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The present study describes the development of a system producing good (or fair) course

timetable schedules. There are different departments in a University, each one including different

specializations. The academic year is divided into two independent semesters each containing

completely different courses. A university stream is a set of compulsory and optional courses

suggested by the administration to be followed by the students in each one of the four semesters.

Course allocation is a combinatorial assignment problem that assigns lecturers to courses, given

lecturers’ preferences over course schedules. Unfortunately, any strategy proof and efficient

mechanism for this problem must be dictatorial with poor outcomes. (Mike Ruberry & Scott

Duke Kominers2013)

Course allocation is the problem of allocating seats in university courses among students. Many

universities impose an upper bound on the number of students allowed to register to each course,

in order to ensure that the teachers can give sufficient attention to each individual student. Since

the demand for some courses is higher than the upper bound, a natural question is which students

should be allowed to register to each course.(Wikipedia)

Hence, the efficiency of an organization or establishment would be achieved if they embark on

computer based system. However, using the computer based system in place of the manual

system will make the practical insinuation of high technology. This will minimize the time

needed for processing of departmental course and attend to other subsequent information needed

by the management system. The importance of this project is so prominent with the current state

of processing the departmental course and suggest a complete efficient and reliable approach that

will be of immense benefit to most higher institutions in general especially to the Federal College

Of Animal Health And Production Technology. Actually, this would go a long way to improve

their service by exposing and creating awareness of computer applications.


Institutions across the country are having a constraint on course allocations for the lecturers by

using manual allocation process, which is relatively slow and increases delay in academy

process. It effects the lecturer’s field which they have done the majoring studies on it. Every

lecturer is having their preferable course to be lectured for the student under that course

registered by them on the current semester. Some lecturers also doing their research in the time

of their work, due to manual allocation of courses it affects their research timing. Some lecturers

are also on higher position also getting more courses to be lectured by them. Moreover, they

should be getting fewer courses to be lectured. Due to this issue happening in universities, I have

developed a proposed system to help aid course allocation within lecturers. This project consists

of system which handles the allocation of courses for the lecturers according to their expertise

and position. This system is also user friendly and eases the work of the admin office to provide

the lecturers their preferable courses.


The manual nature of the existing course management allocation system for college

lecturers’ result in errors in the number of courses offered to the lecturer. Other than that,

lecturers were unable to enroll in the course that best suits their areas of expertise. Allocating

courses manually can be a time-consuming. Finally, because of the changes, managing the

courses is difficult.


The aim of this project is to design an automated online course allocation system for lecturers.

The objectives are to:

 To manage lecturers' course assignments for their selected course in accordance with their

areas of competence.

 To Provide lecturers access so they may see the given courses.

 The last step is to develop a system that allows administrators to log in and modify the



The system is developed to ease the allocation of academy work for the academy semester. This

system is also giving priority for the lecturers on the expertise field courses to be lectured for the

students who registered the courses on the semester. It also helps on the research lecturers too by

giving low number of courses according to the profile created on the system. Moreover, the

system will be online based where the lecturers and administrator can access the system anytime

and anywhere.


This project is designed for Federal College of Animal Health And Production Technology

department of Computer Science.


 Manually: by hand rather than automatically or electronically.

 Administrator: a person who acts as the administrator for an Internet or type of

computer user with administrative privileges.

 Institutions: an organization founded for educational, professional, or social purpose.

 System: a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting

network; a complex whole.

 Online: Computer or device connected to a network (such as Internet) and ready to use

(or be used by) other computers or devices.

 Academy: a place of study or training in a special field.

 Allocation: Allocation refers to the act of distributing or assigning resources, tasks,

responsibilities, or positions to individuals or groups based on certain criteria or


 Course: a course is an educational program or unit of study that provides structured

instruction, learning objectives, and assessment in a specific subject or field, allowing

students to acquire knowledge and skills in a systematic manner.

 HTML: Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language used for creating

and structuring the content of web pages on the World Wide Web.

 JAVA: Java is a high-level object-oriented programming language that allows developers

to write code once and run it on multiple platforms without recompilation.

 MYSQL: MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS)

that is widely used for storing, managing, and retrieving data.

