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1 Introduction

The ”E-learning Management System” has been developed to override the problems
prevailing in the practicing manual system. This software is supported to eliminate
and in some cases reduce the hardships faced by this existing system. Moreover this
system is designed for the particular need of the company to carry out operations in
a smooth and effective manner.
The application is reduced as much as possible to avoid errors while entering
the data. It also provides error message while entering invalid data. No formal
knowledge is needed for the user to use this system. Thus by this all it proves it is
user-friendly. E- Learning Management System, as described above, can lead to error
free, secure, reliable and fast management system. It can assist the user to concentrate
on their other activities rather to concentrate on the record keeping. Thus it will help
organization in better utilization of resources.
Every organization, whether big or small, has challenges to overcome and manag-
ing the information of Student, Assignment, QUIZ, CLASS, and QUESTION. Every
E-learning Management System has different Assignment needs, therefore we design
exclusive employee management systems that are adapted to your managerial require-
ments. This is designed to assist in strategic planning, and will help you ensure that
your organization is equipped with the right level of information and details for your
future goals. Also, for those busy executive who are always on the go, our systems
come with remote access features, which will allow you to manage your workforce
anytime, at all times. These systems will ultimately allow you to better manage

2 Literature Survey
A number of -Learning systems related to this work have been reported in literature.
Some of them address -Learning using commercial products that are proprietary in
nature, while some others are based on free and open source software. An approach for
evaluating e-Learning applications as well as a conceptual framework of open source
software is contained in some other literature.
In (Koohang Harman, 2005), open source tools as vehicle for e-Learning was
examined. It recommended that the use of open source as a vehicle for e-Learning be
further explored in three areas: instructional practices, instructional platforms and
instructional philosophy.
The European Union (EU) funded Edukalibre project was reported by Botturi et
al. (2005). At least two web-based simple document management tool called COL-
LAB (COLLABorative effort), and a groupware tool called COnDOR (Construction
of Dynamic Open Resources) has been created through this project as a module of

the open source Moodle (see http:/ /
Moreover, a visual user-tracking tool was developed, again for the Moodle environ-
ment, called Graphical Interactive Student Monitoring System for Moodle (GISMO)
(Mazza Botturi, 2007).
The main activity of the Edukalibre project is the translation of the uses and
procedures of libre software (free/open source software) to the creation of content
suitable to be used as material for education. This includes the implementation and
evaluation of suitable tools, and the creation of some materials among all the part-
ners (see It is expected that the tools developed will
facilitate the collaborative construction of educational resources by both teachers and
students. The project involves developers and educationalists from several European
countries working together to study both technological and educational aspects of the
successful deployment of the open development model in university teaching. The
paper also proposed an evaluation approach for -Learning systems that follow the
Open Development Model(ODM). It was argued that such an evaluation approach
would have to be holistic in the sense that it offers feedback from users beyond issues
of usability.
An article by Machado Thompson (2005), outlines the development and prolifer-
ation of Open Source Software (OSS) within the sphere of education. It discusses the
reasons for the acceptance and spread of OSS in Higher Educational Institutes (HEIs)
across Europe, outlining its role within the four key domains of higher education (Eco-
nomical, Technological, Pedagogical and Philosophical). Finally, the article illustrates
the case of a current Tempus Project in Central Asia, for which Open Source-based
virtual learning environments (LEs) have provided support for the delivery of a con-
vergent curriculum across several HIs in Central Asia. An evaluation of open source
e-Learning platforms with the aim of finding the platform most suitable for extend-
ing to an adaptive one was presented in (Graf List, 2005). The result of evaluation
showed that the platform Moodle outperforms all other open source e-Learning plat-
forms (such as Dokeos, dotLRN, ILIAS, LON-CAPA, OpenUSS, etc) and obtained
the best rating on factors affecting adaptability. An article by Dagger et al.(2007)
illustrated and discussed the evolution of Learning Management Systems(LMS). It
was mentioned that LMS as an e-Learning platform provide a suite of tools which
support the creation, maintenance and delivery of online courses; the enrolment and
management of students; the administration of education and the reporting of student

3 Motivation
The motivation behind an online e-learning project can vary depending on the specific
goals and objectives of the project. However, some common reasons for developing

an online e-learning project may include:

• Increased accessibility: Online e-learning projects can be accessed from any-

where at any time, making it easier for learners to access educational resources
regardless of their location or schedule.

• Cost-effectiveness: Online e-learning projects can be more cost-effective than

traditional classroom-based education, as they often require fewer resources and
can be scaled to accommodate larger numbers of learners.

• Flexibility: Online e-learning projects can offer learners more flexibility in terms
of pacing and scheduling, allowing them to learn at their own pace and on their
own schedule.

• Personalization: Online e-learning projects can be tailored to meet the individ-

ual needs and preferences of learners, allowing them to focus on the areas that
are most relevant to their learning goals.

• Improved learning outcomes: Online e-learning projects can use a variety of

interactive and multimedia tools to enhance the learning experience and improve
learning outcomes.

