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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Conversational Fashion Outfit Generator

Powered by GenAI
Deepak Gupta1 Harsh Ranjan Jha2 Maithili Chhallani3
Computer Department Computer Department Computer Department
Dr. D Y Patil Institute of Dr. D Y Patil Institute of Dr. D Y Patil Institute of
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Management and Research Management and Research Management and Research
Pune Maharashtra, India Pune Maharashtra, India Pune Maharashtra, India

Mahima Thakar4 Dr. Amol Dhakne5 (Associate Professor)

Computer Department Computer Department
Dr. D Y Patil Institute of Engineering Dr. D Y Patil Institute of Engineering
Management and Research Management and Research
Pune, Maharashtra, India Pune Maharashtra, India

Prathamesh Parit6 Hrushikesh Kachgunde7

AI/DS Department AI/DS Department
Dr. D Y Patil Institute of Engineering Dr.D Y Patil Institute of Engineering
Management and Research Management and Research
Pune, Maharashtra, India Pune, Maharashtra, India

Abstract:- The convergence of artificial intelligence and Keywords:- Generative AI, Stable Diffusion, Warp Model,
fashion has given rise to innovative solutions that cater Fashion Recommendation.
to the ever-evolving needs and preferences of fashion
enthusiasts. This report delves into the methodology I. INTRODUCTION
behind the development of a "Conversational Fashion
Outfit Generator powered by GenAI," an advanced A "Conversational Fashion Outfit Generator powered
application that leverages the capabilities of Generative by GenAI" is an innovative application that leverages the
Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) to create personalized capabilities of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) to
fashion outfits through natural language interactions. assist users in creating personalized fashion outfits through
The model outlines the essential elements of the natural language conversations. This technology represents
methodology, including data collection, natural language a convergence of AI-driven fashion recommendation and
understanding, computer vision integration, and deep conversational AI, offering a dynamic and interactive
learning algorithms. Data collection forms the bedrock, solution for fashion enthusiasts. By engaging in a dialogue
as access to a diverse dataset of fashion-related with the system, users can describe their preferences,
information is critical for training and fine-tuning AI occasions, and styles, and in response, the AI system
models. Natural Language Understanding (NLU) is generates tailored fashion outfit suggestions. This approach
instrumental in comprehending user input and aims to enhance the user's shopping and styling experience
generating context-aware responses, ensuring by providing real-time, AI-generated outfit
meaningful and engaging conversations. Computer recommendations that align with individual tastes and
vision technology is integrated to analyze fashion images, needs.
recognizing clothing items, styles, and colors, thus aiding
in outfit recommendations. Deep learning algorithms, The "Conversational Fashion Outfit Generator
particularly recurrent and transformer-based models, powered by GenAI" reflects the evolving landscape of
form the backbone of the system, generating applications in the AI fashion industry, catering to both
personalized and contextually relevant fashion fashion-conscious consumers and e-commerce platforms
suggestions. This methodology not only underpins the seeking to provide highly personalized and engaging
"Conversational Fashion Outfit Generator" but also shopping experiences. We explore the intricate methodology
reflects the evolving landscape of AI in the fashion that underlies the development of the "Conversational
industry, where personalized, interactive experiences are Fashion Outfit Generator powered by GenAI." Each
becoming increasingly paramount in the realm of component of the methodology - data collection, natural
fashion and e-commerce. language understanding, computer vision integration, and
deep learning algorithms - plays a pivotal role in creating

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

this sophisticated AI-driven fashion platform. Together, they This reduces performance and you can model on a
allow for the interpretation of user preferences, the analysis desktop or laptop equipped with a GPU. Stable expansion
of fashion images, and the generation of personalized outfit thanks to flexible learning can be customized to meet your
recommendations. specific needs with just five frames. As a diffusion model,
steady diffusion differs from most other diffusion models. In
Beyond its technical intricacies, this technology principle, the diffusion model uses Gaussian noise to encode
represents a significant advancement in the fashion and e- the image.
commerce landscape, providing highly personalized and
engaging shopping experiences that resonate with today's They then used sound prediction and back-and-forth
fashion-conscious consumers. This report aims to elucidate techniques to create images. Besides the difference of
the methodology that powers this innovative solution and having a diffusion pattern, stable diffusion is also unique in
shed light on the emerging paradigm of conversational AI in that it does not use the pixel space of the image. Instead it
the realm of fashion. uses a simplified hidden field

The outfit generator is powered by advanced machine  Training

learning algorithms that analyze various fashion trends, Given the input image z0, the image propagation
colors, and patterns to create unique and eye-catching algorithm gradually adds noise to the image and produces an
ensembles. Simply input your desired outfit type, color image noise zt; where t represents the noise addition time.
scheme, and any specific items you'd like to include, and our Given the conditions including time step t, index ct, and
AI system will generate a variety of options for you to specific function cf, the image propagation algorithm learns
choose from. 0t f2. the Ïμθ network to estimate the noise added to the noise
image zt; where L
With the conversational AI outfit generator, you can
save time and energy when it comes to choosing the perfect Hi
outfit. Say goodbye to the endless scrolling through
countless fashion websites and hello to a personalized, = Ez ,t,c ,c ,ϵ∼N(0,1) ∥ϵ − ϵθ(zt, t, ct, cf))∥2
efficient, and enjoyable shopping experience.
Where is the overall learning objective of where is the
II. EASE OF USE general learning target of all difference-fusion models. This
learning objective is applied directly to accurate diffusion
This is the software configuration in which the project models using ControlNet. This approach improves
was shaped. The programming language used, tools used, ControlNet's ability to directly identify details (e.g. edges,
etc are described here. pose, depth, etc.) in image data that are converted into cues.
but the model should always be able to predict the shape
 Python well.
 Pytorch
 JavaScript Instead of quickly learning the management, we
 HTML , CSS observe that the model is suddenly completed according to
 For data- NumPy and pandas package the output image many times; We call this the “sudden
convergence phenomenon” as shown in Figure 4.”.
 Back-end
This is working of backend development which is
configuration , administration and management of databases
and servers.

