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1. Which of the following functions is not part of the Operations function?

A. Quality management
B. Maintenance planning
C. New product development
D. Calculating employee salaries
2. Why does the labor factor have an impact, but not much on productivity?
A. The quickness of hand is not equal
B. Limitation of human operations
C. Due to irregular training
D. Because it depends on the working spirit
3. In what period was total quality management TQM born?
A. 1776-1880
B. 1910-1980
C. 1980-1995
D. 1995 to present
4. Which strategy to compete through operations does not belong to the three basic strategies?
A. Low price
B. Quick response
C. Customer oriented
D. Difference
Question 5. Which of the following factors is related to the production process of creating a product?
A. Cannot be reserved
B. Geographical limitations when distributing products
C. Needs a lot of machinery
D. Difficult to evaluate quality
6. Which of the following factors is related to the production process of creating services?
A. Unlimited positions in product distribution
B. Geographical limitations when distributing products
C. Less contact with customers
D. Usually requires large capital
7. Which of the following groups does the basic functions of an enterprise belong to?
A. Carry out production and services
B. Marketing
C. Finance and accounting
D. All of the above functions
8. Why is it necessary to study production and operations management?
A. Know how goods and services are made
B. Know what production/operations managers do
C. Production and operations management is a very important part of the organization
D. All of the above are related
9. From a systems perspective, which of the following factors does business involve?
A. A business is a system with internal and external relationships
B. A business is a system that converts inputs into outputs in the form of products or services

C. Businesses usually have three main systems: Marketing, production and services, finance & accounting
D. All of the above factors are relevant
10. Which researcher is known as the father of scientific management?
A. Eli Whitney
B. Friederick Taylor
C. Henry Ford
D. Gantt
11. Productivity is expressed through which of the following proportional relationships?
A. Number of products made/Number of products sold
B. Number of products produced/Number of products used
C. Number of products sold/Number of products made
D. Number of inputs used/Number of products produced
12. Which of the following factors affects productivity?
A. The enterprise's workforce
B. State tax policy
C. Level of competition in the industry
D. Natural environment where the enterprise does business
13. Which of the following factors does not affect the labor productivity of an enterprise?
A. Level of capital use
B. Advancement of science, technology, and engineering
C. State's preferential tax policies
D. Qualifications and art of management
14. Normally, what types of strategies do businesses need to focus on
A. General strategy for the entire enterprise
B. Separate strategies of functional departments
C. Both A and B are necessary
D. None of the above statements are correct
15. In production and operations management, specific contents in the strategic process relate to:

A. Marketing decisions
B. Operational decisions
C. Financial and accounting decisions
D. All of the above
16. In the process of choosing strategies in production and operations management, which of the
following quantitative tools are often used:
D. All of the above tools are useful
Question 17. What factors help a successful production and operations strategy?
A. Meet competitive requirements
B. Consistent with business goals
C. Suitable for environmental needs
D. All of the above answers are correct
18. What is the main competitive strategy of Vietjet airline?
A. Quick response
B. Low price
C. Customer oriented
D. All of the above ideas are unrelated
19. Why does management factor have the greatest impact on productivity?
A. Can choose appropriate technology
B. Decide on working spirit
C. Affects all resources
D. Can come up with smart and efficient production methods
20. In which of the following strategies does the product have the same brand in many countries but the investment
owner belongs to many separate and dispersed legal entities?
A. Localization
B. Transnational
C. Internationalization
D. Globalization
21. Which of the following functions is not part of the Operations function?
A. Analyze competitors
B. Supply chain planning
C. Testing new products
D. Process improvement
22. Which of the following is not a reason for globalization of operations?
A. Reduce costs
B. Improve supply chain
C. Increase in stock price
D. Attract new markets
23. Which of the following is true about business strategy?
A. An organization should stick with one strategy for as long as possible
B. All companies in an industry will apply the same strategy
C. A clearly defined mission makes strategy development much easier
D. Strategies are built independently of SWOT analysis
24. A strategy is one:
A. Collection of opportunities in the market
B. Action plan to achieve the mission
C. Broad statement of purpose
D. Simulation is used to test different product line options
25. Which of the following is an example of quick response competition?
A. A company produces its products with less material waste than its
B. A company that offers more reliable products than its competitors
C. A company's products are brought to market faster than its competitors' products
D. A company's research and development department generates many ideas for new
26. Which of the following changes does not lead to a change in strategy?
A. Change in the company's financial situation
B. Adopt a company's new technology
C. Changes in the product life cycle
D. Changes in job scheduling techniques
27. All of the following decisions are within the scope of operations management except:
A. Financial analysis
B. Product and process design
C. Location of facilities
D. Quality management
28. Choose the right strategy building process:
A. Strategy analysis/Mission/Compare and select strategies/Implementation solutions
B. Compare and choose strategies/Strategy analysis/Mission/Implementation solutions
C. Mission/Compare and choose strategies/Strategy analysis/Implementation solutions
D. Mission/Strategy analysis/Comparing and choosing strategies/Implementation solutions
29. The main concerns of the marketing function are:
A. Producing goods or providing services
B. Create demand for the organization's products or services
C. Procurement of materials, supplies and equipment

D. Build and maintain a positive image

30. Which of the following is not an operational function in a fast food restaurant?
A. Advertising and promotion
B. Facility layout design
C. Equipment maintenance
D. Make burgers and fries
31. Operational management can apply:
A. Mainly the service sector
B. Exclusively for services
C. Mainly the manufacturing sector
D. For all companies, both manufacturing and services
32. What are the five elements in the management process?
A. Plan, direct, update, lead and supervise
B. Accounting, finance, marketing, operations and management
C. Organizing, planning, controlling, staffing and managing
D. Planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling
Question 33. Three main factors affecting productivity are:
A. Quality of external factors and accurate measurement units
B. Labor, equipment and management
C. Technology, raw materials and labor
D. Education, diet and social costs
34. Productivity can be improved by:
A. Increase input while keeping output stable
B. Decrease output while keeping input stable
C. Reduce input while keeping output stable
D. Increase input and output by the same ratio


1. Which forecasting method does NOT belong to the qualitative group:

A. Moving average
B. Expert opinion
C. Do a survey
D. Distributor's opinion
2. When should managers use qualitative forecasting methods?
A. New products
B. New technology
C. Existing products
D. Sentences A and B are correct

3. In what situations should the business executive board use quantitative forecasting
A. Existing products
B. New technology
C. New products
D. There is no correct answer
4. Which of the following factors affecting forecasts is subjective?
A. Market
B. Law
C. Product quality
D. Business cycle
5. What objective factors affect forecasting activities?
A. Design quality
B. How to serve customers
C. Selling price

D. Market
6. Which stage in the product life cycle usually has stable revenue for businesses?
A. Embryo
B. Development
C. Saturation
D. Depression
7. To use the seasonal index of each year, the data must be from at least how many years?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
8. For the weighted moving average forecasting method, the greatest weight should be assigned to:
A. The farthest period

B. Most recent period

C. Interval period in the past
D. Period has an average value
9. What are the disadvantages of the qualitative forecasting method of getting opinions from the Executive Board?
A. Excessive optimism or pessimism
B. Takes a lot of time and money
C. “Groupthink”
D. High cost
10. Which qualitative method can predict needs and identify customer tastes?
A. Get opinions from the Executive Board.
B. Get opinions from the sales force
C. Consumer research
D. Delphi method
11. Which of the following steps does not belong to the Delphi method?
A. Experts answer printed questions
B. Summary of expert opinions
C. If the question is new to the expert
D. Gather opinions at many locations to achieve an estimate
12. How many components does a time series used in quantitative forecasting usually have?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
13. For the weighted moving average forecasting method, the number of periods that need to use data to assign weights
should be:
A. Greater than 2
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
14. Using the method to calculate the seasonal index of each year, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The value of the entire year to be forecast is calculated directly from the season index just calculated.
B. The season index becomes smaller when there is one season in previous years which is the smallest

C. The average season index over years is largest when the season index of the most recent year is largest
D. The value of the entire year to be forecast must be stated
15. Which forecasting method does NOT belong to the quantitative group?
A. Seasonal index
B. Exponential function

C. Compile forecasts from the sales force

D. Moving average
16. What type of data is the simple average forecasting method suitable for?
A. The data series do not have large fluctuations
B. Data series fluctuate irregularly
C. Seasonality exists in the data.
D. None of these statements are correct

17. Forecasting using moving average is the method:

A. It is necessary to calculate the season index before forecasting
B. Use some recent observations as forecast values
C. Calculate the average using all values in the data series
D. Need to know trend changes in advance when forecasting
18. What type of data is the simple exponential smoothing method suitable for?
A. There are no major changes in the data
B. The data is clearly cyclical
C. Unpredictable data tends to increase or decrease
D. Data tends to increase over time
19. In the simple exponential leveling method, assigning a large value to the exponential leveling weight implies that:
A. The farther back in time it goes, the greater its weight in the forecast value
B. The influence of forecast values closer to the present is more important
C. The further into the past, the smaller its weight in the forecast value
D. Sentences B and C are correct

20. Forecast error is:

A. The average value difference between the forecast value series and the actual value
B. Difference between actual values and corresponding forecast values
C. Deviation between the previous period and the next period of the forecast value chain
D. None of these statements are correct

21. What is forecast error often used for?

A. Evaluate the appropriateness of the product marketing program
B. Evaluate the relevance of the forecast value chain compared to the actual value chain
C. Is the basis for improving forecasting models
D. Sentences B and C are correct

22. In what situations is the exponential leveling forecast model with trend adjustment often used?
A. Data is cyclical
B. Data is relatively stable over time
C. Use for data that has local trend elements and changes over time
D. Data is seasonal in nature
23. For what purpose is the trend line forecasting method often used?
A. Detect irregularities of data series
B. Detect seasonality of data series
C. Detect periodicity of data series
D. Find the regression parameter over time of the data series and use it to forecast the next periods
24. How is a linear regression function different from a trend function?
A. The trend function predicts fluctuations over time, the regression function predicts cyclical fluctuations
B. The trend function predicts fluctuations over time, the regression function predicts fluctuations in secondary variables
depends on the independent variables
C. There is no difference between linear regression function and trend function
D. There is no correct answer
25. Which of the following reasons makes forecasts not as effective as desired:
A. There is no participation of many people in the forecast
B. Not realizing that forecasting is a very important part of business planning
C. Using inappropriate forecasting methods
D. All are correct g

