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2024 EDSA700 SF1 – unpacked version for students


Section 1:

1. a) Consult and AI platform, e.g., ChatGPT or Google Vard or NotionAI: To find out
about using ChatGPT go to the explanation video on Quicklink 2 under Section 1.
You basically open: and link to your personal email
address to register.
Prompt AI to write a response to the following instruction: “Discuss the basic
principles of the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky with specific reference to the
concept of neuroplasticity.” Save this response in a word format onto your
computer. [2 marks and it must not be used for number 2. Below]

b) Read the response of the AI text-generator, then continue with the assignment
research and reading using academic sources of information. So, use some of the
ideas or suggestions from AI and then go and search for peer-reviewed research on
these ideas from your various research platforms such as Google Scholar, EBSCO
host, Taylor and Francis (see the CANVAS Library page for suggestions).
You must NOT use the AI response in your actual essay itself. Do your own research
and reference work accurately.
When you have completed your essay and ended off with your list of References,
you then copy and paste the AI response at the end of the assignment. [1 mark]
Also add the prompt that you gave the AI tool at the beginning. [1 mark]
Then reference the AI-generated text using the STADIO Referencing Guide 2024. [1
So, the reference for the AI does not go into your Referencing list but AFTER the AI
generated response. It should look something like this:
If your name is Marjorie Brown and you sourced this information on 10 April, then
you would reference it like this:
Open AI ChatGPT. 2024. ChatGPT response to Marjorie Brown, 10 April 2024.
You will find this information in the 2024 STADIO Referencing Guide on page 29.

Now begin to research and write the assignment as set out in the instructions below.

1. Provide a suitable instruction to your assignment. This should contextualise the

assignment and it should also provide a discussion of the areas of focus in the
assignment. It is necessary to explain to the reader what the purpose is for writing
the assignment. Indicate the significance of the research. One paragraph will suffice
here as it is for 5 marks. You can add something pertinent to your introduction if
you wish but leave the discussion to the body of your essay. As said above, include
the outline of what you will be discussing and the significance of your research. [5
2. Discuss the basic principles of the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky in terms of
teaching and learning with specific reference to the concept of neuroplasticity. Write
according to the mark allocation: 15 (Piaget) and 15 (Vygotsky). Consider the basic
principles of their theories and see how that coordinates with neuroplasticity. You
can start off by reading in your course reader pages 82, 83 and 84 from Donald,
Lazarus and Moolla (2014) and the Study Guide pages 30 to 36. You will also need
to explain neuroplasticity and this relationship with the two theories. You will
need to do research on this section. [2x15=30 marks]
3. Explore and comment critically on the nature and role of neuroplasticity, as
understood in neuropsychology, as a tool for teacher’s understanding of cognitive
development in children and adolescents. Make sure you have listened to our
visiting speaker talk about neuroplasticity (in Online Sessions) as that is a good
place to start. Now you are speaking more generally as opposed to talking about
Piaget and Vygotsky only. Consider this topic from the perspective of learning
specifically. You can link to cognitive theories but need to go further than Piaget
and Vygotsky. You need to engage in research. This is also a critical discussion,
therefore you need to critically engage with the research material that you read
[20 marks]
4. Discuss examples related to your own subject(s) to illustrate the application of
neuroplasticity in action. Link your examples and experience of classroom teaching
to concepts of the above cognitive theories. You can consult the internet, textbooks,
interview(s), journals, magazines, newspapers. You must also include evidence of

reading and research by referring to peer-reviewed academic articles and books in
the in-text referencing. Discuss your examples with insight and meaning. They must
show how what you have discussed previously is applied in action. Ensure that you
include a link to any cognitive theories you have discussed. [20 marks]
5. Construct a conclusion by writing key points made in the assignment, to provide a
cohesive explanation of what you declared your assignment would focus on or
achieve when you wrote the introduction. This is where you draw in what you have
been talking about. Be sure to state what you have learned as a result of your
research and reading. This will bring the assignments to a close. Instructions here set
out clearly what needs to be done. Do not bring in new information to your
conclusion. [5 marks]
6. Read through your assignment and check that the structure, spelling, grammar,
language, and academic tone are sound and appropriate. You will also be marked on
this. Ensure you do not include colloquial language, e.g., “kids” instead of
“children”. [5 marks]
7. Check that you have correctly implemented your in-text referencing. Make sue of
the STADIO Referencing Guide 2024. Attach your (appropriately formatted)
reference list at the end of the assignment. You should consult a minimum of 7
references to complete this assignment. Follow the instructions here. Do not use
another Referencing type for your reference list or the in-text referencing. Check
up using the STADIO guide – not another system that you may be used to.
Remember to left-align, do not number or bullet your References. Your reference
list must match with your in-text referencing. Don’t just put the in-text referencing
at the end of a paragraph: put it after the information that you have used: at the
end of a sentence is one way and after the brackets with the Reference, put the
full-stop. Do not reference the PowerPoint slides. Do the readings instead. If you
follow these rules, you can get a good mark here. [10 marks]

Read up the rest of your SF1 Assignment template as it tells you about using paragraphs,
no bullets or numbered lists. Remember that 2% could be deducted off your final mark if
you do not adhere to this formatting rule. Watch the video from “About this module” on
Formatting. It is important to follow that. Ensure you do not type more than 7 pages or

less than 6 pages which will exclude your cover/title page, table of contents, Reference list
and AI information.

Make sure that when you submit, you do so to the correct Assignment portal: SF1 under
assignments for EDSA700. Your Turnitin must not exceed 15%. Read the remainder of the
information given on page 4 of your SF1 Assignment template. Make sure that you submit
your FINAL version of your assignment. Check this before you submit. Do not submit an
assignment by mistake from another module.

Go through the rubric on pages 5 and 6 thoroughly. Look at what you need to do to be in
the top category and gain good marks. Keep that focus in mind when you write. Read the
checklist from your SF1 Assignment template.

Read this in conjunction with your SF1 Assignment 1 template to be found under “About
this module”. You should be off to a good start now!

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