 MongoDB- Used as a backend data

 Gradio
 JavaScript
 Flask


A. Stable Diffusion

 Introduction Fig 1 The phenomenon of sudden convergence gives an

Stable Diffusion is an AI model that creates unique idea. Due to zero convolution, ControlNet consistently
visual effects based on text and image cues. It was released predicts image quality throughout the training process. At
in 2022. You can use this model to create videos and some steps of the training process (for example, step 6133
animations as well as images. The model is based on the marked in bold), the model suddenly knows how to follow
propagation process and uses the latent space. the instructions.

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

garments. Subpar warping can hinder the generation of

faithful results. Moreover, GANs-based generators inherit
certain weaknesses of the GAN model itself, such as
convergence issues related to hyperparameter selection and
mode drop in the output distribution. Despite the promising
outcomes of these approaches, it's crucial to address these
limitations to further improve the reliability and
performance of virtual try-on systems.

 Diffusion Model
A novel approach in image generation, Denoising
Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM) [19, 39], has
emerged, offering the capability to generate realistic images
from a normal distribution by reversing a gradual noising
process. Despite its potential to generate diverse and
Fig 2 Classifier-Free Guidance (CFG) and the proposed realistic images, DDPM suffers from slow sampling speeds,
CFG Resolution Weighting (CFG-RW) limiting its widespread application. Addressing this
limitation, Song et al. [40] introduced DDIM, which
 Conclusion transforms the sampling process into a non-Markovian
The phenomenon of stable diffusion in AI marks a process, enabling faster and deterministic sampling. In
significant milestone in the integration of advanced parallel efforts to reduce computational complexity and
technologies into our daily lives and industries. As AI resource requirements, latent diffusion models (LDM) [35]
continues to mature and evolve, we observe steady and have been developed. LDM utilizes a set of frozen encoder-
pervasive dissemination of AI applications across diverse decoder pairs to conduct the diffusion and denoising
sectors such as healthcare, finance, transportation, processes in the latent space. As the diffusion model
manufacturing, and beyond. This stable diffusion is driven continues to evolve and mature, it has become a formidable
by the growing recognition of AI's transformative potential contender to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in
to enhance efficiency, productivity, and decision-making image generation tasks.
processes. However, challenges such as ethical
considerations, bias mitigation, and regulatory frameworks Simultaneously, researchers are exploring methods to
must be addressed to ensure responsible and equitable enhance control over diffusion model generation.
deployment of AI technologies. Overall, the phenomenon of Integrating text-to-image technology, several studies [34,
stable diffusion underscores the enduring impact of AI on 35, 37] have incorporated text information as a conditioning
reshaping societies, economies, and the future of work, factor in the denoising process. This guides the model to
heralding a new era of innovation and opportunity." generate images that align with the provided text
descriptions. Techniques such as ILVR [27] and SDEdit [5]
B. Warp Model intervene in the denoising process at the spatial level,
providing additional control over diffusion model
 Introduction generation.
Virtual try-on technology has garnered significant
attention in research due to its potential to revolutionize Furthermore, recent advancements [31, 46] have
consumers' shopping experiences. This innovative technique focused on facilitating the transfer of diffusion models to
aims to seamlessly transfer clothing from one image to different tasks, enhancing their versatility and applicability.
another, creating a realistic composite image that enhances Despite these developments, challenges remain in achieving
the visualization of how garments would look on a specific optimal performance and versatility in diffusion model-
individual. Central to this task is the need to ensure that based image generation.
synthetic results are convincingly realistic while preserving
the textural details of the clothing and other characteristic
attributes of the target person, such as appearance and pose.

Many prior studies have leveraged Generative

Adversarial Networks (GANs) as the foundation for
generating lifelike images. Additionally, to further enhance
the fidelity of results, some researchers have integrated
explicit warping modules. These modules align the target
clothing with the contours of the human body before feeding
it into the generator along with a clothes-agnostic image of
the person, yielding the final try-on result. Some
advancements have also extended this task to high-
resolution scenarios. However, the efficacy of such
frameworks is heavily reliant on the quality of the warped

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


Fig 3 Data Flow Diagram

Fig 5 ER Diagram


The "Conversational Fashion Outfit Generator

powered by GenAI" represents a remarkable fusion of
artificial intelligence, fashion, and user interaction.
Throughout this report, we have explored the methodology,
features, user experience, impact on the fashion industry,
challenges, and future improvements of this innovative
technology. Additionally, we have highlighted case studies
that exemplify its real-world applications and successes. The
"Conversational Fashion Outfit Generator powered by
GenAI" offers a transformative solution that not only
simplifies fashion choices but also enhances the user's
overall shopping and styling experience. It brings a new
dimension to fashion by providing real-time, personalized
recommendations and insights that resonate with individual
preferences, styles, and occasions. Its impact on the fashion
industry is far-reaching, contributing to sustainability
efforts, boosting consumer engagement, and reshaping
business strategies.

The development of this technology holds the potential

to revolutionize how individuals engage with fashion and
how fashion businesses operate. It represents a dynamic and
promising intersection of AI and fashion, underlining the
Fig 4 Use Case Diagram exciting possibilities and future advancements that lie ahead

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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