 PHP: PHP, which stands for Hypertext Preprocessor.




Course allocation refers to the process of assigning students or instructors to specific courses or

class sections within an educational institution. It involves determining which students or

instructors are enrolled in which courses based on their preferences, academic requirements, and

available resources.( Oussalah, M., & Samb, B. 2015).


A course allocation system refers to a software or administrative system used by educational

institutions to manage the allocation of courses to students or instructors. It is designed to

streamline the process of assigning courses based on predefined criteria, such as student

preferences, course availability, instructor qualifications, and scheduling constraints.

The course allocation system helps ensure a fair and efficient distribution of courses, optimizing

the utilization of resources and meeting the needs of both students and instructors. It automates

and centralizes the course assignment process, replacing manual or paper. (Kaya, A. 2020)


 Reduced Administrative Burden: Course allocation systems automate the process of

assigning courses to lecturers, eliminating the need for manual or paper-based procedures.

This saves lecturers valuable time and effort that would otherwise be spent on

administrative tasks related to course allocation, such as coordinating with administrators,

managing course preferences, and resolving conflicts.

 Improved Workload Distribution: Course allocation systems facilitate fair and

equitable distribution of teaching assignments among lecturers. By considering factors

such as expertise, workload capacity, and preferences, these systems can allocate courses

in a balanced manner, ensuring that lecturers have a manageable workload. This leads to

a more even distribution of teaching responsibilities and helps prevent excessive

workload for individual lecturers.

 Enhanced Course Quality: With course allocation systems, lecturers can be assigned

courses that align with their areas of expertise and teaching interests. This allows

lecturers to teach subjects they are passionate about, leading to increased motivation and

dedication in delivering high-quality instruction. As a result, course allocation systems

contribute to improved course quality and student learning experiences.

 Increased Flexibility and Choice: Course allocation systems often provide flexibility for

lecturers to express their preferences regarding the courses they wish to teach. Lecturers

can indicate their preferred subjects, course levels, class sizes, or time slots, allowing

them to have a say in their teaching assignments. This flexibility enhances job satisfaction

and enables lecturers to align their teaching responsibilities with their professional goals

and teaching style.

 Transparent and Fair Allocation Process: Course allocation systems promote

transparency and fairness in the allocation process. By using predefined rules and

algorithms, these systems ensure that course assignments are based on objective criteria,

such as expertise, qualifications, and workload capacity. This transparency fosters a sense

of equity among lecturers and reduces potential biases or favoritism in the allocation


 Collaboration and Networking Opportunities: Course allocation systems can facilitate

collaboration and networking among lecturers. When lecturers are assigned courses, they

have the opportunity to work together, exchange ideas, and share teaching strategies. This

collaboration can lead to professional growth, knowledge sharing, and the development of

a supportive teaching community within the institution. ( Al-Qudah, A., Al-Khader, A.,

Al-Madi, N., & Al-Omari, S. 2017)


 Limited Control over Course Assignments: Lecturers may have limited control or

influence over the courses they are assigned to teach. The system's algorithms and

institutional policies may determine the course assignments based on factors such as

expertise, availability, and workload distribution. This lack of control can sometimes

result in lecturers being assigned courses that are not aligned with their preferences or

areas of expertise.

 Inequitable Workload Distribution: Despite the aim of course allocation systems to

achieve fair workload distribution, challenges may arise in practice. Lecturers may

experience uneven workloads due to various factors such as class sizes, teaching hours, or

the number of courses assigned. In some cases, the system may not adequately consider

the workload capacity and teaching commitments of individual lecturers, leading to

imbalances and increased stress levels.

 Limited Flexibility in Schedule: Course allocation systems may restrict the flexibility of

lecturers' teaching schedules. Lecturers may have preferences for specific time slots or

days of the week, but the system's constraints, such as course availability or classroom

availability, may limit their choices. This lack of flexibility in scheduling can pose

challenges for lecturers who have personal or professional commitments outside of their

teaching responsibilities.

 Adapting to Changing Assignments: Course allocation systems are designed to

optimize the allocation process, which may result in occasional changes to lecturers'

course assignments. Lecturers may need to adapt to these changes, which can disrupt their

teaching plans, and instructional materials. The need to adjust to new courses or subject

areas within a short timeframe can be challenging and require additional preparation and

adaptation on the part of the lecturer.

