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Title: Same-Sex Marriage, Acceptable or Not

Same-sex marriage is a topic that has ignited passionate debates worldwide. While some argue
against it based on personal beliefs, religion, or cultural norms, it is crucial to recognize that denying
same-sex couples the right to marry is a violation of their basic human rights. In this essay, we will
present the arguments supporting same-sex marriage, emphasizing on the principles of equality,
freedom of choice, and societal progress.

Same-sex marriage is a matter of equality and human rights. Denying same-sex couples the right to
marry solely based on their sexual orientation is discriminatory. All individuals should be treated equally
under the law, regardless of their sexual orientation. Denying same-sex couples the legal benefits and
protections that come with marriage denies them their fundamental rights and promotes social

Supporting same-sex marriage is an acknowledgment of individual autonomy and freedom of

choice. Every person should have the right to choose their life partner and form a legally recognized
union, irrespective of gender. Marriage is a deeply personal and intimate decision, and the state or
religion, should not interfere or restrict individuals' choices based on sexual orientation.

Supporting same-sex marriage promotes social acceptance and inclusivity. By granting marriage
equality, society sends a powerful message that all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, are
valued and respected members of the community. Legal recognition of same-sex marriages helps
combat discrimination, prejudice, and stigmatization, fostering a more inclusive society that embraces

Legalizing same-sex marriage brings economic and legal benefits. Marriage equality allows same-sex
couples to access the same financial and legal advantages enjoyed by heterosexual couples. It boosts the
economy through increased spending on weddings and related industries, enhances tax revenues, and
reduces the burden of maintaining separate legal systems for different types of relationships.

Granting equal marriage rights to same-sex couples is not only a matter of human rights and
equality. It also strengthens relationships, families, and communities. It affirms the principles of equality,
freedom of choice, and social progress. By embracing same-sex marriage, we promote a society that
values love, commitment, and equal treatment for all its members. It is time to recognize that love
knows no gender and that everyone deserves the right to marry the person they love.
Possible arguments:

If Bible related

- The separation of the church and state should be emphasized. Marriage is not solely for people
who has a religion so it shouldn’t be used as an argument against same-sex union. In the first
place, same-sex couples do not have to get married in a church for their marriage to be
recognized by the state.
- Historically, marriage has already existed before christianity. Therefore, it should not be used as
an argument that marriage is just the union between man and woman as what the bible says.
Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt have records of same-sex marriage.
- It is unfair to judge people who are not christians based on the christian bible. While it maybe
reasonable for the church to police their members, they should not include non-believers or
non-christians in their “rules”.

If Law related (they’ll say it is expensive and time consuming to re-write laws)

- Laws are meant to be written and revised. Or else, we would still be stuck with ancient laws such
as executing accused criminals to death without them going through trials first.

If children related (if they say same-sex couples adopting chidren is not healthy)
- using the 2012, 2013, and 2014 waves of the American Community Survey (ACS), Watkins
(2018) reanalyzed progress through school as an outcome and found no significant differences between
children with same-sex versus different-sex parents. Extending the analyses to 2008 to 2015 ACS
waves, Boertien and Bernardi (2019) confirmed these findings and found no differences between children
with same-sex versus different-sex parents regardless of how socioeconomic status is accounted for. Their
study also showed that children with same-sex parents used to be more likely to be behind in school
in areas with unfavorable legal environments and attitudes toward same-sex couples…


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