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Cambridge IGCSE


Paper 1 Reading


1st May 2024


Read Text C, and then Question 3 on the question paper.

Text C: Running for my life

Anna has recently arrived in New Zealand. It is 8:25 and she is being interviewed by a local radio station.

‘And special guest, Anna McNuff, joins us in the studio right now. Anna, you’re running the
entire length of New Zealand, starting today?’

‘Yes! In forty-five minutes, I’ll be on the start line at the trailhead signpost, at Stirling Point.’

I was sitting, star-struck, in the Southland FM’s Invercargill studio, marvelling at radio host
Rach’s seemingly exotic accent. I already loved the way that people here pronounced my
name as: ‘Inna!’ I grinned widely from behind a microphone bigger than my head.

Rach continued: ‘So, are you brave or stupid?’

‘Perhaps both,’ I laughed enigmatically. ‘And excited.’

We talked about my reasons for the run: my amazing childhood with access to sport and 10
the outdoors, the benefits of exercise, and raising awareness for organisations that support
individuals recovering from accident or illness to take on a physical challenge. I explained
that I’d be visiting schools along the way.

We discussed the attractions of the 3000-kilometre-long Te Araroa Trail – an exquisite, wild

showcase of natural diversity framed by forests. I could feel my spirits lift and soar. Nagging 15
self-doubt and gnawing concern over the pain in my right foot eased with every word I uttered
into that gigantic microphone. Rach seemed impressed that all my gear fitted into my
backpack. I didn’t think to mention that I’d only run with it once in training before leaving the
UK. I’d struggled, concluding that running with a backpack was hard, and could wait until I
had to do it for real.
‘You’re doing it totally unsupported! Aren’t you nervous about how you’ll cope alone?’ Rach

‘It just comes down to a choice about how you live your life,’ I shrugged. ‘I’m a
‘‘work-it-out-when-I-get-there’’ kind of person.’

This was perhaps the reason why I’d failed to read even 10 per cent of the trail notes before 25
setting out. And possibly why a perceptive work colleague had introduced me to Kevin who
would meet me at the airport.

Local expert Kevin had quizzed me about sections of the trail. Mostly my responses were:
‘Umm, I’m not too sure on that particular bit.’

No, I’d no idea what speed I would do carrying the backpack. I’d wildly over-estimated and 30
certainly hadn’t accounted for the massive mountains sprawled across the landscape like
giant sleeping tarantulas with their hairy tussock-covered legs forming sharp ridges and deep
basins, punctuated by icy streams and seas of chest-high grass. Trails were easy to follow
at first using those orange trail-markers designed for tourists but would peter away leaving
a confusing connection of gaps in the complex maze of slippery roots and leaves covering 35
the forest floor, any of which could have been trails themselves.

Yes, I did consider purchasing a GPS at one point, but decided that wasn’t entirely in keeping
with the ‘adventurous spirit’. No, I was a paper maps and compass kind of girl. The explorers
of old did things that way, and I wanted the same thrill of ‘discovery’. Kevin had looked
concerned, though seemed comforted by the fact I had an SPT-tracker, which would let
friends and family know I was okay. 40

We’d chatted more about the differences between trails in New Zealand and those in Europe.
My new friend Kevin explained how so many people doing the trail were entirely unprepared,
narrowly avoiding disaster through sheer luck. ‘They start the trail expecting it to be a
well-graded highway. Of course, most are coming south, so by the time they get down here
they get it. But it’s the ones starting off with no idea from this end that I worry about.’ He 45
looked at me. I nodded and looked away quickly.

I hoped, but didn’t know for sure then, he’d be impressed when next we met. Having watched
my parents be showered with respect over their years of Olympic achievements, I would
soon have some of my own.

Re-read Text C, Running for my life, in the insert and then answer Question 3 on this question paper.

Question 3

You are Anna. After completing your run successfully you return to the UK and are asked to give a
motivational speech to young people.

In your speech you should:

• explain the details of the challenge you undertook and the reasons you wanted to do it
• evaluate your preparation for the challenge and what you wished you had done or realised
• discuss the highlights of the whole experience, what you gained and why you would recommend
your audience to take on challenges.

Write the words of the speech.

Base your speech on what you have read in Text C, but be careful to use your own words. Address
each of the three bullet points.

Write about 250 to 350 words.

Up to 15 marks are available for the content of your answer and up to 10 marks for the quality
of your writing.












































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