 System Limitations and Technical Issues: Like any technology-based system, course

allocation systems may face technical issues or limitations. These can include system

glitches, software errors, or performance issues that affect the smooth functioning of the

allocation process. Lecturers may experience challenges in accessing the system,

submitting preferences, or receiving accurate and timely information related to their

course assignments.

 User Adoption and Training: Introducing a new course allocation system may require

users, including students, instructors, and administrative staff, to adapt to new processes

and interfaces. Institutions should provide adequate training and support to ensure smooth

adoption and usage of the system. Resistance to change and a lack of familiarity with the

system can pose challenges during the transition.

 Communication and Information Discrepancies: In some cases, course allocation

systems may not effectively communicate all the necessary information to lecturers

regarding their course assignments. This can result in confusion or misunderstandings

about course details, class sizes, teaching requirements, or other essential information.

Clear and timely communication becomes crucial to address these challenges and ensure

that lecturers have accurate information about their teaching assignments.( Bueno, M.,

Pato, M. V., & Perez, D. 2013)




Before the commencement of this project, I carefully investigated the existing system and
discovered that the course allocation process of Federal College of Animal Health and
Production Technology department of computer science was done manually. In the manual
course allocation process, administrators or academic staff manually assigns courses to
lecturers based on factors such as their expertise, availability, and workload. The process
involves collecting information on lecturers' preferences, reviewing course requirements, and
manually matching lecturers to courses. However, this manual approach is time-consuming,
prone to errors, and lacks optimization capabilities. The manual process does not efficiently
accommodate changes or adjustments in the lecturers' availability or preferences, leading to
inefficiencies and dissatisfaction among lecturers..


All processes of the existing system are done manually which cause inaccuracy on the
number of courses given for the lecturer. The manual nature of the existing course
management allocation system for college lecturers’ result in errors in the number of courses
offered to the lecturer. Other than that, lecturers were unable to enroll in the course that best
suits their areas of expertise. Allocating courses manually can be time-consuming.


With the problem of the existing system I proposed to design a system which is an

Automated Online Course Allocation System for lecturers as an alternative to the current

manual system. In this system an Administrator probably a (Time Table officer) will have the

full authorization to log in to the system to make any changes on the course adding, dropping

and also assigning different lecturers if needed. The administrator has to create a profile and

set the expertise field for each lecturer so the system can detect it to assign the correct

number of courses according to their expertise field for the lecturers. The lecturers also can

view the portal on the courses assigned to them. If they want to make any changes regarding

the courses assigned to them they can refer the management office for the changes to be


This system also allows only administration office to log in with a specific username and

password to make any changes to the allocation.

This system will be actualized to the problems identified with the existing system in the

following ways:

 This system will save a significant amount of time compared to manual allocation

 This system will eliminate the possibility of human error. Once the system is set up and

running, it ensures that each lecturer is allocated to the correct course.

 This system will track and monitor the allocation process, allowing administrators

to ensure that every lecturer has been allocated a course.


1. Home Page

Home page for this project shows the title of the system and also provides links to other

pages to be viewed as shown in Fig 4.1. It was designed using HTML(Hypertext Markup

Language), CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) and Scripting Language.

2. Login Page
Login Page for this project allows administrator to enter the portal to make changes on

course allocation system if needed to add or remove any courses and also can change the

lecturer teaching on the courses as shown in Fig 4.2. It was designed using HTML

(Hypertext Markup Language), CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) and Scripting Language

3. Add New Lecturer Page

Adding New Lecturer Page for this project shows the page which the administrator will

create profile that will entail necessary information about the lecturer as shown in Fig 4.3.

it was designed using HTML(Hypertext Markup Language), CSS(Cascading Style Sheet)

and Scripting Language

4. Add New Courses Page

Adding New Courses Page for this project shows the page which the administrator will

add new courses into the system as shown in Fig 4.4. It was designed using

HTML(Hypertext Markup Language), CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) and Scripting


5. All Courses Page

All Courses Page for this project shows the page which displays all the courses available

in the system as shown in Fig 4.5. It was designed using HTML (Hypertext Markup

Language), CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) and Scripting Language.

