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Unit 5

Name: Nathañelo Aseñas Date: _________________
Course & Year:AB-PolSci
Apply your Knowledge
Directions: Answer the following questions comprehensively.
1. Are your in favor in the inclusion of sex education in the high school curriculum? Explain
your anwer.
Yes. I believe that we should not be alien from our own bodies. It is our right to learn and
explore it. Young people can get accurate and scientifically supported knowledge about
relationships, sexuality, and reproductive health through sex education. It may address subjects
including adolescence, contraception, STIs, consent, and healthy relationships. Having access to
trustworthy information can provide kids the power to make wise decisions and advance their
general wellbeing. Sex education can challenge myths and misconceptions that circulate among
young people. By providing accurate information, it can dispel misinformation and reduce the
likelihood of risky behaviors or unintended consequences resulting from lack of knowledge.
2. Are you in favor of legalizing marriage among homosexuals and transgenders? Why or why
Yes, but only civil marriage. I believe in freedom of religion and liberty. It is clearly
prohibited in the church the conduct of homosexual and transgender marriage so we must not
force them to do so.
No matter a person's sexual orientation or gender identity, civil marriage should be a
fundamental right that they can access. As it treats them differently based on their sexual
orientation or gender identity, denying same-sex couples and transgender people the ability to
marry is viewed as a form of discrimination.
Furthermore, marriage provides legal protections and benefits that are important for
couples and families, such as access to healthcare, inheritance rights, joint tax filing, and
parental rights. Legalizing same-sex and transgender marriages ensures that these individuals
can enjoy the same legal rights and protections as heterosexual couples.
Lastly, the legalization of homosexual and transgender marriage may pave a way to the
normalization and acceptance of society towards such relationships.

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