1. Decisions about products and services in production and operations management involve which of the following
A. Choose products and services
B. New product design
C. Select new products
D. All of the above steps are related
2. What factors affect product and service selection in operations management?
A. Business practices in the market
B. Market demand, consumer tastes
C. Human resource training activities of the enterprise
D. There are no relevant factors
3. Which factors do not affect product and service selection in operations
A. Product life cycle
B. Business strengths
C. State income tax policy
D. Ability to ensure resources
4. When choosing products and services, what requirements should businesses pay attention to?
A. Use value
B. Price
C. Product feasibility
D. All of the above requirements
5. When mentioning the use value of products, what factors should businesses pay attention
A. What level of quality does the product or service need to reach?
B. Investment capital for products
C. Capacity of the sales team
D. None of these ideas are correct

6. Which of the following factors is not related to the use value of the product?
A. Uses of the product
B. Convenient for consumption, transportation, and storage
C. After-sales policy of the enterprise
D. Not related to any of the above factors
7. On what basis is the price of the product formed?
A. The price of the product is balanced with other items
B. Consumer's ability to pay
C. Product competitiveness in the market
D. Related to all of the above factors
8. Which of the following efforts could change demand for a product or service?
A. Inventory
B. Part-time workers
C. Discount
D. Subcontracting

9. Which of the following factors is not related to changes in demand for products or services?
A. Discount
B. Promotion
C. Subcontracting

D. Advertising
10. The method of using decision trees in selecting products and services is:
A. Draw a sequence of decisions necessary for determining the predicted value of action options
B. Designate each possible decision-making option as a strategy, each outcome as an event, and assume the
probability of an event occurring is always known in advance.
C. Both A and B are necessary
D. None of these ideas are correct
11. Which of the following is not related to the steps when using a decision tree to choose products and
A. Full list of possible product options
B. Full list of objective conditions affecting the decision
C. Determine the probability of events occurring
D. Number of employees in the production department
12. Which of the following factors should be included in the steps when using a decision tree to choose products and services?

A. Identify each information for each option combined with the market
B. Draw a decision tree, post values and event probabilities
C. Indicator used to compare options (max EMV)
D. Need to consider all of the above steps
13. Which of the following factors should be considered when businesses develop new products?
A. Changes in tastes and the number of people in households
B. Changes in technique and technology
C. Changes in the consumer market
D. Any of the above factors cannot be ignored
14. Why is it necessary to survey the product life cycle?
A. At certain times, different types of products may be in different stages of the life cycle

B. To prolong the life cycle of a product, many different measures can be used such as: improving the design,
quality specifications, etc. of the product being produced.
C. There is always a close relationship between sales, product development costs and profits
D. All of the above factors are relevant
15. Which of the following steps is not included in the stages of new product development?
A. Present ideas for product innovation initiatives
B. Survey and evaluate market demand
C. Assess the ability to borrow investment capital
D. Survey and analyze product situations
16. Which of the following steps are required in the stages of new product development?
A. Survey product manufacturing methods
B. Test products on the market
C. Evaluate the product's likelihood of success
D. The above steps are all very necessary
17. Which of the following groups should participate in the new product development process?
A. The group performs the training task
B. Product design team
C. The group performs the task of ensuring labor safety
D. The group performs product inventory tasks
18. Which of the following groups is not involved in the new product development process?
A. Product development team
B. Product analysis team
C. Customer care team
D. All of the above groups are related
19. During the new product development process, which of the following issues should we pay attention to?
A. Must have the support of leaders at all levels
B. The person in charge must have good qualities and experience
C. Organization size must match research requirements
D. Need to pay attention to all of the above issues
20. Which of the following factors is not relevant to the new product development process?
A. Organize training to have enough skills and techniques to research and develop new products
B. Continuously update changes in the accounting system
C. Get help from the sales team
D. There needs to be close cooperation and collaboration within the group

21. What costs need to be kept in mind during the product introduction stage in the product life cycle?

A. Product research and development costs

B. Operating costs and product completion
C. Cost of building a supply network for production
D. All of the above factors are necessary
22. Which of the following are the characteristics of disruptive technology?
A. In each production department, arrange machines of the same type
B. Each production department only undertakes a certain processing stage
C. The name of the production department is the name of the machine located in that department
D. All of the above characteristics are relevant
23. Which of the following characteristics is not part of continuous technology (line production)?
A. In each production department, there are many different types of machines
B. Each production department is responsible for the entire technological process of producing the product
C. Each production department only undertakes a certain processing stage
D. The name of the production department is the name of the product produced in that department
24. Large work in progress involves what type of production technology?
A. Technology disruption
B. Continuous technology
C. Series technology
D. All of the above technologies are related
25. A simple production schedule is a characteristic of which of the following types of production technology?
A. Series technology
B. Disruptive technology
C. Continuous technology
D. Not related to any of the above technologies
26. What type of capacity does machinery and equipment operate 24 hours a day and 365 hours a year?
A. Design capacity
B. Theoretical capacity
C. Actual capacity
D. Expected capacity
27. The type of capacity achieved under the condition that machinery and equipment operate normally, without interruption
due to reasons such as damage, power outages, etc. are:
A. Theoretical capacity
B. Design capacity
C. Expected capacity
D. Actual capacity
28. When choosing capacity, businesses need to base on which of the following factors?
A. Current and future market requirements
B. Ability to provide inputs
C. Capacity to organize and manage production
D. All of the above factors are necessary
29. What are the advantages of divergent investment when choosing capacity?
A. Immediately complete the entire production system to create stability during operation
B. Not having to invest capital at once creates stress
C. Immediate stabilization of input and output factors
D. None of the factors are relevant
30. Which of the following factors is not part of the equipment selection principle?
A. Must be suitable for the selected technology and capacity
B. Must be consistent with general technical development trends, the more advanced the better
C. It is best to buy through intermediaries
D. Affordable price; There is a clear warranty; Long economic life

1. Which type of operating process has the most flexible way of connecting stages?
A. Product direction
B. Assembly instructions
C. Process direction
D. Mass customization
2. What type of operating process harmonizes the number of product types and the number of products of each
A. Process direction
B. Assembly instructions

C. Product direction
D. Mass customization
3. Which type of operation has the most specialized production equipment?
A. Assembly instructions

B. Product direction
C. Process direction
D. Mass customization
4. When calculating product placement efficiency by process, which of the following 2 values between each
pair of processes are used:
A. Shipping frequency & Shipping fee
B. Shipping method & Shipping fee
C. Shipping Frequency & Shipping Safety
D. Shipping Time & Shipping Frequency
5. Which type of operation has the smallest number of product varieties?
A. Process direction
B. Assembly instructions

C. Product direction
D. Mass customization
6. Which type of operation has the largest number of product varieties?
A. Process direction
B. Assembly instructions

C. Product direction
D. Mass customization
7. What types of operational processes require customer feedback before creating a product?
A. Process direction
B. Assembly instructions

C. Product direction
D. Mass customization
8. When arranging premises according to processes, to improve, we should prioritize the arrangement of the following two processes
next to each other:
A. There is similar technology
B. There are workers who can operate on both processes
C. Have the same level of pollution
D. There is a high frequency/volume of transportation back and forth

9. When arranging premises according to products, the cycle time when calculated is:
A. Maximum time allowed to produce a product at the end of the line
B. Minimum time allowed to produce a product at the end of the line
C. Average time allowed to produce a product at the end of the line
D. The time needed for a product to go from the beginning of the line to the end of the line
10. When arranged by product, we have a line consisting of 3 stations: The middle station (station 2) has a station time greater than
the station before it (Station 1) and the station after it (Station 3). Which of the following statements is correct?
A. The previous station is always congested; The next station is always empty

B. The previous station is always empty; The next station is always congested
C. Both stations 1 and 3 are always overloaded

D. Both stations 1 and 3 are always empty

11. When arranging premises according to products, the formula to determine the theoretical minimum number of stations will say:

A. Is the exact number of stations to which incoming jobs need to be distributed

B. The minimum number of stations that can be arranged while still ensuring the required output
C. Is the upper limit when determining the number of stations to be arranged

D. Information about the order required when performing tasks

12. When arranged by product, we have a line consisting of 3 stations: The middle station (station 2) has a station time greater than
the station before it (Station 1) and the station after it (Station 3). Which of the following statements is correct?
A. The time difference between the longest station and the fastest station should be as small as possible
B. The total idle time of all stations is maximum
C. The total idle time of all the nodes is the smallest
D. The longest station time should be as small as possible
13. Which of the following natural factors should be considered when choosing a location?
A. Population, living standards, customs, religion, culture
B. Near the source of raw materials
C. Ecological environment
D. Near consumer markets
14. Which of the following economic factors should be considered when choosing a location?
A. Terrain
B. Resources
C. Local infrastructure structure
D. Transport factor
15. The closed transport problem with total supply and total demand is consistent with which of the following statements?
A. Total supply is greater than total demand
B. Total quantity demanded is greater than total quantity supplied

C. The total quantity of both supply and demand is equal

D. None of these ideas are correct

16. The open transport problem involves which of the following statements:
A. The total quantity supplied at the source point is equivalent to the total quantity consumed at the destination points
B. The total quantity supplied from the source points is different from the total quantity consumed at the destination points

C. The total supply at source points must be equal

D. The total quantity demanded at the destinations needs to be equal
17. What is the main goal of site layout?
A. To arrange the right people for the right job in the production system
B. Minimize transportation costs, production costs and raw material storage in the production system
C. Minimize space rental costs
D. Not related to any of the above issues
18. In what cases is it necessary to arrange and redistribute equipment?
A. Increase product competitiveness in the market
B. An occupational accident or unsafe risk occurs
C. According to the subjective opinion of the board of directors

D. Timely response to market needs

19. Which of the following types is considered basic equipment allocation?
A. Arrange equipment in order of priority
B. Arrange equipment according to products
C. Arrange equipment according to the number of employees
D. Arrange equipment according to labor level
20. What are the advantages of arranging equipment according to product structure?
A. High labor productivity
B. Easily optimize production operations
C. High efficiency in resource use
D. All of the above are correct
21. What are the disadvantages of arranging equipment according to product structure?
A. Not paying attention to the process of supplying raw materials for production
B. Lack of flexibility to adapt to market changes
C. Not paying attention to the legitimate interests of employees
D. All of the above are correct
22. What are the advantages of arranging equipment according to the production process?
A. Flexible, meeting diverse market requirements
B. Does not require high qualifications of the workforce
C. Does not require rigorous monitoring
D. All of the above are correct
23. What are considered disadvantages of arranging equipment according to the production process?
A. Equipment usage efficiency is not high
B. Difficulties in supply and accounting activities
C. More complicated in supply and accounting activities
D. All of the above are correct
24. What issues should be considered when arranging equipment in a fixed form?
A. Investment costs in equipment
B. Need to be very cautious and calculate carefully before making a decision
C. Flexibility in the process of changing positions
D. All of the above points need attention

