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The Flamebearers (Lunar Redemptuoria)

Named Characters

Epic heros

Chapter master: Sirius Luminare (currently a one of a kind Torchbearer Dreadnought)

Chapter champion: Canis Lyra

Company Captains:


The Flamebearers are a successor chapter of an unknown legion either being a pseudo
2nd founding chapter or a true ultima founding chapter, but neither can be confirmed as records
have either been lost or destroyed. However two theories have been crafted. One of heretics
and traitors and one that is accepted as truth. However they have been accepted as the 8th
chapter of the salamanders

The world of Purphoros is a mostly industrial and volcanic planet. The constant heat,
seismic activity, and terrible air quality means day to day life is a struggle for the inhabitants.
When the marines of the Flamebearers were sent to set up their fortress on the planet the first
act that Sirius, in his dreadnought did, was show compassion in gently helping a fallen child to
their feet. Well the fortress was being built and the marines of the chapter continued to help the
people of the world, helping build true infrastructure to help the people breathe better and make
workplaces safer. Not because it would make them more useful to the Flamebearers, but from a
genuine feeling that not helping would be a disgrace to the emperor and a misuse of the power
bestowed upon them.

On their now “homeworld” of Purphoros the chapter has a very tight knit relationship with
the people of the world. The marines from a Neophyte to the chapter master himself Sirius help
whenever and wherever they can. Helping build shelters or celebrating victories of the people or
individuals. Through this integration and recruitment many marines have “families” either
“adopted” as groups that a marine cares about or true families from aspirants who have become
space marines. The marines are encouraged to spend time with these families and care about
them. The Flamebearers chapter fortress is called the altar of hope. It is a half church half
armory that is used as a place of worship for the Flamebearers. Upon the walls the emperor of
mankind stands valiantly holding a torch, the flame representing the hope of humanity, the iron
crown he wears representing the stress undertaken by those that try and save the vulnerable,
his sword representing his will, and the crest and Aquila a marking of the imperium. An altar of
flame where many have sacrificed possessions in a ceremonial practice stands in the center of
the building. Even the marines sacrifice important items, like awards or medals, to the flames
bonding with the humans that they share the practice with. The collective sacrifices are a
representation of faith towards the emperor, that the people are willing to make sacrifices as a
show of conviction and “sharing” the stress of the imperium upon themselves. For the marines it
is a show that the awards and medals are meaningless in the eyes of the emperor, that
protecting and caring about the humans they stand beside is of the utmost importance.

The recruiting process is very open with the inhabitants of their homeworld. Marines
have the ability to bring people who they deem worthy of joining the ranks of the Flamebearers
into the recruiting process if the human wants to. Upon collecting a group of roughly 100-500
people they let them know that the training for this chapter is difficult and only 40 percent make
it to being battle brothers. Any who are not willing to make that roll of the dice can leave without
being shamed. Besides the normal training and augmentation the now neophytes have to pass
three trials. The first is the trial of Iron. One must wear the iron crown, a device that puts an
extreme mental load on the neophyte. Then they must endure this device throughout 3 battles
without breaking mentally. Once that test is completed, next is the test of Steel. The neophyte is
stripped of his weapons and made to fight bare handed against a company lieutenant equipped
with their choice of melee weapon, they must go half a day without blood being drawn to move
to the next phase. The next phase of the test has the neophyte joining a battle and having to
survive on the battlefield weaponless and return with the head of a traitor's leadership. The final
test is the test of Flames. This is where the neophyte is given a true set of power armor and
must withstand the searing heat of flame, walking through a tunnel of flame. This is what gives
the surviving marines the signature ash/burnt look to the armor. Upon completion of the trials
they are now a full battle brother.

