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IELTS Speaking Part 1: Friends (50 Questions)

General Questions

1. Do you have a lot of friends?

2. How important are friends in your life?
3. What qualities do you value most in a friend?
4. How do you usually meet new friends?
5. Do you prefer to have a few close friends or many acquaintances?
6. How do you keep in touch with your friends who live far away?
7. Do you think friendships change as you get older? How so?
8. Have you ever had to end a friendship? Why?
9. Is it important to have friends with similar interests to you?
10. How do you spend time with your friends?

Making Friends

11. Do you find it easy to make new friends?

12. What are some challenges you face when making new friends?
13. What are some tips you would give someone who wants to make new friends?
14. Have you ever made friends online? How did you meet them?
15. Do you think it's easier to make friends in your home country or abroad?

Activities with Friends

16. What do you like to do with your friends on the weekends?

17. Do you prefer to spend time with friends in large groups or small groups?
18. Have you ever traveled with friends? Where did you go?
19. Do you think it's important to have shared hobbies with your friends?
20. Do you ever argue with your friends? How do you resolve disagreements?

Memories with Friends

21. Do you have a favorite memory with a friend? What happened?

22. Have you ever done something embarrassing with a friend?
23. Have you ever helped a friend through a difficult time?
24. Have you ever relied on a friend for help?
25. Have you ever had a falling out with a friend? How did you make up?

Friendships in Your Culture

26. Is it customary in your culture to have close friendships?

27. How do people typically meet friends in your country?
28. Are there any traditional activities that friends do together in your culture?
29. Is it common for friends to help each other financially in your culture?
30. What are some qualities that make someone a good friend in your culture?
Descriptive Questions

31. Describe a friend who has been very supportive of you.

32. Tell me about a time when a friend made you laugh really hard.
33. Describe a friend who is very different from you.
34. Tell me about a friend who inspires you.
35. Describe a special tradition you have with a friend.

Hypothetical Questions

36. If you could travel anywhere in the world with a friend, where would you go and
37. If you won a large sum of money, what would be the first thing you would do with
your friends?
38. If you could have any famous person as a friend, who would it be and why?
39. If you were stranded on a desert island, which friend would you want to be
stranded with?
40. If you could change one thing about a friend, what would it be and why? (be

Discussion Prompts

41. Some people believe that friendships are more important than romantic
relationships. Do you agree? Why or why not?
42. In today's digital world, how has technology changed the way we make and
maintain friendships?
43. Is it more important to have a few close friends or many acquaintances?
44. What are some of the challenges of maintaining long-distance friendships?
45. How can friendships help us grow as individuals?

Bonus Questions

46. Do you have any nicknames for your friends?

47. Do you have any friends from other countries?
48. Have you ever learned a new language from a friend?
49. Do you think it's important to have friends of different ages?
50. How do you think artificial intelligence will affect friendships in the future?

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