1. In integrated planning, which of the following statements is false?
A. If monthly output is the same, it will cause inventory fluctuations
B. Product quality cannot be completely guaranteed when using subcontracting
C. Firing costs are often greater than recruitment costs
D. Cannot use many strategies/solutions at the same time
Question 2. In integrated planning, which of the following solutions belongs to the group of proactive impacts on
A. Change inventory levels
B. Slow delivery
C. Change in labor usage level
D. Increase/decrease shifts or working hours per day
3. Which of the following is a disadvantage of subcontracting solutions to produce a
finished product?
A. May lose customers
B. Reduce waste of equipment investment
C. Reduce management costs
D. Reduce inventory
4. In integrated planning, which of the following statements is false?
A. There is no strategy that allows the use of labor fluctuation solutions
B. There is a risk of technology leakage when using subcontracting
C. If the monthly output is the same and the number of production days is the same, it will cause labor
D. The strategy of using inventory to adapt to demand fluctuations will be effective for
In case production capacity is equal to the average value of demand for the whole year
5. In integrated planning, which of the following solutions belongs to the group of passive needs
(accepting needs as input and seeking to fully satisfy them)?
A. Use advertising tools when needed
B. Slow delivery
C. Use a flexible pricing policy
D. Increase or decrease the number of working days in a month

6. Which of the following is an advantage of subcontracting solutions to produce a finished

A. Reduce capacity waste in low season
B. Good protection of production know-how
C. Improve quality assurance capabilities
D. Reduce overall transportation costs (logistics costs)
7. Typical timelines for comprehensive planning are:
A. Up to 3 months
B. 3 to 18 months
C. More than one year
D. More than three years

8. Which of the following is not essential for integrated planning?

A. Measure sales and output
B. A method for determining costs, such as tax costs, layoffs, and inventory,
related to production schedules
C. A mathematical model for cost minimization during the medium-term planning period
D. Forecast total demand for the medium-term planning period
9. Which of the following is an option that creates initiative in demand planning in aggregate
A. Subcontracting
B. Waiting orders during peak season
C. Change inventory levels
D. Changing the size of the labor force
10. Sales plan, production plan, human resources, inventory, and dependent contractors:
A. Mid-term plan
B. Short-term plan
C. Long-term plan
D. Strategic planning
11. Aggregate planning is capacity planning for:
A. Long term
B. Medium term
C. Short term
D. Usually from one to three months
12. Which of the following integrated planning strategies can direct customers to
A. Subcontracting

B. Change inventory levels

C. Change production rates through overtime
D. Change the size of the workforce by hiring or firing
13. Which of the following integrated planning strategies is known to reduce employee morale?
A. Seasonal product and service mix
B. Change inventory levels
C. Change the size of the workforce by hiring and firing plans
D. Waiting orders during peak season
14. Which of the following terms is used for capacity planning with time periods ranging from 3
to 18 months?
A. Material requirements planning
B. Short-term planning
C. Strategic planning
D. Comprehensive planning
15. Which of the following is NOT an effective criterion for planning?
A. Minimize customer waiting time
B. Minimize completion time
C. Minimize inventory
D. Maximize execution time
16. To achieve high economic efficiency (minimize costs) in resource planning, which of the following
factors should managers adjust?
A. Production level
B. Inventory level
C. Overtime work needs to be hired
D. The above factors are all necessary

17. Which of the following factors is the priority of the strategy to change inventory levels?
A. Create flexibility for businesses to cope when demand is high
B. There are no sudden changes in production
C. Reduce costs and be more flexible when labor demand increases
D. None of these statements are correct

18. What are the disadvantages of the seasonal hiring strategy?

A. High labor fluctuations, difficult to manage, difficult to arrange work schedules
B. The business is at risk of losing the contract
C. Quality is difficult to guarantee
D. Labor productivity is not high due to employee fatigue
19. The advantages of the overtime production strategy are:
A. Create high specialization, thus increasing competition
B. Help businesses cope with increased production demand without hiring
C. Take advantage of excess capacity, create new customers when reducing prices
D. None of these statements are correct

20. The strategy to change inventory levels is often applied to what types of businesses?

A. Service businesses
B. Both service businesses and goods manufacturing businesses
C. Only used for businesses producing goods
D. None of these ideas are correct

1. In the dispatching problem on 2 machines with the objective function of minimizing the time to complete the entire
job, which of the following statements is correct?
A. The order of work execution does not affect the objective function value
B. Johnson algorithm gives near optimal results
C. Johnson algorithm gives optimal results
D. Instead of using the Johnson algorithm, calculating the time for all possible arrangements can still find the optimal solution,
and it does not take much time even if the problem has a large number of tasks.
2. In the job assignment problem using the Hungrary algorithm, which of the following statements is false?
A. The step of subtracting each row and column from the largest number only needs to be done once

B. The loop achieves optimal results when the number of rows/columns crossed out is equal to the number of tasks

C. Any number "0" crossed out is not counted

D. Any number "0" that is the intersection of two dashed lines remains the same for the next loop
3. In the dispatching problem on 2 machines with the objective function of minimizing the time to complete the entire
job, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Whether the Johnson algorithm gives optimal results depends on the input data
B. The order of work execution affects the objective function value
C. Hungrary algorithm can be applied
D. EDD dispatch law can be applied
4. In the job assignment problem using the Hungrary algorithm, which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. Any number "0" crossed out is not counted
B. It is not optimal if the number of lines is smaller than the number of jobs
C. Repeat the calculation after the start of each loop; Subtract each row and column from the smallest number in the row/column

D. Any number "0" that is the intersection of two dashed lines will be added 1 value for the next loop.
5. Among the dispatching rules on a single machine, which of the following has the least number of calculations?
6. Which of the following best represents the importance of moderation (short-term scheduling)?
A. Effective dispatching (short-term scheduling) leads to lower costs, faster deliveries, more reliable
schedules, and can create a competitive advantage
B. Effective moderation is a tactical tool to increase production capacity
C. Effective moderation is a strategy for creating customer satisfaction
D. Effective dispatching has a major impact on costs
7. Forward Scheduling is characterized by:
A. Work is done as soon as requirements are known
B. Start with tasks that have short execution time first
C. Start with the due date, then schedule the work from the end back to the beginning
D. Prioritize jobs that generate high profits
8. Which of the following dispatching rules usually gives the best results when the criterion is the lowest time
to complete the entire work sequence?
A. Shortest processing time (SPT)
B. First in, first out (FIFO)
C. First come, first served (FCFS)
D. Longest processing time (LPT)
9. A general rule to minimize late order fulfillment is:
A. Prioritize orders with short processing time (SPT)
B. Critical index (CR)
C. Prioritize orders with long processing times (LPT)
D. Johnson's rule
10. When jobs must go through two workstations in a fixed order, we should arrange the jobs
according to the principle:
A. Critical index (CR)
B. Those due first will be given priority (EDD)
C. First come, first served (FCFS)
D. Johnson's rule
11. What scheduling (scheduling) technique should be used when we are particularly concerned about
task due dates?
A. Forward dispatching (forward scheduling)
B. Order in batches according to needs
C. Backward Scheduling
D. Bill of Material (BOM)
12. Which of the following tools is used to track work performed?
A. Assignment method
B. Ganti schedule chart
C. Johnson's rule
D. None of the above mentioned tools
13. Orders are processed in the order in which they arrive as a rule:
A. Whichever is due first, first served (EDD)
B. First come, first served (FCFS)
C. Critical ratio (CR)
D. Johnson's
14. One of the important criteria of dispatching (short-term scheduling) is:
A. Minimize the time it takes to complete tasks
B. Order the optimal output level
C. Identify necessary materials
D. Determine supply capacity
15. Using Johnson's principle to arrange work on 2 machines, which of the following statements is incorrect?

A. List the jobs and execution time on each machine

B. Rank the job with the longest execution time (if the job is on machine 1, then rank it first, above the machine
2 is ranked last)
C. Exclude scheduled work
D. Sentence A is correct

16. Arranging work on 3 machines according to Johnson's principle, which of the following statements is not correct?
A. The shortest time on machine 1 must be ≥ the longest time on machine 2
B. The longest time on machine 3 must be ≥ the longest time on machine 2
C. The shortest time on machine 3 must be ≥ the longest time on machine 2
D. Sentence C is correct

17. Using the Hungarian method, to assign work, which of the following statements is correct?
A. Each job can be arranged on multiple machines
B. Machines doing different jobs have the same cost
C. Need to arrange multiple jobs on each machine
D. There is no correct statement
18. When using the Hungarian method to allocate N jobs to N machines, which of the following steps is incorrect?

A. Create an n*n square matrix with costs

B. On the rows of the matrix, select the largest number and subtract this number from the number on the row

C. On the rows, select the row that has a zero number, mark that zero and then cross out the column
D. On the columns, select the column with a 0, mark this 0 and then cross out the row
19. In the Hungarian method, in the above step, the numbers that have not been crossed out are determined to be the smallest number. Which of the following is


A. The number that has not been crossed out is added to this number

B. The number with two crossed lines is added to this number

C. If a line is crossed out, keep it intact

D. Sentence B is correct

20. CPM and PERT diagrams are used to solve which of the following problems?
A. Evaluate the time to complete each job and the entire project
B. Determine the minimum time to complete the project (critical path)
C. Comparing time costs determines the possibility of shortening project time
D. All issues are related

1. In the economic order model EOQ, if annual demand (D) increases 4 times, the optimal order quantity Q*
will be
A. Increase 4 times

B. Reduced by 4 times

C. Increase two times

D. Reduced by two times

2. The total annual inventory cost of the EOQ and POQ models only includes two quantities, the third quantity is the Purchasing
cost during the year which is not taken into account because
A. Too small to be significant
B. Is constant - does not depend on the number of orders q
C. Fluctuations are too erratic
D. Belongs to a random variable
3. In the self-production model for POQ demand, which of the following statements is FALSE
A. The rate of production can be equal to the rate of consumption

B. The production rate may be smaller than the consumption rate

C. The cost per production run is the ordering cost in the EOQ model
D. The formula for calculating the optimal production quantity Q* is the adjusted EOQ formula
4. In the EOQ economic ordering model, if annual demand increases 18 times and ordering costs decrease 2
times, the optimal order quantity Q* is
A. Reduced by 6 times

