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1. Of what wood was Noah’s Ark made?

A. Gopher wood (Gen 6:14)

B. Acacia wood
C. Cedar of Lebanon
D. Carob wood
2. For how long did the flood rain fall?
A. 80 days and nights
B. 12 days and nights
C. 107 days and nights
D. 40 days and 40 nights (Gen 7:12)
3. How old was Joseph when his brethren sold him into slavery?
A. 69
B. 23

C. 17 (Gen 37:2)
D. 90
4. What are the names of Joseph’s two sons?
A. John and Mark
B. Cain and Abel

C. Ephraim and Manasseh (Gen41:51–52)

D. Dan and Naphtali
5. How long did Moses’s mother hide him to escape the death edict of Pharaoh?
A. 13 months
B. 10 months
C. 3 months (Exod 2:2)
D. 7 months
6. Who was Moses’s father-in-law?
A. Laban
B. Mordechai
C. Jethro (Exod 3:1)
D. Cyrus
7. What was the name of Aaron’s (Moses’s brother) wife?
A. Elisheba (Exod 6:23)
B. Miriam
C. Zipporah
D. Deborah
8. How old was Moses when he gave God’s message to Pharaoh: “Let my people go”?
A. 80 years (Exod 7:7)
B. 18 years
C. 13 years
D. 39 years
9. What was the first of the ten plagues in Egypt?
A. Frogs
B. Water turned into blood (Exod 7:20)
C. Plague of lice
D. Darkness
10. Where was Moses buried?
A. In Canaan
B. In a cave
C. In the valley of Moab (Deut 34:6)
D. In the desert
11. What was the height of Goliath? In other words, how giant was this giant?
A. Six cubits and a span (1 Sam 17:4)
B. Seven cubits and two spans
C. Nine cubits and a span
D. Five cubits and three spans
12. When Saul was pursuing David, in which cave did David seek refuge?
A. Cave at Makkedah
B. Cave of Machpelah
C. Cave of Adullam (1 Sam 22:1)
D. Dambulla Cave
13. Who restored Paul’s sight after the Lord blinded him?
A. Peter
B. Luke
C. Ananias (Acts 9:17–18)
D. Matthew
14. Where was Paul stoned?
A. Melita
B. Damascus
C. Galilee
D. Lystra (Acts 14:19)
15. Where was an altar erected “to the unknown God”?
A. Athens (Acts 17:22–23)
B. Capernaum
C. Thessalonica
D. Jericho
16. What was Paul’s occupation?
A. Carpentry
B. Tentmaking (Acts 18:3)
C. Stonemasonry
D. Fishing
17. What does Paul say is the fulfillment of the law?
A. Righteousness
B. Patience
C. Faith
D. Love (Rom 13:10)
18. What was the total number of the children of Israel that went down to Egypt?
A. 1000
B. 70 (Gen 46:27)
C. 53
D. 560
19. How long were the children of Israel in Egypt?
A. 150 years
B. 40 years
C. 215 years
D. 666 years
20. How were the children of Israel guided in their forty years of wandering in the wilderness?
A. By a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night (Exod 13:21)
B. By the voice of God
C. By Moses
D. By Aaron’s rod
21. How long were the children of Israel in captivity?
A. 70 years (Jer 25:11)
B. 49 years
C. 59 years
D. 100 years
22. Who was the most wicked king of Israel?
A. Ahab (1 Kgs 21:25)
B. Abimelech
C. Manasseh
D. Menahem
23. What king’s name meant peaceable?
A. Manasseh
B. Josiah
C. Solomon (1 Chron 22:9)
D. David
24. Who was made king of Judah at seven years of age after having been hidden for six years?
A. Jehoshaphat
B. Hosea
C. Joash (2 Chron 23:11)
D. Ahaz
25. What king did God smite with leprosy?
A. Athaliah
B. Jehoram
C. Amaziah
D. Uzziah (2 Chron 26:19
26. Who prophesied that Judah should be carried captive into Babylon?
A. Zechariah
B. Nahum
C. Jeremiah (Jer 20:4)
D. Haggai
27. Which of the prophets was carried captive to Babylon?
A. Ezekiel (Ezek 1:1)
B. Malachi
C. Nehemiah
D. Zechariah
28. What prophet was suspended between earth and heaven by a lock of his hair?
A. Daniel
B. Ezekiel (Ezek 8:3
C. Joel
D. Elisha

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