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Name: George Quishpe Date: 04/07/2023 Mark: ______/2 Schedule Academic 3/7-9

1. Sarah dresses really (chic/preppy/retro) in her cocktail dress for the money-raising event.

2. Jack looks pretty (eccentric/innocent/intellectual) in his weird carnival costume.

3. The (bohemian/functional/grunge) style was the alternative style of the ’90s. I loved
bands like Nirvana.

4. I am (fed up with/urban/smug) my brother’s complaining.

5. It is a/an (unethical/sinister/innocent) looking man. He scares me.

6. It would be (conservative/prudent/ aware) to behave yourself tonight.

7. Charlie is (preppy/hazardous/crazy) about chocolate pie.

8. Donald has an (urban/arrogant/sick of) behavior because he thinks he is better than others.

9. His performance was really (dignified/audacious/prudent)! What a fearless man.

10. Many (hazardous/goth/grateful for) chemicals are used in factories.

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