed feburary 2
addition, producing textiles requires a tremendous amount of water and land to grow cotton and
other fibres. Dyeing and finishing of products lead to clean water pollution, accounting for 20% of
the total global clean water discharge.7 Not only does dyeing and finishing of items cause water
pollution but also washing synthetics. It’s estimated by the ERPS - (European Parliamentary
Research service) and the EEA - (European Environment Agency) that washing synthetics
released 0.5 million tons of microfibres into the ocean every year. 9. This is bad news as most of
the clothing on the planet is made from polyester, nylon, acrylic, and other plastic-based
This comes with massive consequences on the climate as microfiber pollution affects marine life.
Through microfibres we are exposed to toxic chemicals through the air we breathe, the food we
intake, and the water we drink.10 It is still unknown which other effects microfibers have on our
health, but it is investigated thoroughly.

Global perspective

It’s impossible not to use any of the earth’s recourse, but if we continue to consume the amount
we do, it will lead to cataphoric consequences. Both environmental and social. We already see the
consequences of climate change that scientists predicted. Severe weather damages such as
drought, rising sea levels, intense heatwaves, and worsening air quality 11 stated by the Global
organization: United Nations “climate change is the defining issue of our time, and we are at the
defining moment”12 their view on climate change is demonstrated in this quote. 13 They believe
that climate change is the biggest problem of our time and that something needs to be done





about it. What they do to limit climate change is to encourage countries to pursue a low- and zero-
carbon transition in key sectors as well as keeping the increased global average temperature level
to well below the 2o C . They have done this by bringing countries together and getting them to
sign the 'Paris Agreement'. The aim of the agreement is to limit global warming to below 2,
preferably 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to the temperature levels before the industrial
revolution. In addition, many companies worldwide incorporate sustainable principles into their
brand. Examples include the brand “Patagonia” who produce their jackets made out of polyester
from recycled bottles and the brand “Guess” which manage a recycle programme. 14

Personal perspective

The overconsumption of clothing is a massive problem as it is one of the most significant

contributors to total global emissions. It is a big problem if we continue to consume at the pace we
do, as it has many environmental consequences. By continuing to produce more and more clothes,
we are consuming Earth’s resources faster than it can produce them. This has damaging
consequences as we need the earth’s resources to survive. Before I started this report, I used to
shop on various fast fashion websites. Now I am more aware that shopping there is worse for the
climate than expected. Moreover, I wasn't so skeptical about synthetic materials before, and now I
think a lot about what clothes I buy. To address the problem, I reflect on how much I consume,
what materials the clothes I buy are made of, what brands they are from, and where they are
produced. I reflect on my consumption and influence my friends, acquaintances, and others to
think about their consumption. I advise my friends to buy more sustainably by buying fewer
clothes from fast fashion websites and recommend them to buy from second-hand shops.
Additionally, I tell as many people as possible about the issue. I do this through my climate
activism by giving speeches at climate demonstrations and discussing with Danish politicians about
the subject.

Denmark - National perspective

According to the Ministry of foreign affairs, “Denmark shall be a green frontrunner in global
climate action that inspires and encourages the rest of the world.” 15 The question is whether the
country is the green frontrunner they claim to be. According to the Environmental Performance
Index 2022, Denmark is ranked 1st place on environmental performance, followed by the United
Kingdom and Finland.16 In addition, Denmark has taken several initiatives to prevent climate
change, for instance, by adopting a climate law that aims to reduce emissions by 70 percent by
2030 and to achieve climate neutrality by 2070.17 Although Denmark has set many climate targets
and implemented many initiatives, Denmark cannot reach its targets at the rate it is going. Lastly,
Denmark has not introduced any policy aimed at reducing the overconsumption of clothing. in
addition, Denmark has not been affected by climate change like some other countries in the
South. However, the country has been affected by temperature increases and is at risk of flooding
and rising sea levels.

suggested course of action

suggested course of action and conclusion

We must think and act significantly differently if we want to reduce energy consumption. This
requires research and development of new green technologies and business models. Firstly,
governments can make countries more sustainable by introducing a circular economy so that
more clothes are recycled.18 In addition, governments can regulate how much clothing
manufacturers produce compared to how much they sell. This can be done by the government



Environmental Performance Index. “Environmental Performance Index | Environmental Performance Index.”, 2022,

adopting laws and restrictions. Additionally, countries must fulfill the agreements they are part of,
such as the Paris Agreement.

Secondly, clothing companies can become more sustainable by producing their clothes from
plastic bottles or recycled clothes, for example, as the clothing brand “Patagonia” already does.
Thirdly consumers can buy fewer clothes from fast fashion websites and buy them from second-
hand shops or via second-hand apps such as Depop and Trend Sales.

Overall, overconsumption of clothing affects the climate negatively. The increased production of
clothing uses huge amounts of natural resources, damaging the climate. furthermore, textile
materials emit toxic chemicals that pollute our planet.
Lastly, through my thoroughly done research on this rapport, I have obtained a broader
perspective on the overconsumption of clothing from a global and national perspective. The Next
time I buy a pair of trousers, I think about whether I really need them or if I'm just buying them for
the sake of buying something. Now I understand my role in the overconsumption of clothing.
Even though I play a small part, I’m still a part of the bigger picture.



Vizzuality. “The Climate Act - Denmark - Climate Change Laws of the World.”, 2020, Accessed 19 Mar. 2023.

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