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Caiet de exerci!

ii Exercises for advanced students

9. Choose the correct word from the pair in brackets to complete each sentence below.
$. I think we could improve this dish with a ………………… use of seasoning.
2. Sharon, who’s seven, ………………… bickers with her little sister Ann. They are always
fighting! (continually/continuously)
3. Mrs. Hodge was sent to ………………… for shoplifting, as it was her third offence. (goal/gaol)
4. It was very ………………… of Trevor to refuse to co-operate with us (childish/childlike)
5. By improving the interview process, we are hoping to achieve more ………………… treatment
of immigrants into this country. (humane/human)
6. Did you notice the ………………… your remarks had on Gregory? He was quite shocked!
7. Many businesses have suffered as a result of the world-wide recession. (economic/economical).
8. The examiner decided he could not mark the paper, as the candidate’s handwriting was
………………… (eligible/illegible)
9. What would you ………………… me to do in my situation? (advice/advise)
$0. That new hairstyle seems to ………………… you, it looks just right on you. (suit/suite)

10. If the word in italic in the sentences below is correct, put a tick. If not, write the correct word.
Make your own sentences with these phrases.
$. Stephen has always preferred classic music. He never listens to any other type of music,
because he couldn’t stand it.
2. My neighbour is a very practicable man, always repairing something. I wish my brother
resembled him!
3. Can you believe it? The bus was stationery for twenty minutes, while we all sat there.
4. Tim and Michael went to India and Pakistan respectfully.
5. The President’s New Year banquet is one of the capital’s most important social gatherings.
6. Loathe though I am to criticise, I must say I thought the bread was stale.
7. It was extremely official of the policeman to demand to see our passports, and quite
8. I believed everything he told me. But then my friends told that I was always far too credible.
9. From what you are saying I imply that you are not satisfied with your current job.
$0. Clara is attending an intensive secretarial course.

11. A homophone is a word which has exactly the same pronunciation as another word, although
the spelling and meaning are different. Write the homophone for each of the following words. Make
your own sentences with these phrases.
$. two; 2. eye; 3. guest; 4. waste; 5. male; 6. way; 7. wear; 8. war; 9. here; $0. pair; $$. wait; $2.
steel; $3. bored; $4. seize; $5. principal; $6. caught; $7. hole; $8. sale; $9. meet; 20. you; 2$. past;
22. blue; 23. red; 24. stairs; 25. born; 26. road; 27. so; 28. rain; 29. sweet; 30. fair; 3$. bold; 32.
miner; 33. died; 34. sort; 35. pause; 36. pale; 37. berry; 38. higher; 39. through; 40. morning; 4$.
praise; 42. ceiling; 43. heard; 44. send; 45. sell; 46. course; 47. find; 48. write; 49. idle; 50. light.
Caiet de exerci!ii Exercises for advanced students

12. Choose the correct word for each of the pairs below. Conceive sentences of your own with these
phrases, then use as many as you can in a composition.
$. a. I tied the dog to a tree but it got ………………… and ran away. (lose/loose)
b. Look after that money or you will ………………… it.
2. a. It’s a nice place. I often go ………………… (there/their)
b. The students brought ………………… books.
3. a. I don’t know ………………… to see that film or not. (weather/whether)
b. Their holiday was spoilt by bad …………………
4. a. The post office is farther………………… the cinema. (then/than)
b. There are several big parks in London ………………… Hyde Park.
5. a. It’s ………………… to save part of your salary every month. (sensible/sensitive)
b. Don’t laugh at him, he’s very ………………… about his appearance.
6. a. I have ………………… the exam! (passed/past)
b. The thief hid in a doorway and the policeman ran ………………… him.
7. a. It isn’t very ………………… to leave the lights on when you are not in the room.
b. Because of the recent strikes, the ………………… situation of the country is very bad.
8. a. It’s noisy here, let’s find a ………………… place. (quiet/quite)
b. I’m ………………… satisfied, thank you.
9. a. She is a ………………… worker. (hard/hardly)
b. She works very …………………
$0. a. The shortest route from Europe to India is through the Suez …………………
b. Before railways the ………………… between cities were very important ways of transport.

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