B. Reduced by 3 times

C. Increase 6 times

D. Increase 3 times

5. In the discount ordering model, which of the following statements is FALSE when determining the optimal order
quantity Q*
A. So that the total cost of the 3 cost groups is the lowest
B. Is the average value of the range with the lowest price bracket
C. Does use the EOQ formula for each unit price range
D. May be one of the boundary values of the unit price ranges
6. Which of the following batch size determination techniques results in the lowest holding cost?
A. Lot-For-Lot (Lot-For-Lot) (each concerned according to need)
C. Fixed order quantity
D. Periodic ordering
7. Inventory management aims
A. Reduce costs related to inventory
B. Balance reserve levels with production needs
C. Effective use and management
D. All of the above
8. What is the purpose of ABC classification in inventory?
A. Divide into categories by value from high to low
B. Inventory cycle from short to long
C. Strictly control goods according to value
D. The above ideas are all correct

9. Which of the following is not an ordering cost?

A. Purchasing procedure costs
B. Shipping costs
C. Loading and unloading costs

D. Factory cleaning costs

10. Regarding economic quantity (EOQ) ordering, which statement is incorrect?
A. Produced materials are used up immediately
B. Materials produced in batches and used gradually
C. There are no storage costs
D. There are still storage costs due to not being used up immediately
11. For ordering according to the quantity discount model, which statement is most correct?
A. Reduce costs through purchasing each unit at the lowest price
B. Reduce total inventory costs
C. Reduce the number of purchases
D. The above sentences are all correct

12. Classify inventory according to the following ideas, which one is incorrect?
A. Raw materials
B. Safety inventory
C. Unfinished products or materials in process
D. Finished products
13. Inventory turnover ratio, is the ratio between
A. Total sales (year) divided by average inventory turnover
B. Total sales ledger (year) divided by average inventory
C. Both A and B are correct
D. None of these statements are correct

14. Economic order quantity is

A. When we run out of stock, we place an order

B. Order for the lowest purchase price

C. Place orders so that goods are always in stock while minimizing total inventory costs
D. So that the number of purchases in a year is minimum

15. When applying economic order quantity EOQ, we often pay little attention to
A. Re-Order Point (ROP)
B. Expected number of orders
C. Optimal order quantity
D. Daily production volume
16. In the formula where d and p appear, which statement is incorrect?


A. d is the daily demand level

B. p is the production rate per day
C. d/p is the ratio between demand and supply

D. d/p is the ratio between supply and demand

17. The cost of each inventory system depends on which of the following factors?
A. Number of machines used
B. Methods of controlling inventory
C. Number of human resources used
D. Not related to any factors
18. Under certain conditions, too high inventory will increase which of the following costs?
A. Increased costs in placing orders
B. Increase production batch conversion costs
C. Increase investment costs in inventory
D. All of the above costs increased
19. Which type of cost decreases when inventory increases?
A. Capital costs
B. Purchase costs
C. Loss and damage
D. There are no reduced costs
20. Which inventory system orders the same quantity every time?
A. Interval ordering system
B. Fixed order system
C. Both of the above systems are suitable
D. All of the above statements are correct

21. In the ABC analysis technique when inventory is in stock, the number of goods in group A usually accounts for
approximately what %?
A. 50-55%
B. About 30%
C. About 10-15%
D. Less than 5%

1. The general goals of operations management are:
A. Achieve the highest profit
B. Achieve the highest revenue
C. Minimize financial risks
D. Reduce costs, ensure quality, build a highly flexible production system, and shorten time

2. The exponential smoothing coefficient in the exponential smoothing forecasting method says:
A. The larger it is, the more accurate the forecast
B. The smaller it is, the more accurate the forecast
C. Closer to 1, the forecast result will be more accurate
D. None of these statements are correct

3. Forecasting results will be more accurate when there is mean absolute deviation (MAD):
A. Close to 2
B. Close to 3
C. Close to 0
D. Close to 1
4. Past data shows that the number of products sold in January was 18 cars, in February it was 20 cars, and in
March it was 22 cars. If using the 2-stage moving average method, the forecast for April will be:
A. 20 vehicles

B. 21 vehicles

C. 22 vehicles

D. 19 vehicles

5. The administrator considered the relationship between product demand and advertising costs over the
past 6 months and built a forecasting equation of Y = 3*x+10. Where Y is product demand, x is advertising
costs. So next month's demand is:
A. 28 products
B. 30 products
C. 31 products
D. Not enough information to determine
5. Equal risk criteria allows choosing the level of capacity with the level of risk:
A. Cao
B. Low
C. Average
D. Zero
6. Maximin indicator allows selecting capacity level with risk level:
A. Cao
B. Low
C. Average
D. Zero
7. In capacity planning, it is necessary to ensure synthesis in order to:
A. Overcoming seasonality of demand
B. Save initial investment capital.
C. Synchronization and balance between production stages
D. Overcome excess capacity
8. When evaluating capacity, efficiency criteria are determined by:
A. Divide actual capacity by effective capacity
B. Divide effective capacity by actual capacity
C. Divide actual capacity by design capacity
D. Divide effective capacity by design capacity
9. Which of the following criteria is used to make capacity selection decisions under conditions of
A. Maximin target
B. Maximax indicator
C. Equal luck criteria
D. All are correct
10. An enterprise produces vehicles with a design capacity of 100 vehicles/day. Effective capacity
(expected) is 90 vehicles/day. Actual capacity is 80 vehicles/day. So the efficiency level is:
A. 88.9%
B. 70%
C. 80%
D. 85%
To calculate the efficiency level, we use the formula:
Efficiency = (Actual Capacity / Effective Capacity) x 100%
Efficiency = (80 / 90) x 100% = 88.9%
So the answer is A. 88.9%.
11. To produce water, the company needs to use plastic bottles. If purchased, the price is 1,600 VND/bottle. If self-
produced, the fixed cost is 350 million VND/year and the average variable cost is 800 VND/bottle. If the production
capacity is 600,000 bottles/year, which option should be chosen?
A. Self-produced
B. Buy
C. Buying or self-producing is the same
D. Not enough information to answer
12. A business works 8 hours a day and wants to make 60 products. So what is the cycle
A. 10 minutes/product
B. 8.0 minutes/product
C. 8.6 minutes/product
D. 10.6 minutes/product
To calculate the cycle time to produce 60 products in 8 working hours, we can use the following formula:

Cycle time = (Working time per day x Number of working days in the cycle) / Number of products in
the cycle
Here, the number of working days in the cycle can be 1 day or more depending on the product production time.
Therefore, we can assume the number of working days in the cycle is 1 day.
Working time per day = 8 hours = 480 minutes
Number of products in the cycle = 60 products
Cycle time = (480 minutes x 1 day) / 60 products = 8 minutes/product
So, to produce 60 products in 8 working hours, the cycle time is 8 minutes/product.
13. Total time to perform the tasks is 7.5 minutes. Cycle time is 2 minutes. So what is the
minimum number of working parts?
A. 2 working parts
B. 3 working parts
C. 4 working parts
D. 5 working departments
To calculate the minimum number of working parts that need to be arranged to perform tasks within the cycle time, we can
use the following formula:
Number of parts = Total job execution time / Cycle time
Here, the total job execution time is 7.5 minutes and the cycle time is 2 minutes, we have: Number of
parts = 7.5 minutes / 2 minutes ≈ 3.75
So to carry out the work in a cycle time of 2 minutes, it is necessary to arrange at least 4 working parts.
However, if the number of working parts is less, the time taken to execute the jobs will increase, so the
cycle time will be longer.
14. Which of the following strategies is NOT a passive strategy?
A. Strategy for changing inventory levels
B. Strategy for changing human resources according to demand levels

C. Overtime strategy
D. Strategy to influence demand
15. Which of the following general planning strategies is a passive strategy?
A. Change in reserve level
B. Overtime
C. Subcontracting
D. Fulfill orders on credit (pre-order)
16. Pure strategy includes:
A. 3 active strategies and 4 passive strategies
B. 3 active strategies and 5 passive strategies
C. 5 active strategies and 3 passive strategies
D. 4 active strategies and 3 passive strategies
17. Which of the following strategies is considered a "double-edged sword"?
A. Deposit in advance
B. Subcontracting
C. Part-time
D. Changes in inventory levels
18. Which statement is NOT true when describing the disadvantages of the subcontracting strategy?
A. Unable to control quality
B. Profits decrease
C. Potential loss of customers
D. Low productivity
19. LPT Principle means:
A. The job that takes the longest time to complete will be done first
B. The work that is ordered first will be done first
C. Any job that has a delivery date first will be done first
D. The job with the shortest time to complete will be done first
20. The goal of the maximization problem is:
A. Assign tasks to maximize costs
B. Assign tasks to maximize productivity
C. Assign tasks to minimize profit
D. Assign tasks to maximize implementation time
21. Which of the following costs is part of inventory costs?
A. Purchase costs
B. Inventory costs in the production system
C. Quality of inventory
D. Supply issues
22. Re-order point is determined at:
A. Inventory level is zero
B. Any inventory level
C. Inventory levels are guaranteed until goods are received
D. Average inventory level
23. The company has a demand for 8,400 tires during the year, the cost of storing each tire during the year is $18, and the
ordering cost is $82. The optimal order quantity according to the EOQ model is:
A. 300 tires
B. 277 tires
C. 450 tires
D. 550 tires
According to the EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) model, the optimal order quantity is:

EOQ = sqrt((2 x D x D) / H)

In there:
- D is the demand for goods in the year (8400 tires)
- S is the ordering cost ($82)
- H is the inventory cost for one unit of product during the year ($18).
Substituting the values into the formula, we have:
EOQ = sqrt((2 x 8400 x 82) / 18) = 277
24. The company has a demand for 8,400 tires during the year, the cost of storing each tire during the year is $18, and the
ordering cost is $82. If ordering according to EOQ model, the number of orders per year is:
A. 25 orders
B. 20 orders
C. 30 orders
D. 35 orders
The number of orders per year will be equal to the total number of orders in the year, calculated by dividing the demand for
goods in the year by the optimal order volume according to the EOQ model.

