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1. . Checklist for Non-Vulnerability

Question Yes No N/A Remarks
Are security risk types
identified (e.g., Malware
attacks, Denial of Service (DoS)
attacks, Phishing, Brute-force
attacks, Man-in-the-middle
attacks, OWASP Top
10,Security misconfiguration
errors, Zero-day attacks, etc.)?
Security assessments are
conducted periodically?
Periodic security assessments
reports are being prepared (i.e.
quarterly, annually)
Are security assessment
reports being reviewed?
Are security issues raised as a
result of security assessments
addressed timely?
Are security implementation
reports available?
Security changes follow change
management procedures?
Changes to Security are
identified, reviewed, and
tracked to closure.
Changes to Security are
approved before being
How often do you review your
audit logs?
Do you perform regular
backups? All data or only
business critical? How often do
you test your backups?
Have you applied all
applicable security patches?
Do you have account
management and access

controls in place?

What security products do you

already have (e.g., firewall,
intrusion detection, and
Do you have a security plan in
place? Who has access to it?
Backup copies are completed
on a routine schedule, tested
regularly, and stored off-site?
System logging, and routine
procedures to audit logs,
security events, system use,
systems alerts or failures, etc.
are implemented and log
information is in placed where
it cannot be manipulated or

2. Checklist for Confidentiality

What controls does Security

Policy have in place that
protect the confidentiality of
data or information (e.g.,
data encryption)?
What are the risks
associated with the
confidentiality of data or
information associated with
various technologies used?
What monitoring of controls
is in place to ensure the
ongoing confidentiality of
data or information?

3. Checklist for Integrity

What controls are in place to

ensure data integrity during
input of data
What controls are in place to
ensure data integrity during
computer processing of
What are the risks
associated with the storage
of financial data
(unauthorized access, theft
or changes in data)?
What controls are in place to
ensure data integrity while it
is stored on the entity’s
What risks are associated
with data transmission
between systems, especially
over the internet or via
wireless technologies, and
between systems?

4. Checklist for Availability

What risks are associated

with business continuity or
disaster recovery?

What controls (plans) are in

place to restore the business
activities if a disaster or
catastrophic event occurs?
What are the risks
associated with availability
of systems and business
process embedded in
What controls are in place to
ensure availability of
systems or automated
business processes?

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