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How did time during the renaissance shape

the people’s ideas and view of the world ?

The Renaissance was a drastic change in all medieval people’s lives at that time. The Renaissance
changed all people's lives, it changed their view of the world and their life. The Renaissance happened
during the 14th century in Italy, Rome. Which at that time was the head place of Roman catholic church.
The Renaissance happened due to people questioning the catholic church the people of that time stated
to question the church because they thought they were lying and did not know everything. The rebirth
of ideas during the renaissance changed human kinds view of the world, the 3 major reasons of this are
Humanism, Life and reason. These were a major change in their life they did not want to only think and
worry about God.

Before the Renaissance all people followed whatever the church said to them. People blindly followed
the church. Many times, the church was wrong itself the church itself guessed everything from
medicines to religion. The Renaissance changed what they thought of the world and themselves . On the
document A Duccio Di Bouisenga painting of Mary and baby Jesus painted in late 13 the century which
was a symbol of religious beliefs, however in the early 16th century Leonardo Da Vinci a famous painter
painted the Mona Lisa which was not a symbolic reference to god. The people before the renaissance
only thought of god, they made godly images etc., however the time of the renaissance the people self-
reflected and started making more and more pictures from nature and paintings about them. The
change in artwork is a major change that the Renaissance brought to the world from only centered on
god to everything .

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