According to the EOQ model, the optimal order quantity is:

EOQ = sqrt((2 x D x D) / H)

In there:
- D is the demand for goods in the year (8400 tires)
- S is the ordering cost ($82)
- H is the inventory cost for one unit of product in the year ($18)

Substituting the values into the formula, we have:

EOQ = sqrt((2 x 8400 x 82) / 18) = 277

The number of orders per year will be calculated by dividing the demand for goods in the year by the optimal order quantity according
to the EOQ model, we have:
Number of orders per year = D / EOQ = 8400 / 277 ≈ 30
So, the number of orders per year in this case is about 30 orders.
25. Sales of a retail store (million VND) in 3 months 1, 2 and 3 are 27, 29 and 31 units respectively. Forecast for
April using the moving average method with corresponding weight of 0.5; 0.3 and 0.2 are which of the
following values:
A. 28.5
B. 29.6
C. 30.2
D. 29.1
To calculate the forecast for April using the moving average method, we need to use the corresponding weights for
previous months. In this case, the weights for the months are 0.5, 0.3 and 0.2 respectively. The
forecast for April will be a weighted average of the last three months' sales. We have:
April forecast = (0.5 x 31) + (0.3 x 29) + (0.2 x 27) = 15.5 + 8.7 + 5.4 = 29.6
So, the forecast value for April according to the moving average method has a corresponding weight of 0.5; 0.3 and 0.2 are
26. If a part A needs 2B and 5C. There are only 10 C left in stock. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. The product structure includes 2 levels
B. IF you need to produce 10A, you need to buy/make an additional 40C
C. If you need to produce 5A, you need to buy/make an additional 25C
D. Related symbols when drawing a Structure Tree are: B(2), C(5)
27. A factory produces 500 packaging boxes in two shifts (10 hours/shift). The productivity of this factory is:
A. 25 boxes/hour
B. 50 boxes/hour
C. 75 boxes/hour
D. There is no correct answer



Basic test part 2

Chapter 1:

1.Which of the following functions is not part of the Operations function?

A. Quality management

B. Maintenance planning

C. New product development

D. Calculating employee salaries

2.Why does the labor factor have the least impact on productivity?

A. The quickness of hand is not equal

B. Limitation of human operations

C. Due to irregular training

D. Because it depends on the working spirit

3.In what period was total quality management TQM born?

A. 1776-1880
B. 1910-1980

C. 1980-1995
D. 1995-present
Chapter 2:

1.Which of the following is NOT a reason for globalization?

A. Increase sales
B. Cut the cost

C. Improved operations

D. Understand the market

2. Which of the following strategies has production facilities located only in the company's home country?

A. Globalization
B. Transnational

C. internationalize

D. Localization

3. Which operational competitive strategy does not belong to the 3 basic strategies?

A. Low price
B. Quick response

C. Customer orientation

D. Difference

Chapter 3:

1.Which forecast method does NOT belong to the qualitative group?

A. Moving average
B. Expert opinion
C. Do surveys
D. Distributor comments

2. To use the seasonal index of each year, the data must be for at least how many years?

A. 1


C. 3

D. 4

3. For weighted moving average forecasts, the greatest weight should be assigned to:

A. The farthest period

B. Most recent period

C. Interval period in the past

D. Period has an average value

Chapter 4:

1.Which type of operation has the smallest number of product varieties?

A. Process direction
B. Assembly instructions

C. Product direction
D. Mass customization

2.Which type of operation has the largest number of product types?

A. Process direction
B. Assembly instructions

C. Product directions

D. Mass customization

3.What types of operations need to receive customer feedback before creating a product?
A. Process direction

B. Assembly instructions

C. Product directions

D. Mass customization

Chapter 5:

1. When arranging premises according to processes, to improve, we should prioritize re-arranging the following two processes next

to each other:

A. There is similar technology

B. There are workers who can operate on both processes

C. Have the same level of pollution

D. There is a high frequency/volume of transportation back and forth

2. When arranging premises according to products, the cycle time when calculated is:

A. Maximum time allowed to produce a product at the end of the line

B. Minimum time allowed to produce a product at the end of the line

C. Average time allowed to produce a product at the end of the line

D. The time needed for a product to go from the beginning of the line to the end of the line

3. When arranged by product, we have a line consisting of 3 stations: The middle station (station 2) has a station time greater than the
station before it (Station 1) and the station after it (Station 3). Which of the following sentences?correct ?

A. The previous station is always congested; The next station is always empty

B. The previous station is always empty; The next station is always congested

C. Both stations 1 and 3 are always overloaded

D. Both stations 1 and 3 are always empty

Chapter 6:

1.In the EOQ economic ordering model, if annual demand(D) increases 4 times, the optimal order quantity Q* will

A. Increase 4 times

B. Reduced by 4 times

C. Increase by 2 times

D. Reduced by 2 times

2. Total annual inventory costs of the EOQ and POQ models include only 2 quantities. The third quantity is the purchase cost
during the year which is not taken into account because:

A. Too small, insignificant

B. Is constant - does not depend on the quantity of each order Q

C. The fluctuations are too erratic

D. Belongs to random variables

3.In the self-production model for POQ demand, which statement is incorrect?WRONG ?

A. The rate of production can be equal to the rate of consumption

B. The production rate may be smaller than the consumption rate

C. The cost per production run is the ordering cost in the EOQ model

D. The formula for calculating the optimal production quantity Q* is the formula for calculating the adjusted EOQ.

Chapter 7:

1.In integrated planning, which of the following statements iswrong ?

A. If monthly output is the same, it will cause inventory fluctuations

B. Product quality cannot be completely guaranteed when using subcontracting

C. Firing costs are often greater than recruitment costs

D. Cannot use many strategies/solutions at the same time

2.In integrated planning, which of the following solutions belongs to the group of proactive impacts on demand?

A. Change inventory levels

B. Slow delivery
C. Change in labor usage level
D. Increase/decrease shifts or working hours per day

3.Which of the following are disadvantages of subcontracting solutions to produce a finished


A. May lose customers

B. Reduce waste of equipment investment

C. Reduce management costs

D. Decrease stock

Chapter 8:

1.Normally, what Level is assigned to finished products in the Product Structure Tree?

A. Level 1
B. Maximum level

C. Arbitrary starting level

D. Not the above mentioned ideas

2.If 1 part A needs 2 B and 5 C. There are only 10 C left in stock. Which of the following statements is correct?WRONG ?

A. The product structure includes 2 levels

B. If 10 A needs to be produced, an additional 40 C needs to be purchased/made

C. If 5 A needs to be produced, an additional 25 C needs to be purchased/made

D. Related symbols when drawing a Structure Tree are: B(2), C(5)

3.When calculating MRP tables for a product, which of the following statements is correct?CORRECT ?

A. Calculate sequentially from small level to large level, complete all details in 1 level then move on
next level
B. Calculate sequentially from large level to small level, complete all details in 1 level and then move on to the next level.

C. The details must use a single batching technique

D. Production time for a batch of goods depends on batch size (quantity/time of production/order

Chapter 9:

1.In the dispatching problem on 2 machines with the objective function of minimizing the time to complete the entire job,
which of the following statements iscorrect ?

A. The order of work execution does not affect the objective function value

B. Johnson algorithm gives near optimal results

C. Johnson algorithm gives optimal results

D. Instead of using Johnson's algorithm, calculate the time for all possible arrangements
still find the optimal solution, and it doesn't take much time even though the problem has a large number of tasks.

2.In the job assignment problem using the Hungrary algorithm, which of the following statements is true?wrong ?

a. The step of subtracting each row and column from the largest number only needs to be done once

b. The loop achieves optimal results when the number of crossed out rows/columns is equal to the number of tasks

c. Any number "0" that is crossed out is not counted

d. Any number "0" that is the intersection of two dashed lines remains the same for the next loop.

3. Among the dispatching rules on single machines, which of the following rules takes into account delivery date information?


Basic test part 2
1. Which type of operating process has the most flexible way of connecting stages?

A. Product direction

B. Assembly instructions

C. Process direction

D. Mass customization

2 2. What type of operating process harmonizes the number of product types and the number of products of each

A. Process direction

B. Assembly instructions

C. Product direction

D. Mass customization

3 3. Which type of operation has the most specialized production equipment?

A. Assembly instructions

B. Product direction

C. Process direction

D. Mass customization

4 4. When calculating the efficiency of floor layout according to process, the following 2 values between each pair of processes
are used::

A. Shipping frequency & Shipping fee

B.Shipping method & Shipping fee

C.Shipping frequency & Shipping safety

D.Shipping Time & Shipping Frequency

5. When arranging premises according to products, the formula to determine the theoretical minimum number of stations will be shown

: A. Is the exact number of stations to which jobs need to be allocated

B. The minimum number of stations that can be arranged while still ensuring the required output

C.It is the upper limit when determining the number of stations to be arranged

D.Information about the order required when performing tasks

6. For weighted moving average forecasting method, the number of periods that need to use data to assign weights should be:

A. Greater than 2

B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
7. When arranged by product, we have a line consisting of 3 stations: The middle station (station 2) has a station time greater than
the station before it (Station 1) and the station after it (Station 3). Which of the following statements is correct?

A. The time difference between the longest station and the fastest station should be as small as possible

B. The total idle time of all stations is maximum

C. The total idle time of all stations is minimum

D. The longest station time should be as small as possible

8. In the EOQ economic ordering model, if annual demand increases 18 times and ordering costs decrease 2 times, the
optimal order quantity Q* will be:

A. Reduced by 6 times

B. Reduced by 3 times

C. Increase 6 times

D. Increase 3 times

9. Using the seasonal index of each year, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The value of the entire year to be forecast is calculated directly from the season index just calculated.

B. The season index becomes smaller when there is one season in previous years which is the smallest

C. The average season index over years is largest when the season index of the most recent year is largest

D. The value of the entire year to be forecast must be stated

10. Which of the following factors is NOT part of Holding Cost:

A. Fees for transporting goods to the warehouse

B. Loss due to theft

C. Financial fees due to buried capital

D. Periodic inventory

11. In the discount ordering model, which statement is FALSE when determining the optimal order
quantity Q*?

A. So that the total cost of the 3 cost groups is the lowest

B. Is the average value of the range with the lowest price bracket

C. Does use the EOQ formula for each unit price range

D. May be one of the boundary values of the unit price ranges

12. In integrated planning, which of the following statements is false?

A. There is no strategy that allows the use of labor fluctuation solutions

B. There is a risk of technology leakage when using subcontracting

C. If the monthly output is the same and the number of production days is the same, it will cause labor fluctuations.

D. The strategy of using inventory to adapt to demand fluctuations will be effective in cases where production capacity is
equal to the average value of demand for the whole year.
13. In integrated planning, which of the following solutions belongs to the group of passive needs
(accepting needs as input and seeking to completely satisfy them)?