In the present day the Flamebearers don black armor with brown trim and an ash/burned
effect on the armor due to part of the training. The left shoulder being a torch and iron crown
and the right shoulder being a crest and The Aquila. The trim around the helmets looks like the
torch they represent. The helmets themselves looking of flame. The original Flamebearers hold
weapons of variable color from their time as hit and run scavengers. The newer marines hold
standard colored weapons. The standard fighting style of Flamebearers is shock and awe style.
Heavy on jump packs, deep strikes, and flamers. Cut and Cauterize. Crash and burn. Due to the
self sacrificing and redemption style of the first company many have ended up in redemptor

Sirius sits in a custom Leviathan style Dreadnought named The Torchbearer. Housing
two heavy flamers, two cyclonic metla lances, and a giant barrel of modified Promethium that
burns nearly permanently as a blazing light on the battlefield
Origins story WIP

The Flamerbearers chapter is very intune with the humans in the city they inhabit.
Helping wherever they can and are encouraged to help the people of the world and push
themselves on the battlefield to save as many battle brothers and other chapters brothers as
possible. To a fault, as many Flamebears die in the line of duty or if one’s sacrifice is great
enough they become a dreadnought to continue to fight and save those that need to be saved.

The accepted origin of the Torchbearers is that of tragedy. They are said to be a
company of space marines of unknown origin that escaped the warp after millennia of survival.
They came across N’Kelm of the Salamanders in an engagement with the Death Guard fighting
off Typhus and his warband the Harbingers. Sirius and his company of warriors, clad in chipped
and burned off green armor the spots where legion/chapter symbols would be positioned
scratched clean to gray, jumped into battle. Flamers and bolt rounds, sword and hammer
smashing into the death guard forces, flanking them. As N’Kelm was engaged in combat with
Typhus and being overpowered. Sirius jumped into the way of the filthy plague encrusted sythe,
becoming mortally wounded in the process. However Sirius landed a crucial blow on Typhus
causing him to stagger back and allow N’kelm to deliver a brutal blow. Quickly a small squadron
of intercessors approached and separated N’Kelm and Sirius from Typhus and his horde of
Poxwalkers. As both parties separated and the combined loyalist forces started to retreat Sirius
started to be overtaken by plague the torchbearers chapter champion Canis Lyra asked to
speak with N’Kelm in private well Sirius is put into stasis.

During the conversation with Canis N’Kelm thanked him for his master's sacrifice and
asked his name. Canis paused and hesitantly said Sirius Luminare, leader of the Lunar
Redemptuoria and we are what is left after our…many sacrifices. And he is our greatest one
yet. N’Kelm asked why if you are loyal to the imperium why do you hide in the warp and bleed
your numbers to death. I…am not allowed to speak on this matter as its a painful part of our
past. But please, whatever it takes we must save Sirius, he is what keeps the flame of hope
alive in all of us. The hope that the emperor who wields the sword of gold, who wears the crown
of iron, and who bears the torch of that contains the true flame of hope for humanity will forgive
us. Come Canis, your chapter will be brought in as an official chapter as you have more than
proved yourselves in the eyes of myself. With that the Luna Redemptuoria were brought in as a
true chapter and rebranded as the Flamebearers and Sirius The Torchbearer of the
Flamebearers Chapter, the 8th salamanders chapter. However they act mostly independent of
the salamanders legion.
However where the Flamebearers came from is a heretical mystery, but not to the
original company of Flamebearers. Before Horus plunged a corrupting sword of chaos through
the imperium of man, Sirius was a humble company captain for the Sons of Horus. However
when he caught wind of the plans to purge the loyalist members of his legion, Sirius collected
his most loyal men and stole samples of Horus’s geneseed and set off into the warp. For
millennia they wandered the warp fighting through chaos demons and coming back into
realspace to attack traitors and steal weapons, ammo, and supplies. Supporting as many
loyalist marines as possible before disappearing back into the warp on their crusade of
redemption. Legends of vaguely green, gray, or white marines appearing to save captains and
win fights spread but they were just legends inquisitors and chapter masters said. Eventually the
previous event occurred and now we arrive at present day

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