6. All Lecturers Page

All Lecturers Page for this project shows the page which display all the lecturers
available in the system with courses allocated as shown in Fig 4.5. It was designed using

HTML(Hypertext Markup Language), CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) and Scripting

With the facts gathered during the study and the analysis of the system. The system requirement

and expectations were translated into technical solution. I came up with a structural design

making use of a use case diagram in describing what the whole system looks like. Below is a

USECASE diagram graphically representation of the users and different cases.

Fig 3.1 Use Case Diagram of the system


Fig 3.2 Flowchart for adding lecturers to the system

When ‘add new lecturer’ is clicked, a form interface is popped up to fill in lecturer’s

information like title, Lecturer’s last name, initials and area of specialization. If the

information is entered correctly, the lecturer’s record is added to the lecturer entity on the



Fig 3.3 Flowchart for adding course

When ‘add new course is clicked, a form interface is popped up to fill in the new course

information like course code, course title, unit and the scope of the course. The list of the

available lecturer and their area of specialization is automatically generated from the database to

select which lecturer to be in charge of the course. When the form is submitted, a check is run to

confirm if the course had not already been added. If the course already exists on the database, the

record is rejected and user is notified of the existence of the course on the database.

There would also be a feature to automatically allocate all already added courses to lecture with

just a click a click. The course scopes are compared with the lecturer’s area of specialization, any

lecturer’s area of specialization that matches the course scope would automatically be assigned

the course. The flow chart of this function is shown below;



Fig 3.4 Flowchart for allocating courses


Two entities (tables) were built to store information for the system. The entities are courses and

lecturers. Below is the conceptual design of the database.

Entity Attributes

course - Course code (Primary Key)

- Course title

- Course unit

- Course scope

Lecturer - Lecturer id (Primary Key)

- Title (e.g. Dr.)

- Last name

- Initials

- Area of specialization

Fig 3.5 System Entity Diagram

The attributes ‘course code’ and ‘lecturer id’ are the primary keys of the entity
Course and Lecturer respectively. This primary key enables each record in the
entity to be uniquely identified.


These are tools that are necessary for the workability of the proposed system: these tools are
divided into: Hardware and Software Requirements.


I. Laptop or Smartphone or Tablet


III. Minimum of 1GHz Processor Clock Speed

IV. Minimum of 500MB HDD (Hard Disk Drive) of Storage Space

V. Minimum of 512MB RAM (Random Access Memory)


I. Web Browser Application

II. HTML for creating the interface

III. JAVASCRIPT for fetching the data and functionalities




The system collects and maintains lecturers’ data through a database that contains information

such as lecturer’s qualifications, preferences, availability, and area of specialization. Based on

this data, the system suggests courses that are appropriate for each lecturer. The administrator

will have full access to the system to create profile and set the expertise field for each lecturer

so the system can detect it to assign the correct number of courses according to the expertise

field for the lecturer. The administrator can make any changes on the course adding, dropping,

and also assigning different lecturers if needed. The lecturers can also view the portal on the

courses assigned to them, if they want to make any changes regarding the courses allocated to

them they can refer the administrator office for the change to be applied.

4.2 Hardware and Software Requirements to Function

4.2.1 Hardware Requirement
The most common set of requirements defined by any operating system or software application is
the physical computer resources, also known as hardware. The minimum hardware requirements
are as follows,

 Hard Disk: 40 GB and Above

 RAM: 512 MB and Above

 Processor: Intel I3 and Above

4.2.2 Software Requirement
Software requirements deals with defining resource requirements and prerequisites that needs to
be installed on a computer to provide functioning of an application. The minimal software
requirements are as follows,

1. Visual Studio Code

2. Windows / Mac Front-End part



 Bootstrap

 Java Script

4.2.3 Visual Studio Code

Visual studio code is a source-code editor that can be used with a variety of programming
languages, including Java, JavaScript, Go, Node.js, Python and C++. It is based on the Electron
framework, which is used to develop Node.js Web application that run on the Blink layout
engine. Visual studio code employs the same editor component used in Azure DevOps.