A. Use advertising tools when needed

B. Slow delivery
C. Use a flexible pricing policy

D. Increase or decrease the number of working days in a month

14. Which forecast method does NOT belong to the quantitative group?

A. Seasonal index

B. Exponent

C. Aggregate forecasts from suppliers

D. Moving average

15. The main competitive strategies of Vietjet airline are:

A. Quick response

B. Low price

C. Customer oriented
D. None of these ideas

16. Which of the following is an ADVANTAGE of subcontracting solutions to produce a finished


A. Reduce capacity waste in low season

B.Well protect production know-how

C.Improve quality assurance capabilities

D.Reduce overall transportation costs (logistics costs)

17. Which of the following is NOT a reason for globalization?

A. Understand the market

B. Open opportunities to exchange good employees

C. Reduce costs

D. Prepare to eliminate tariff barriers worldwide

18. In the Product Structure Tree, will level 0 be assigned to?

A. The final part does not need to be assembled from smaller parts

B. Finished products

C. Details have the smallest number of components

D. Details with zero inventory at the beginning of the period

19. Just In Time production method is a solution originating from which country?

A. France
C. Japan

D. America

20. If 1 part A needs 3B and 5 C in stock, there are only 5 A and 10 B left. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

C. There are only 5 A and 10 left in stock

A. If 10 A needs to be produced, an additional 25 C needs to be purchased/made

B. If you need to produce 10 A, you need to buy/make an additional 5B

C. If you need to produce 10 A, you need to buy/make more

D. Two details B and C belong to the same level

21. Why does management factor have the greatest impact on productivity?

A. Can choose appropriate technology

B. Affects all resources

C. Decide on working spirit
D. Can come up with smart and efficient production methods

22. When calculating MRP tables for a product, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The master production schedule is not an input

B. EOQ Batching Technique cannot be applied

C. Not paying attention to the results of the previous planner

D. The last line information (line 6 - Time and quantity ordered/produced) of details belonging to one
level is input information for details belonging to lower levels

23. In which of the following strategies does the product have the same brand in many countries but the investment
owner belongs to many separate and dispersed legal entities?

A. Localization


24. In the dispatching problem on 2 machines with the objective function of minimizing the time to complete the
entire job, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Whether the Johnson algorithm gives optimal results depends on the input data

B. The order of work execution affects the objective function value

C. Hungrary Algorithm can be applied

D. EDD dispatch law can be applied.

25. Which of the following functions is not part of the Operations function?

A. Analyze competitors
B. Supply chain planning
C. Testing new products

D. Process improvement

26. In the job assignment problem using the Hungrary algorithm, which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. Any number "0" crossed out is not counted

B. It is not optimal if the number of lines is smaller than the number of jobs

C. Repeat the calculation after starting each loop: Subtract each row/column from the smallest number in that

D. Any number "0" that is the intersection of two dashed lines will be added 1 value for the next loop.

27. Among the dispatching rules on a single machine, which of the following has the least number of calculations?



Basic quizzes and exercises 3


Question 1: is input for material requirements planning. It lists the assemblies, sub-assemblies, parts and
raw materials required to produce a finished unit.

a. Bill of materials (BOM)

b.general plan demand chart
d.Assembly time chart
Question 2: Consider the following product structure:

If the demand for product A is 50 units, what will be the total demand for component E?

a. 100

b. 200
c. 250

d. 300

Question 3: A Material Requirements Plan (MRP) includes information related to all of the
following EXCEPT:

a. quantity and required delivery date of all subassemblies

b. quantity and required delivery date of the final product

c. the capacity of the production system required to deliver the expected output

d. On-hand inventory for each sub-assembly

Question 4: Which of the following batch size determination techniques leads to the lowest holding cost?

a. Lot-For-Lot (lot-for-lot) (each lot according to need)

c.Fixed order quantity
d.Periodic ordering

Question 5: Which of the following best describes the gross material requirements plan?

a. a schedule that shows the total demand for an item and when it must be ordered from a
supplier or when production must be started intermediate scope plan to schedule product lines

c.a scheduled quantity adjustment sheet for inventory on hand

d.A schedule shows what products will be produced and in what quantities

Question 6: Typical time for aggregate planning is

a. up to 3 months

b. 3 to 18 months

c. more than a year

d. more than 5 years

Question 7: Which of the following is not one of the four essentials for integrated planning?

a. measure sales and output

b. a method for determining costs, such as hiring, firing, and inventory costs, related to
production schedules

c. a mathematical model for cost minimization during the medium-term planning period

d. forecast total demand for the medium-term planning period

Question 8. Which of the following is an option that creates initiative in demand planning of aggregate

a. Subcontractors

b. Waiting orders during peak season

c. change inventory levels

d. change the size of the labor force

Question 9: Which of the following efforts could change demand for a product or service?

a. inventory
b. part-time workers
c. Subcontractors

Question 10: Which of the following is not related to a change in demand for a product or service?

a. discount

b. promotion

c. Subcontractors

d. advertisement

Question 11: Which of the following describes?most correct What is the importance of moderation (short-term scheduling)?

a. Effective dispatching (scheduling) leads to lower costs, faster deliveries, more reliable schedules,
and can create a competitive advantage.

b.Effective moderation is a tactical tool to increase production capacity.

c.Effective moderation is a strategy for creating customer satisfaction.

d.Effective dispatching has a major impact on costs.

Question 12: Forward scheduling (forward scheduling) has characteristics

a. Work is done as soon as requirements are known

b.Start with tasks that have short execution time first

c.Start with the due date. then schedule the work from the end back to the beginning

d.Prioritize jobs that generate high profits

Question 13: Which of the following maneuvering rules usually gives the best results when the criterion is

Minimum time to complete the entire job sequence?

a. shortest processing time (SPT)

b.first in, first out (FIFO)

c.first come, first served (FCFS)

d.longest processing time (LPT)

Question 14: The general rule to minimize late order fulfillment is

a. Prioritize orders with short processing time (SPT)

b. critical index (CR)

c. Prioritize orders with long processing times (LPT)

d. Johnson's rule

Question 15: When jobs must go through two workstations in a fixed order, we should arrange the jobs according
to the principle:

a. critical index (CR)

b. Due first will be given priority (EDD)

c. first come, first served (FCFS)

d. Johnson's rule

Question 16: Inventory management aims

a. Reduce inventory-related costs

b. balance reserve levels with production needs

c. effective use and management

d. all of the above ideas

Question 17: Classify according to ABC in inventory for purposes

a. Divide into categories according to value from high to low

b. Inventory cycles range from short to long
c.Strictly control goods according to value
d. The above ideas are all correct
Question 18: Which of the following is not an ordering cost?

a. Purchasing procedure costs

b. transportation costs

c. cleaning costs

d. expenses loading

Question 19: Regarding economic quantity (EOQ) ordering, which statement is incorrect?

a. Production materials are used up immediately

b. Materials are produced in batches and used gradually

c. There are no storage costs

d. There is still a storage fee due to not using it all right away

Question 20: For ordering according to the quantity discount model, which statement is most correct:

a. Reduce costs through purchasing each unit at the lowest price

b. Reduce total inventory costs

c. Reduce the number of purchases

d. Every sentence is correct

PART II. ESSAY(2 math problems, 6 points)
Lesson 1:(3 points)

exact market needs and minimize costs, the company

Attend newspaper Forecast

Number of days
Month bridge demand
daily month

first 25 85 2125
2 20 80 1600
3 25 75 1875
4 25 120 3000
5 25 140 3500
6 20 95 1900
Total 140 14000

I'm wondering between the following two options:

Option 1 :Maintain stable labor for 6 months, enough

to meet the lowest demand. When demand exceeds
this lowest level, the excess level will be resolved
through subcontracting.
Plan 2 :Maintain stable labor for 6 months, enough
to meet the lowest demand. When demand exceeds
this lowest level, the excess level will be resolved
through mobilizing overtime workers.
Please advise the company which option to choose,
information about the costs is as follows:

Subcontract costs for each product $40 per product

Average salary $20 per hour ($160 per day) $34 per
Overtime salary hour (over 8 hours per day) 1.6
Number of labor hours required to produce a product hours per product

Lesson 2:(3 points)

There are 5 jobs that need to be processed sequentially on 2 machines. Processing time for jobs on 2 machines is given by
the following table:

a)Based on the Johnson method, you should arrange the order of processing tasks so that the total
execution time is minimum.(1 point)

b)Based on the above arrangement results, draw a diagram to determine the processing time of jobs on two machines.(2
Job Processing time (hours)
Machine 1 Machine 2

A 7 4
B 6 8
C 8 3
D 5 9
E 2 7

Basic quizzes and exercises 4

PART I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (20 questions, 0.2 points/question, 4 points)

Question 1: A Bill of Materials (BOM) lists:

a. the time required to carry out all stages of production

b. Production schedule for all products

c. the components and materials needed to produce an item

d. operations required to produce an item

Question 2: Bill of materials (BOM) contains information necessary to

a. Place an order to replenish the item

b. convert (decompose) the net requirement at one level to the gross requirement at the next level

c. convert the net claim to a higher level gross claim

d. convert gross requirements to net requirements

Question 3: Which of the following statements about MRP in services is correct?

a. MRP is for manufacturing only and does not apply to services.

b. MRP can be used in services, but only services that offer very limited customization
c. MRP does not work in services because there is no dependent need.

d. Services such as restaurant meals illustrate dependent needs and product structure requirements

Question 4: According to convention, the highest level in the Bill of Materials (finished product level) is:

a. level 0
b.level 1
c.T level
d.level 10

Question 5: Material requirements planning (MRP) clearly states:

a. quantity of product lines that need to be produced

b. Quantity and time of release orders according to plan

c. capacity needed to deliver expected output

d. costs associated with alternative plans

Question 6: Sales plan, production plan, human resources, inventory, and dependent contractors

a. mid-term plan
b.Short-term planning

c.long-term plan

d.strategic planning
Question 7: Aggregate planning is capacity planning

a. long-term

b. Mid-term

c. Short-term

d. Usually one to three months

Question 8: Which of the following integrated planning strategies can direct your customers to your competitors?

a. Subcontractors

b.change inventory levels

c.change production rates through overtime

d.Change the size of the workforce by hiring or firing

Question 9: Which of the following integrated planning strategies is known to reduce employee morale?

a. seasonal mix of products and services

b. change inventory levels

c. Change the size of the workforce by hiring or firing

d. Waiting orders during peak season

Question 10: Which of the following terms is used for capacity planning with time periods ranging from 3 to 18

a. material requirements planning

b. short-term planning

c. strategic planning

d. comprehensive planning

Question 11: Which scheduling (scheduling) technique should be used when we are especially concerned about the due date of
a task?

a. forward dispatching (forward scheduling)

b. Deliver goods in batches according to needs

c. backward dispatching (backward scheduling)

d. BOM material planning

Question 12: Which of the following is NOT an effective criterion for planning?

a. Minimize customer waiting time

b. Minimize completion time

c. Minimize WIP inventory

d. Maximize execution time

Question 13: Which of the following tools is used to monitor ongoing work?