Overall, the motivation for an online e-learning project is to provide learners with
a high-quality educational experience that is accessible, flexible, and personalized to
their needs and goals.

4 Problem Statement
Electronic learning (-Learning), which facilitates education using communications net-
works, has made learning possible from anywhere at anytime by using the Internet,
wide area networks or local area networks. Notably, -Learning applications which
have become central to the learning process may be developed using proprietary pro-
gramming tools.
Meanwhile, the process of acquiring proprietary programming tools, the license
and using them to develop large software application is not only complex but a huge
sum of money is spent on the purchase and license. These have also affected the
widespread and the level of usage of the system. A possible solution to these problems
is to utilize highly flexible open source application that allows software engineers and
institutions the right to reuse, study, distribute and localize the codes to satisfy user’s

5 Objectives
The main objective behind this project is to provide a user friendly environment to
provide knowledge and give everyone a chance to learn, irrespective of where they are,
provided they register themselves with the system.
The main features that the system provides can be made use of, once the registered
people select their interested subject and take a starter test. This helps to establish
incremental learning process. After taking this, based on their level of competence,
they can take available tutorials, take online tests and also discuss an issue/topic by
posting messages in the discussion forum. Along with this they can also take real
time simulations of the most widely known competitive exams.
Project on E-learning Management System is to manage the details of Assignment,
Student, TEACHER, QUIZ, QUESTION. It manages all the information about As-
signment, CLASS,QUESTION, Assignment. The project is totally built at adminis-
trative end and thus only the administrator is guaranteed the access. The purpose of
the project is to build an application program to reduce the manual work for manag-
ing the Assignment, Student, CLASS, TEACHER.It tracks all the details about the

6 Methodology
Developing an effective online e-learning project requires careful planning and consid-
eration of the following key elements:
Identify learning objectives: Define the learning outcomes you want your students
to achieve. These objectives will form the foundation of your curriculum and will guide
the development of your course materials. Content creation: Develop content for your
course, including text, images, videos, and audio materials. The content should be
engaging, relevant, and organized in a way that supports learning objectives. Choose
a platform: Decide on a platform that can support your e-learning project. There are
many options available, including learning management systems (LMS) like Moodle or
Canvas, video conferencing software like Zoom, and social media platforms. Develop
assessments: Assessments should be designed to evaluate student understanding of
the content and achievement of learning objectives. You can use quizzes, exams,
essays, and other methods to assess learning. Develop course content: Based on the
learning objectives and instructional design model, develop course content that is
engaging, interactive, and relevant to the learners’ needs. Incorporate multimedia
elements: To make the e-learning experience more engaging, incorporate multimedia
elements such as videos, images, and animations. Build a community: Encourage
collaboration and interaction among learners. You can create discussion forums, chat
groups, and other social spaces for learners to connect and share their ideas. Set

timelines: Develop a timeline for the project that includes milestones for content
development, assessments, and engagement activities. Setting timelines will help you
stay on track and ensure that you meet your objectives. Continuously evaluate and
improve: Monitor the progress of your learners and the effectiveness of your project.
Use feedback from learners to identify areas for improvement and make changes to
your project accordingly.

7 Hardware and Software Requirements

7.1 Software Requirements

• Operating System : Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows7, Linux

• Language : Java 2 Runtime Environment

• Database : MySQL Server

• Browser : Any of Mozilla, Opera, Chrome etc

• Software Development Kit : Java JDK 1.7 or Above

• Scripting Language Enable : JSP (Java Server Pages)

• Database JDBC Driver : MySQL Jconnector

7.2 Hardware Requirements

• Processor : Pentium III 630MHz

• RAM : 128MB

• Hard disk : 20GB

• Monitor : 15 color monitor

• Keyboard : 122 keys

8 Schedule of the Project

Gantt chart/ PERT chart for the project timeline


[1]Nichols, M. (2007). ”E-learning in context”

[2] Kalantzis, Mary and Bill Cope. 2015. ”Learning and New Media.” Pp. 373-387 in
The Sage Handbook of Learning. edited by D. Scott and B. Hargreaves. [?]
[3]Cope, Bill and Mary Kalantzis. 2015. ”Assessment and Pedagogy in the Era of
Machine-Mediated Learning.” Thousand Oaks CA: Sage.
[4]Pp. 350-374 in Education as Social Construction: Contributions to Theory, Re-
search, and Practice, edited by I. Dragonas, K. J. Gergen, and S. McNamee. Chargrin Falls
[5]Cope, Bill and Mary Kalantzis. 2015. ”Sources of Evidence-of-Learning:Learning and
Assessment in the Era of Big Data” Open Review of Educational Research 2:1942 17.
[6]Cope, Bill and Mary Kalantzis. 2015. ”Interpreting Evidence-of-Learning: Educa-
tional Research in the Era of Big Data” Open Review of Educational Research 2:128-239.
[7]Cone. Bill and Mary Kalantzis. 2009. ”Ubiquitous Learning: An Agenda for Educa-
tional Transformation.” in Ubiquitous Learning, edited by B. Cope and M.Kalantzis.Champaign
IL:University of Illinois Press.—

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