Instead of a project system, it allows users to open one or more directories, which can be saved in
workspaces for future reuse. This allows it to operate as a language-agnostic code editor for any
language. It supports a number of programming language and a set off features that differs per
language. Unwanted files and folders can be excluded from the project tree via the settings.
Many visual studio code features are not exposed through menus or the user interface but can be
accessed via the command palette.

Visual studio code can be extended via extensions, available through a central repository. This
includes additions to the editor and language support. A notable feature is the ability to create
extensions that add support for new languages, themes and debuggers, perform static code
analysis, and add code linters using the language server protocol.

Out of the box, visual studio code includes basic support for most common programming
languages. This basic support includes syntax highlighting, bracket matching, code folding, and
configuring snippets. Visual studio code also ships with intelligence for Java script, Typescript,
JSON, CSS, and HTML, as well as debugging support for Node.js. Support for additional
languages can be provided by freely available extensions on the VS code Marketplace.

Visual Studio Code collets usage data and sends it to Microsoft, although this can be disabled.
However, because of the open-source nature of the application, the telemetry code is accessible
to the public, who can see exactly what is collected.

4.2.4 Bootstrap
Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first front-end
web development. It contains HTML, CSS and (optionally) JavaScript-based design templates
for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components.

Bootstrap provides basic style definitions for all HTML elements. The result is a uniform
appearance for prose, tables and form elements across web browsers. In additional, developers
can take advantage of CSS classes define in Bootstrap to further customize the appearance of
their contents. For example, Bootstrap has provisioned for light and dark colored tables, page
headings, more prominent pull quotes, and text with a highlight.

Bootstrap also comes with several JavaScript components in the form of JQuery plugins. They
provide additional user interface elements such as dialog boxes, tooltips, and carousels. Each
Bootstrap component consists of an HTML structure, CSS declarations, and in some cases
accompanying JavaScript code. They also extended the functionality of some existing interface
elements, including for example an auto-complete function for input fields Features

Bootstrap comes with a whole barrelful of components you can easily tack onto your web page,

 Navigation bars

 Dropdowns

 Progress bars

 Thumbnails

Bootstrap comes with its own code for automatically resizing images based on the current screen
size. Just add the .image-responsive class to your images, and the predefined CSS rules take of
the rest. No more spending hours coding your own grid-Bootstrap come with its own grid system

JavaScript is a light-weight object-oriented programming language which is used for several
website for scripting the webpages. It is an interpreted full- fledged programming language that
enables dynamic interactivity on website when applied to an HTML document. It was introduced
in the year 1995 for adding programs to the webpage in the Netscape Navigator browser. Since
then, it has been adopted by all other graphical web browsers. With JavaScript, users can build
modern web applications to interact directly without reloading the page every time. The
traditional website uses JS to provide several forms of interactivity and simplicity.

Although, JavaScript has no connectivity with Java programming language. the name was
suggested and provided in the times when Java was gaining popularity in the market. In addition
to web browsers, databases such as CouchDB and MongoDB uses JavaScript as their scripting
and query language. Application of JavaScript

JavaScript is used to create interactive website. It is mainly used for:

 Client-side validation

 Dynamic drop-down menus

 Displaying date and time

 Displaying pop-up window and dialog boxes (like an alert dialog box, confirm dialog box and
prompt dialog box)

 Displaying clocks etc.

23 Features of JavaScript
1. All popular web browser support JavaScript as they provide built-in execution
2. JavaScript follows the syntax and structure of the C programming language. Thus, it is a
structured programming language.
3. JavaScript is a weekly typed language, where certain types are implicitly cast (depending
on the operation).
4. JavaScript is an objected-oriented programming language that uses prototypes rather than
using classes for inheritance.
5. It is a case-sensitive language.
6. It is a light-weight and interpreted language.
7. JavaScript is supported in several operating systems including, Windows, macOS, etc. 8.
It provides good control to the users over the web browsers

4.2.6 HTML
The Hyper Text Markup Language or HTML is the standard markup language for documents
designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading
Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript.

Web browser receives HTML documents from a web server or from local storage and render the
documents into multimedia web pages. HTML describes the structure of a web page semantically
and original included cues for the appearance of the documents.

HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages. With HTML constructs, images and
other objects such as interactive forms may be embedded into the rendered page. HTML provides
a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as heading,
paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items. HTML elements are delineated by tags written
using angle brackets. Tags such as <img/> and <input/> directly introduce content into the page.
Other tags such as <p> surround and provide information about document text and may include
other tags as sub-elements. Browsers do not display the HTML tags but use them to interpret the
content of the page.

HTML can embed programs written in a scripting language such as JavaScript, which affects the
behavior and content of web pages. Inclusion of CSS defines the look and layout of content. The
World wide Web consortium (W3C), former maintainer of the HTML and current maintainer of
the CSS standards, has encouraged the use of CSS over explicit presentational HTML since
1997. A form of HTML, known as HTML5, is used to displayed video and audio, primarily
using the <canvas> element, in collaboration with Java script.

Originally, HTML was developed with the intent of defining the structure of documents like
headings, paragraphs, lists, and so forth to facilitate the sharing of scientific information between
researches. Now, HTML is being widely used to format web pages with the help of different tags
available in HTML language.

HTML is a must for students and working professionals to become a great software Engineer
especially when they are working in web development domain.

I will list down some of the key advantages of learning HTML:

 Create Web site – You can create a website or customize an existing web template if you
know HTML well.

 Become a web designer – If you want to start a career as a professional web designer, HTML
and CSS designing is a must skill.

 Understand web – If you want to optimize your website, to boost its speed and performance, it
is good to know HTML to yield best results.

 Learn other languages – Once you understand the basic of HTML then other related
technologies like JavaScript, PHP, or angular are become easier to understand


Fig 4.1 Home Page

This page shows the title pf the system and provides links to other pages.

Fig 4.2 Admin Login Page

This is the page that validates the authenticity if the admins’ credentials before
giving full access to the system. Admin is required to login with a username and

Fig 4.3 Adding new lecturer page

This page allows admin input information about the lecturers.

Fig 4.4 Adding new course page

This page allows admin add courses to the system.


Fig 4.5 All Courses Page

This page shows all the courses that has been added to the system.

Fig 4.6 All Lecturers Page

This page shows all the lecturers in the system and the courts allocated to them.


Automation of course allocation is a system that will improve the organization and

learning process in the department and even in the school at large. However, user are

expected to log into the system to view the course which they are been assigned to

and, this is however, notwithstanding the location in which they are, once the

application is install in their computer system. This system will enable lecturers not

to miss their classes and also help them to organize their schedules. Therefore, this

application is going to improve the standard of learning and teaching in the



The course allocation system outlined in this report offers an innovative and efficient

solution for assigning courses to lecturers. Their automated feature, optimized

allocation algorithms, makes it a valuable tool for Federal College of Animal Health

and Production Technology to enhance the course selection experience and

streamline administrative processes. By implementing this system, the institution can

reduce administrative burden, and foster a more productive and engaging learning



It is strongly recommended that the institution adopts and implements the course

allocation system. The system has demonstrated benefits, including improved

fairness in course distribution, reduced administrative workload, enhanced

transparency and communication. By utilizing the automated system, the institution

can streamline the course allocation process, leading to increased student satisfaction

and more efficient resource utilization. Additionally, the system's user-friendly

interface and adaptability make it a valuable long-term solution for accommodating

future growth and changes in student needs. Overall, the adoption of this course

allocation system will significantly contribute to the institution's ability to optimize

course allocation processes and deliver a more seamless educational experience.


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26. Wentling, et al. (2000) E-Learning—A Review of Literature. Knowledge and Learning

Systems Group NCSA 9.1-73.

27. Tao, et al. (2006) Improving Training Needs Assessment Processes via the Internet:

System Design and Qualitative Study. Internet Research, 16, 427-449.


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Step 1: The Admin will login into the system if he/she has the authorization key to sign in

Step 2: The Admin will be able to register new lecturer to the system.

Step 3: The Admin will be able to register new course to the system.

Step 4: The Admin will be able to allocate courses to the lecturers in the system.

Step 5: The lecturers will be able to know brief info about the courses allocated to them in the


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