a. assignment method

b. Gantt schedule chart

c. Johnson's rule

d. none of the above

Question 14: Orders are processed in the order in which they arrive as a rule:

a. first due, first served (EDD)

b. first come, first served (FCFS)

c. critical ratio (CR)

d. Johnson's

Question 15: One of the important criteria of dispatch (short-term scheduling) is:

a. Minimize time to complete tasks

b. Order the optimal output level.
c. Determine the necessary materials
d. Determine supply capacity
Question 16: Classify inventory according to which statement is incorrect?

a. raw materials
b. safe inventory

c. unfinished products or materials in process

d. finished product

Question 17: Inventory turnover ratio is the ratio between

a. Total sales amount (year) divided by Average Inventory Sales

b.Total annual sales divided by Merchandise Sales Average Inventory sales amount (year) divided by average inventory

d.Total annual sales divided by Average Inventory
Question 18: The economic order quantity is

a. Only when the goods are out of stock will we place an order

b. Place your order for the lowest purchase price

c. Place orders to always have goods in stock while minimizing total inventory costs

d. So that the number of purchases in a year is minimum

Question 19: When applying economic order quantity EOQ, we often pay little attention to

a. Re-Order Point (ROP)

b. Expected number of orders

c. Optimal order quantity

d. Daily production volume

Question 20: In the formula, d and p appear, which statement is incorrect?

a. d is the daily demand level

b. p is the production rate per day

c. d/p is the ratio between demand and supply

d. d/p is the ratio between supply and demand

PART II. SELF-ESSAY (2 math problems, 6 points)

Lesson 1: (2.5 points)

Hung Anh Company has an annual sales volume of air conditioners of: 1,200
products. The cost of each order from Japan is: $30 per order.
Annual inventory cost/unit is: $20
Suppose the store is open every year: 360 days
a) What is the most economical amount of each purchase that the company should buy? (0.5 points)
b) How many orders are placed? (0.5 points)
c) Distance between orders? (0.5 points)
d) What is the total annual inventory cost (not including purchase price)? (1 point):

- Run out of-


PART I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (20 questions, 0.2 points/question, 4 points)

Topic code:2241.

first 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ten 11 twelfth 13 14 15


16 17 18 19 20

PART II: SELF DISCUSSION (3 articles, 6 points)

Lesson 1:(2.5 points)

a) Most economical purchase amount (0.5 points):

√(2 � 1200 � 30)/20 = 60 �à� �ℎ A�

b) Number of orders placed during the year (0.5 points):

1,200 / 60 = 20 times
c) Distance between orders (0.5 points):
360/ 20 = 18 days
d) Annual inventory costs? (1 point): (1,200/ 60) x
30+ (60/2) x 20= 600 + 600 = $1,200

Basic quizzes and exercises 5

PART I. MULTIPLE CHOICE(15 questions, 0.2 points/sentence, 3 points)

Question 1. Which of the followingNot What is the reason for the globalization of operations?

a. Cut the cost

b. improve supply chain

c. increase stock price

d. attract new markets

Question 2. Which of the following is true about business strategy?

a. An organization should stick with one strategy for as long as possible.

b. All companies in an industry will apply the same strategy.

c. A clearly defined mission makes strategy development much easier.

d. Strategies are built independently of SWOT analysis.

Question 3.A strategy is one:

a. collection of market opportunities

b. action plan to achieve the mission

c. broad statement of purpose

d. Simulation is used to test different product line options

Question 4.Which of the following is an example of rapid response competition?

a. A company produces its products with less material waste than its competitors.
b. A company that offers products that are more reliable than its competitors.
c.A company's products get to market faster than its competitors' products.H.
d. A company's research and development department generates many ideas for new products.

Question 5.Which of the following changes?Are not lead to a change in strategy?

a. change the company's financial situation

b. Adopt new technology from a company

c. changes in the product life cycle

d. changes in job scheduling techniques

Question 6.All of the following decisions fall under the scope of operations managementexcept

a. financial analysis

b.product and process design

c.location of facilities

d.quality management

Question 7.The reason to study Operations Management is to learn about:

a. Why can people organize businesses effectively?

b. How goods and services are produced

c. what operations managers need to do

d. all of the above

Question 8.The main concerns of the marketing function are:

a. produce goods or provide services

b. creates demand for the organization's products or services

c. Procurement of materials, supplies and equipment

d. Build and maintain a positive image

Question 9.Which of the following functions?Not is the operating function in a fast food restaurant?

a. Advertising and promotions

b.layout design of the facility maintenance

d.make burgers and fries

Question 10. The three main functions of every organization are:

a. operations, marketing and human resources

b. marketing, human resources and finance/accounting

c. sales, quality control and operations, operations and finance/accounting

Question 11. Operational management may apply:

a. mainly the service sector

b. dedicated to services

c. Mainly the manufacturing sector

d.for all companies, whether manufacturing and services

Question 12. The five elements in the management process are:

a. planning, directing, updating, leading and monitoring

b. accounting/finance, marketing, operations and management

c. organization, planning, control, staffing and management

d.planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling

Question 13. Three main factors affecting productivity are:

a. quality, external factors and precise units of measurement

b. labor, equipment and management

c. technology, raw materials and labor

d. education, diet and social costs

Question 14. Productivity can be improved by

a. increase input while keeping output stable

b. reduce output while keeping input stable

c. reduce input while keeping output stable

d. increase input and output in the same ratio

Question 15. A factory produces 500 packaging boxes in two shifts (10 hours/shift). The productivity of this factory is:

a. 25 boxes/hour

b.50 boxes/hour

c.5000 boxes/hour

d.none of the above

PART II. ESSAY(2 math problems, 7 points)

Lesson 1:(3 points)

M&Q Company's sales figures for the past three years are given in the following table:

Unit: unit
1 year Year 2 Year 3

The 1st quarter 1,710 1,820 1,830

Q2 960 910 1,090

Q3 2,720 2,840 2,900

Quarter 4 2,430 2,200 2,590

Question 1: Based on the above data, please calculate the seasonal index for each quarter. (2 points)

Question 2: If the company expects demand for this type of computer to be 10,000 units in year 4. Use
the seasonal indices calculated in part a) to forecast demand for each quarter in year 4. (1 point)

Lesson 2: (4 points)

When THANH CONG Mechanical was first established, it was only a paint processing and product finishing facility for
large enterprises. After a period of operation, new parts were added including electric welding, turning, steel
stamping, and TIG welding. The following additional departments are additional expansions of the THANH SUCCESS

The arrangement of departments in the factory is currently arranged as follows:


Department 1 Division 2 Division 3

PAINT COMPLETED ELECTRIC WELDING Equipment is transported back and forth a lot during the
manufacturing process.
(first) (2) (3)
Transportation cost between adjacent departments is 10,000

(4) (5) (6) For example: between 1 and 2/4/5 is 10,000 VND/

Division 4 Division 5 Department 6 The turn between 2 and 4/5/6 is 10,000


and non-adjacent is 20,000 VND/turn

For example: between 3 and 1/4 is 20,000 VND/turn

Tuan had just graduated and was recruited as an assistant to the facility manager. After a period of observation, Tuan saw
that the amount of equipment transported back and forth between departments was a lot, consuming labor and costs.
Tuan made a statistic during the week and recorded the following:


(first) (2) ELECTRICITY (4) (5) TIG
(3) (6)
SON (1) 70 120 0 0 30
COMPLETE (2) 40 30 20 0

Question 1: - Draw a layout diagram of parts combined with the number of times they are transported back and forth (1 point)

- Calculate shipping costs/week (1 point)

After calculating costs, Tuan realized one thing: the number of transportation times between Departments 1 and 3 is very high

(120 times), and the transportation cost is also high (20,000 VND) because the 02 departments are not adjacent, You should try

calculating the plan if you switch positions between 1 and 2

Question 2:Redraw the diagram and recalculate shipping costs/week (1.5 points)

Question 3:Based on the results of the above two sentences, should Mr. Tuan advise the Manager to change the layout as follows?

Question 2?(0.5 points)

- Run out of-


PART I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (15 questions, 0.2 points/question, 3 points)

Topic code:241.

first 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ten 11 twelfth 13 14 15





PART II. ARTICLE (2 sentences, 3.5 points/sentence, 7 points)

Lesson 1:

Question 1:(2 points)

Soft bridge
Average quarterly demand Index follows
1 year Year 2 Year 3 row precious
average in the past 3 years season

The 1st quarter 1710 1820 1830 (1710+1820+1830)/3=1786.67 2000 0.89

Q2 960 910 1090 (960+910+1090)/3=986.67 2000 0.49

Q3 2720 2840 2900 (2720+2840+2900)/3=2820.00 2000 1.41

Quarter 4 2430 2200 2590 (2430+2200+2590)/3=2406.67 2000 1.20

Average total annual demand 8000

Average quarterly demand = 8000/4 = 2000

Question 2: (1 point)


The 1st quarter (10000/4)* 0.89=2233

Q2 (10000/4)* 0.49=1233
Q3 (10000/4)* 1.41=3525

Quarter 4 (10000/4)* 1.20=3008

Lesson 2.

Question 1: - Draw a layout diagram of parts combined with the number of times they are transported back and forth (1 point)

- Calculate shipping costs/week (1 point)

The diagram below is a combination of parts layout and number of shipments of products
in process

Total cost = 70 x 10,000 VND+ 20 x 20,000 VND + 0 x 20,000 VND

(transport (1 and 2) (1 and 3) (1 and 6)

Currently) + 40 x 10,000 VND + 30 x 10,000 VND + 20 X 10,000 VND

(2 and 3) (2 and 4) (2 and 5)

+ 20 x 20,000 VND + 100 x 10,000 VND + 70 x 10,000 VND

(3 and 4) (3 and 6) (4 and 5)

Question 2:Determine new conversion plan, Calculate costs (1.5)

(Accepting a plan other than the exemption plan ensures: (1) arrangement of part 1 next to part 3, (2) cost
is less than the current status)
Savings in 01 week: 6,700,000 - 5,600,000 = 1,100,000 VND

01 month: 1,100,000 x 4 = 4,400,000 VND

Tong Chifee = 70 x 10,000 VND+ 20 x 10,000 VND + 0 x 10,000 VND

(when changing) (1 and 2) (1 and 3) (1 and 6)

+ 40 x 20,000 VND + 30 x 10,000 VND + 20 X 10,000 VND

(2 and 3) (2 and 4) (2 and 5)

+ 20 x 20,000 VND + 100 x 10,000 VND + 70 x 10,000 VND

Question 3:Based on the results of the above two sentences, Mr. Tuan should advise the Foreman to change the layout
like question 2?(0.5 points)->Total cost in question 1<question 2-> Mr. Tuan should advise
Managerchange the layout.

Chapter 3:

Lesson 1:Hoa Phuong Hotel noticed that the number of guests renting rooms at the hotel fluctuates according to the
months of the year. They monitored for two consecutive years and obtained the following results:
Unit: number of visitors

Month 2018 2019

first 900 1020
2 1530 1590
3 1160 1250
4 980 1070
5 1070 1160
6 1130 1210
7 1250 1290
8 1280 1320
9 1220 1280
ten 1160 1180
11 1040 1070
twelfth 1170 1230

With many promotional policies, the hotel forecasts that in 2020 there will be 15,000 guests renting
rooms. Using the trend line forecasting method that takes into account seasonal fluctuations, please
forecast the number of guests renting rooms in each month of 2020.

Month 2018 2019 Total demand Seasonal index demand forecast

month 2020
first 900 1020 1920 0.067227 1,008
2 1530 1590 3120 0.109244 1,639
3 1160 1250 2410 0.084384 1,266
4 980 1070 2050 0.071779 1,077
5 1070 1160 2230 0.078081 1,171
6 1130 1210 2340 0.081933 1,229
7 1250 1290 2540 0.088936 1,334
8 1280 1320 2600 0.091036 1,366
9 1220 1280 2500 0.087535 1,313
ten 1160 1180 2340 0.081933 1,229
11 1040 1070 2110 0.07388 1,108
twelfth 1170 1230 2400 0.084034 1,261

Lesson 2 :

The actual sales output of M&T company in the past 7 months is as follows:
Month first 2 3 4 5 6 7
Output (product) 4,300 4,500 4,650 4,700 4,740 4,930 5,180

a. Between α = 0.3 and α = 0.5, which α should we choose to forecast future demand using the exponential
smoothing method?
b. Based on the α chosen above, forecast August demand using the exponential smoothing method.

Month first 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total CL

Output 4,300 4,500 4,650 4,700 4,740 4,930 5,180
SL Forecast
with α=0.3 0.3 4,300 4,300 4,360 4,447 4,522.9 4,588 4,690.6
with α=0.3 - 200 290 253 217.1 342 489.4 1,791.4
SL Forecast
with α=0.5 0.5 4,300 4,300 4,400 4,525 4,612.5 4,676.3 4,803.1
with α=0.5 - 200 250 175 127.5 253.8 376.9 1,383.1
Due to the difference between actual and forecastα=0.5, children should

choose α=0.5 to predict -> F8= 4,991.6 products


Lesson 1:Suppose the forecast data on product production demand from January to June of a company A is as follows:
Demand forecast in each Number of days of production Average demand per
month (product) in month day

first 1748 23 76
2 1896 24 79
3 1752 24 seventy three

4 1920 20 96
5 2000 25 80
6 2246 25 90
Total 11562 141

The enterprise has conducted a 6-month general plan with the goal of minimizing costs, based on the
following information:
Inventory management costs: 7 $/product/month
Salary of official employees: 65 $/day (8h/day)
Subcontractor costs 13 $/product
Cost of adding more labor: 00 $/person
Cost of reducing labor: 00 $/person
Average labor productivity is 2 h/product

Calculate total production costs according to the following simple strategies:

a) The workforce strategy remains unchanged 195695 $
b) Subcontracting strategy 183758 $
c) Strategy for changing human resource scale 213282.5 $

a) The workforce strategy remains unchanged
Average production level per day = 82 product/day

Attendance needs
Manufactured with
Days of production in newspaper in Change Inventory
Month level 82 production
month monthly inventory end of term
first 23 1748 1886 138 138
2 24 1896 1968 72 210
3 24 1752 1968 216 426
4 20 1920 1640 - 280 146
5 25 2000 2050 50 196
6 25 2246 2050 - 196 0
Total 141 11562 1116
Thus, the total cost according to this strategy is calculated as follows:
Production cost= (65/8 x2) x11562 = 187882.5
Inventory management costs 7812
= Total cost = 195695

b) Subcontracting strategy

Number of days of production

Forecasted demand for Average needs
Month export in
each month (product) troops every day

first 1748 23 76
2 1896 24 79
3 1752 24 seventy three

4 1920 20 96
5 2000 25 80
6 2246 25 90
Total 11562 141

Minimum quantity demanded = product/day seventy three

Production at the enterprise = 10293 product

Subcontracting = 1269 product
Daily output is maintained stable corresponding to the lowest daily demand (March)
Production costs = 167261.25 $
Subcontract costs = 16497 $
Total cost = 183758 $

c) Strategy for changing human resource scale

produce exactly what you need

Attendance needs
Rent CN For credit
Days of production in newspaper in Product quantity
Month for production core
month monthly output /day
more rest
first 23 1748 76 0 0
2 24 1896 79 3 0
3 24 1752 seventy three 0 6
4 20 1920 96 23 0
5 25 2000 80 0 16
6 25 2246 90 ten 0
Total 141 11562 36 22
Production costs 187882.5
Additional rental costs = 14400
Cost due to reducing workers 11000
= Total cost = 213282.5


Lesson 1

A product A is assembled from 3 parts: B(3) (meaning to assemble a product A, you need 3 parts B), C(2),
and D(4) (at the same level).

The company must deliver on the 4th week in the quantity of 100 products, and in the 6th week in the
quantity of 200 products.

Production/assembly time and beginning inventory are respectively: A (1 week, 0), B (1 week, 200), C (2
weeks, 200), D (2 weeks, 300).

a. Draw the structure of A's product.

b. Prepare and determine the Bill of Materials (BOM) to produce 1 product A.
c. Prepare MRP tables for all relevant parts, using batch-by-lot batching technique.
d. Summarize production schedule results for all A, B, C, and D on the Gantt chart.

Question c : Use the following shortened MRP Spreadsheet:

Name Details:xxx Week

Production time:xxx first 2 3 4 5 6
Production order
Goods will be received

Inventory at the beginning of the period

Real request

Question d : Use the following table:

first 2 3 4 5 6

Lesson 2.
A product A is assembled from 2 parts: B(2) (meaning to assemble a product A, you need 2 parts
B), and C(3). Part B is again assembled from part D(3). And part C is assembled from part D(1).

The company must deliver goods in the third week in the quantity of 150 products, and in the 6th week in the
quantity of 100 products.

Production/assembly time and beginning inventory are respectively: A (1 week, 50), B (1 week, 100), C (1
week, 100), D (1 week, 600).

a. Draw the structure of A's product.

b. Prepare and determine the Bill of Materials (BOM) to produce 1 product A.
c. Prepare MRP tables for all relevant parts, using batch-by-lot batching technique.
d. Summarize production schedule results for all A, B, C, and D on the Gantt chart.

Instruct:Use 2 spreadsheets/summaries as in Lesson 1.



Lesson 1.


B(3) C(2) D(4)

B (1*3) = 3
C (1*2) = 2
D (1*4) = 4
Name Details:A Week
Production time:first first 2 3 4 5 6
Production order 100 200
Goods will be received

Inventory at the beginning of the period 0 0 0 0 0 0
Real request 100 200
Receive 100 200
Order 100 200

Name Details:B Week

Production time:first first 2 3 4 5 6
Production order 300 600
Goods will be received

200 20 200 0
Inventory at the beginning of the period 0 0
Real request 100 600
Receive 100 600
Order 100 600

Name Details:C Week

Production time:2 first 2 3 4 5 6
Production order 200 400
Goods will be received

200 20 200 0
Inventory at the beginning of the period 0 0
Real request 400
Receive 400
Order 400

Name Details:D Week

Production time:2 first 2 3 4 5 6
Production order 400 800
Goods will be received

300 30 300 0
Inventory at the beginning of the period 0 0
Real request 100 800
Receive 100 800
Order ten 800
first 2 3 4 5 6
A 100 200
B 100 600
C 400
D 100 800

Lesson 2.


B(2) C(3)

D(3) D(1)
B (1*2) = 2
C (1*3) = 3
D (2*3) +(3*1)= 9

Name Details:A Week
Production time:first first 2 3 4 5 6
Production order 150 100
Goods will be received

50 50
Inventory at the beginning of the period 50 0 0 0 0
Real request 100 100
Receive 100 100
Order 100 100

Name Details:B Week

Production time:first first 2 3 4 5 6
Production order 200 200
Goods will be received

100 ten 0
Inventory at the beginning of the period 0 0 0
Real request 100 200
Receive 100 200
Order ten 200

Name Details:C Week

Production time:first first 2 3 4 5 6
Production order 300 300
Goods will be received

100 ten 0
Inventory at the beginning of the period 0 0 0
Real request 200 300
Receive 200 300
Order 20 300
Name Details:D Week
Production time:first first 2 3 4 5 6
Production order 50 900
Goods will be received

600 ten 100 100 0

Inventory at the beginning of the period

Real request 800
Receive 800
Order 800
first 2 3 4 5 6
A ten 100
B ten 200
C 20 300
D 800


Lesson 1:

There are 6 jobs that need to be processed sequentially above2machine. Processing time for jobs on machines is
given by the following table:

Job Processing time (hours)

Machine 1 Machine 2

A 9 6
B 3 4
C 4 6
D 6 5
E 5 7
F 7 5
1. Based on the Johnson method, please arrange the processing order of the jobs so that the total
execution time is minimum.

2. Based on the above arrangement results, draw a time diagram for performing tasks on 2 machines


7 twelfth 21 27 34
M1 B= C= E= A= D= F=

M2 B= C= E= A= D= F=

7 137 20 276 32

Lesson 2 :(4.5 points)

There are 4 jobs that need to be assigned to 4 employees. All employees can perform
the tasks but the time taken is different. The work time of each employee is giventable
below: Unit: now

Core Vinh Japan Giang Phuong


Assign jobs to machines so
A 15 21 22 14 that total execution time is
minimized. Calculate that
minimum total time.
B 27 ten 16 15

C ten 14 ten 24

D 22 17 23 25


Core Vinh Japan Giang Phuong


A first 8
B 17 0 6 5
C 0 4 0 14

D 5 0 6 8

Core Vinh Japan Giang Phuong


A 7 0
B 16 5 5
C 0 15

D 4 0 5 8

CV A assigned to Phuong
Core Vinh Japan Giang Phuong
pellets CV B delivered to Japan

Job CV C handed over to Giang

A 0 first 0 CV D assigned to Vinh

B 2
first first Total implementation time:

C 0 first 14+10+10+22=56 hours

D 0 first 4

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